career management

What are the professional interests of a kindergarten teacher?

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What are the professional interests of a kindergarten teacher?

Video: Teach Like a Champion: Getting everyone's attention in class 2024, July

Video: Teach Like a Champion: Getting everyone's attention in class 2024, July

What professional interests can be? Studying them is an interesting occupation: this allows you to look inside the person’s consciousness and figure out what motivates him when choosing a particular profession, to understand his motives, to determine what he wants to achieve in life and what he is willing to sacrifice to achieve his chosen goal.

Any employee, regardless of the organization in which he works and in what position, always pursues certain goals, but it is often difficult to understand them at first sight. A colleague who is working next to you, with all the frivolous mercantile spirit, it is quite possible that he is not only pursuing great fees, but wants to develop precisely in this activity, choosing a profession that is called “at the call of the soul”.

Classification of Professional Interests

What is included in the concept of "professional interests of the kindergarten teacher"?

Conventionally, all professional interests can be divided into 10 points:

  • The propensity for processing materials.
  • Propensity to make business contacts.
  • Propensity for routine creative work.
  • The tendency to the implementation of moral education of people.
  • The tendency to reverent concern for their own prestige.
  • Propensity to engage in intellectual activity that is associated with communication.
  • Propensity to carry out scientific and technical activities.
  • The tendency to a certain abstract thinking and the implementation of creative work.
  • The tendency to technical devices and the management of such mechanisms.
  • The propensity to carry out production activities, which can bring visible results.

Basic interests

Any teacher, no matter what activity he does, has the basic professional interests of a teacher. An employee in a camp for children or a teacher of difficult teenagers in special institutions, a teacher of any school or a teacher of any university - all of them are united by such professional interests as:

- the desire for moral education;

- the desire to carry out intellectual activities related to communication;

- the desire for creative work.

Having learned about what interests there are, we can single out a separate group that is associated with such an important activity as an employee of a preschool educational institution, and highlight the professional interests of the kindergarten teacher.

Teacher or psychologist?

Not every teacher is a psychologist and vice versa. Sometimes, if the work of the educator is chosen by a person, albeit familiar with the basic pedagogical rules, but completely devoid of the basics of psychological education, the result is deplorable. The professional interests of the kindergarten teacher do not develop at all. Understanding that each of your actions and any of your words can become fundamental to the development of an individual personality, which will determine the life of the child in the future, is most important, since this is a huge responsibility.

From this point of view, each kindergarten teacher should have the following professional interests of the kindergarten teacher:

  • The desire to increase the level of their own pedagogical culture (including mastering knowledge, skills in this area, developing them throughout life).
  • The desire to apply their own pedagogical experience for raising children, for the development of their creative, mental and social abilities.

Thus, the professional interests of the teacher lie in the field of their own self-development. It is very important that there is a desire to apply the acquired skills in life when raising children.

The desire to improve their own pedagogical culture

Having noted what professional interests are, it is worth stopping at the first of them. The learning process in the life of any person is constant. For the whole life, we learn new information, learn to apply it, both in the domestic plan, which relates to personal life, and in the work sphere. The professional interests of the kindergarten teacher cannot exist without a desire to develop and analyze the intricacies of the chosen specialization.

The study of new information is carried out through self-development, when the teacher reads publications, books or watches special films in order to improve their professional skills. He can also attend special refresher courses, where he will learn information in the process of communicating with trainers.

The desire to apply their own pedagogical experience

Why get knowledge without the possibility of their application? This activity can be considered a waste of time. It's like buying books in a library that no one will ever read - like there is literature, but it makes no sense that it is on a shelf. She will not tell anything new, unless you pick her up and read her.

So in the work of the teacher. The professional interests of the educator will be empty and aimless if he does not apply the acquired knowledge in practice. He must desire this, want to engage with children, pass on his knowledge to them. Without a sincere desire to teach someone something really difficult.

Examples of professional preferences of a kindergarten teacher

What are your interests? Professional examples are familiar to every person and are in the life experience of any preschool teacher.

A university graduate who has received a specialist degree and went to get a job in a preschool educational institution has already decided on his choice. At the university, taking courses, he learned a lot of information about pedagogical science, about what difficulties it has and what benefits such work brings. He has already made his choice, set a goal.

A young specialist begins his work by building trusting relationships with the children of his group, learns a lot of information about them, about their families, learns to understand and respect small personalities. And in the process, he carries out educational activities, showing and telling a lot of information useful to the child in an accessible for him play and semi-game form. This is precisely the desire to apply our own pedagogical experience in raising children. In working with older children and children, the teacher can apply various methods. Only by experience can you find an approach to each individual child.

But the teacher who loses interest in developing his own skills will be bad. On the basis of any preschool educational institution, work is underway to increase the level of knowledge of educators. Their additional self-education in the chosen field helps to move further from the original methods in teaching children, building their work on new ways of communication and information transfer.

The role of the kindergarten teacher

Any novice caregiver can get a well-deserved vocation and raise their level to a senior caregiver. It is difficult to describe his role in a few words: he is engaged not only in raising children, but also controls his colleagues, sets an example and has a great responsibility in relation to his work and responsibilities.

Prestige of a senior educator

The professional interests of the preschool teacher include one more: the desire takes care of their own prestige. Why is he so important for this position?

The title of senior educator indicates that the teacher has received recognition, his work is appreciated. He has increased the circle of responsibilities, which now includes the ability to carry out leadership activities over the employees of the kindergarten. He not only continues to educate children, but is also an example for his colleagues, whose work he controls. It also helps employees find their professional path, develops their skills.

Kindergarten teacher preferences

Like professional interests, the preferences of the preschool teacher are built on the same principle: they meet the individual abilities of the individual, based on the goals of his work and personal qualities.

These may include such characteristics as love for children, for their profession as a teacher, for working with people, for participating in the socialization of a child, for teaching children, and so on. Without these important aspects, it is very difficult to find the key to the children, earn their respect and become their authority.

The main word that describes all preferences is love, because each person in choosing one or another action is based primarily on those actions that are close to him, like and bring pleasure and satisfaction. Without a love of certain actions and creativity, it is difficult to build a correct understanding of who the teacher is.

Thus, the professional interests of the teacher of a preschool educational institution help him to carry out work in his chosen profession. They help to ensure that he does not lose interest in work, provide an opportunity to develop in the chosen field and give the result in the form of small personalities who leave the kindergarten and go to schools trained in basic aspects.