career management

Cashier job description: duties and requirements

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Cashier job description: duties and requirements

Video: Job Description Cashier 2024, July

Video: Job Description Cashier 2024, July

In recent years, the profession of a cashier has significantly changed due to the development of network technologies and the economy as a whole. Now he is a financial specialist who manages the cash reserves of the enterprise. He is engaged not only in receiving and issuing money, but also transfers securities, processes bank plastic cards. Some companies also need to deal with electronic money. Very often, these specialists combine several professions at the same time, performing additional duties.

Cashier Requirements

Employers greatly value applicants who can distribute their attention and concentrate. Since this work is associated with communication with people, the employee should be friendly, sociable, and also have good stress resistance.

In addition to personal qualities, employees are often required to use a personal computer and specialized software. Workers must be able to make cash transactions, keep the necessary documentation. The emphasis is on the availability of work experience. In some companies, employees additionally require knowledge of the English language and the availability of specialized education.

General Provisions

The specialist hired for this position is a technical contractor. To get this job, the applicant must receive primary vocational or secondary general education. In the second case, the employee will also need to undergo special training.

In most cases, employers do not require work experience. The director of the company or the head of the department where the cashier is employed can accept or dismiss an employee from his post.


The job description of the cashier assumes that the employee must possess certain knowledge, study all the organization’s management documentation, which relates to his activities, and be well versed in the forms of banking and cash documentation. He must clearly know the rules regarding working with cash and securities, including their acceptance, issue, storage and accounting.

The job description of the cashier implies that he knows how the income and expense documents are drawn up, what cash limits are set at the cash desk at the company. The employee must understand how to ensure the preservation of company values, how to keep a cash book, draw up accounting documentation. In addition, his knowledge should include the rules for using computer technology and a personal computer. He must know the basics of labor legislation, the internal routine of the company, the regulation on the protection and organization of labor.


The duties of the cashier include operations related to the receipt, accounting and storage of financial assets and valuable assets. He must monitor their safety according to all the rules that are taken into account in the organization. In addition, the employee is engaged in paperwork and receiving cash and securities, which are then paid to employees as salaries and bonuses.

He also deals with the payment of travel expenses and other expenses of the company, maintaining a cash book, which is filled out on the basis of incoming and expendable financial resources, reconciling the actual balance of the amount with data on accounting records. The cashier writes down banknotes that have become shabby in the list and deals with their transfer to special authorities in order to be replaced.


The duties of the cashier include transferring money to collectors, maintaining cash accounts, he must carefully handle the values ​​entrusted to him and follow all the rules to protect and save the company's assets from intruders. In addition, the employee immediately informs his management of any circumstances that could threaten the safety of the values ​​entrusted to him by duty.

It is very important that the employee understands that under no circumstances should important details of his work be disclosed in accordance with the cashier's safety instructions. Confidential information is information about the storage of finances, when and where they are sent, under what circumstances they will be transported, how the company security works, alarm systems and what instructions the employee receives at the cash desk. In addition, the functions of the employee is to perform separate tasks from the senior management.


The labor protection instruction for the cashier assumes that, when entering this position, the employee has certain rights. He can get acquainted with the decisions of higher governing structures that directly affect his activities.

He also has the right to propose to his bosses work that will help make his activities more efficient and perfect. An employee himself or on behalf of his supervisor may request information and documents from employees of other departments, if any, are required to fulfill his duties. He also has the right to demand from his superiors to provide him direct assistance in fulfilling the obligations entrusted or assigned to him.

A responsibility

The job description of the cashier assumes that the employee can be held accountable in accordance with the current legislation of the country if he does not do his job properly or does not adhere to the rules of the company. He can also be attracted if he violated the Labor, Administrative or Criminal Code during the performance of his job duties.

He will be held accountable for the disclosure of confidential information and violation of trade secrets. He will be punished if, through his fault, the company causes material damage, in accordance with the laws of the Labor Code. He is also responsible for the safety of the values ​​entrusted to him. The employee is also responsible for exceeding competence and using his status for personal purposes.


The above is a typical cashier instruction, which includes the main points and responsibilities of the employee. But its content can be changed depending on the size of the company and what functions an employee should perform for the well-being of the company, according to management. The cashier has a great responsibility, he must do his work very carefully, have a good understanding of financial documentation and properly manage the company's assets.

In most modern organizations, cashiers deal not only with cash and securities, but also with plastic cards, and sometimes even with electronic wallets. Therefore, the employee must have certain knowledge and skills in order to fulfill the obligations stipulated by the job description of the cashier in a quality manner.