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Achievement list and personal goals: 9 easy ways to believe in yourself and succeed

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Achievement list and personal goals: 9 easy ways to believe in yourself and succeed

Video: How to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals | Stephen Duneier | TEDxTucson 2024, June

Video: How to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals | Stephen Duneier | TEDxTucson 2024, June

Have you ever wondered why some people are more successful than others? Is their success something innate? Or maybe they were more decisive, disciplined and calm? Of course, the above qualities (as well as strengths of character) are important, but there is one feature that unites them all. What is it about? About self-confidence.

You can be beautiful and smart, athletic and inventive, but without self-confidence you cannot fully use these qualities. Look around: on TV, on the Internet or other media you can see many prosperous people. How can one gain firm confidence and become a successful person? Let's find out.

Belief in yourself: what does it mean?

Belief in yourself is closely linked to good self-esteem, which has been forming since childhood. Having matured, some people often miss one important point: they allow a decrease in self-esteem. For example, this can manifest itself in the workplace: they continue to work where they do not receive any pleasure for their work, and where there is not a hint of career growth.

It’s even worse when you realize that your superiors are unhappy. The very thought that you can be fired upsets and upsets. You can ask yourself unpleasant questions: "Will I find a new job? Will such changes affect my income? And what if I do not meet the necessary requirements? What will my team be?"

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It is because of these restless thoughts that our confidence can weaken. Nevertheless, a strong belief in oneself encourages one not to give in to fear and opens up new opportunities for improving one's life. How do I recognize if I have self-confidence?

Signs of weak self-confidence

There are three clear signs of a lack of confidence. The first is self-doubt. How do they manifest? Faced with new and challenging tasks, people hesitate to take up them or even avoid such a challenge. Thoughts like "I can't do it!" must be carefully avoided: otherwise the conviction of failure is only enhanced. This greatly complicates the fight against uncertainty.

The desire to be inconspicuous is another sign of a lack of faith in oneself. Why? Instead of openly speaking out against any decision or standing out from the crowd, these people prefer to remain in the background, as if not attracting attention to themselves, and refuse any participation. But the fact that they become practically invisible plays against them: their abilities remain hidden, such people are often underestimated or even considered incompetent.

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The need to constantly make sure of something is another sign of insecure people. This need manifests itself both at work and in personal life, and can be a heavy burden for the spouse, family members and colleagues. Why? Such a person constantly needs assurances that he is loved, that he will succeed and so on. This factor often leads to stress, and relationships with others only suffer from it.

The benefits of confidence

A strong belief in oneself is the result of success, which, in turn, is fostered by a strong belief in one’s abilities. If someone doubts himself, he rarely succeeds. To achieve the cherished goal and become successful, you need to constantly work on yourself. What does this include?

Make a list of your achievements

Are you ready to lower your head and give up? Make a list of your achievements: let it be in your place in a visible place. Such memories will surely give you confidence. Of course, there have been difficult situations in your life. But haven't you overcome at least a few of them? You need to be proud of the battles that made you winners. Such memories are a good psychological motivator that will restore your faith in yourself.

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Gather around you people who believe in you

If there are people near you whose critical mindset prevails, then it is not surprising that you too cannot fly up. Avoid this social circle: look for like-minded people. Maintain friendships with those with similar values ​​and interests. They will support you and your goals. As a result, your self-confidence will be strengthened.

Have your own goals

Make a list of goals you want to achieve next year, the next five years, or in life in general. Evaluate your plans: is this really your goal or just a beautiful magazine image? Do you really want this or is it related to your spouse, boss or employee?

Get to know yourself

The better you know yourself, the more peace and security will come into your life. Self-confidence begins with honesty, not only with oneself, but also with goals in one's own life. You cannot lead a life in which you fulfill only other people's desires.

Do not compare yourself with others

A very important point. We tend to be equal to someone else, but such an inclination can play a trick on us.

Stop comparing yourself to others in terms of the appearance, abilities, or financial well-being of others. Everyone has their own path and achievements. Do not waste your time competing with others: you do not need to be like a racehorse.

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The right attitude to yourself

To believe in yourself, you must accept yourself as you are. No need to seem like a different person: the best way to a stronger faith in your own abilities is a reasonable love for yourself, regardless of how many advantages and disadvantages you have.

Think ahead

Leave thoughts of imperfection and injustice somewhere far behind. Develop a positive attitude: focus on interesting and good things, and be grateful for it.

Before complaining about difficulties, look for the positive in any situation.

Start small

Perhaps it seems unrealistic for you to do what is expected of you. In this case, set yourself small intermediate goals: the main thing is that they are real for you personally. When you reach the goal, the following will appear, and so on.

Helping others

Give someone pleasure: children, the homeless, senior citizens and others in need. Nothing improves self-esteem so much as awareness of one's need.

Yes, the finish may seem very far, but thanks to the recommendations outlined in this article, you will succeed. Be confident: success will not take long.

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