
10 things you should not talk about in an interview if you need work

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10 things you should not talk about in an interview if you need work

Video: 10 Things to Never Say in an Interview | Interview Tips 2024, June

Video: 10 Things to Never Say in an Interview | Interview Tips 2024, June

Many of us are very familiar with the situation when we unwittingly spoil everything at the interview that we have been waiting for. And the most exciting moment is when you are sitting in front of a potential boss and simply are not able to control your nerves. Ultimately, you begin to confuse words or speak at the wrong time.

It is clear that the result of your interview depends largely on the tolerance of the employer. But let's look at what issues the potential boss doesn't like the most.

I left my last employer because he has too many requirements

Complaining about past bosses is definitely one of the worst mistakes you can make during an interview. A large number of experts listed this as the number one problem.

Employers are looking for people who do not come to the new team with old luggage. It’s like a love affair: when you are on your first date, trying to find possible warning signs. Avoid this anyway.

I often changed jobs

The hiring manager will immediately think that it makes no sense to hire a person who often changes jobs. Employers are looking for someone who can contribute to the growth of the company by being active, doing their job well and offering ideas and solutions.

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What does your company do?

To ask this question is worth it only if you could not find the answer in Google before the interview. Experts say that you should not ask general questions about the company for which you are applying for a position. It is important to spend a lot of time preparing for the interview, and then ask your questions in such a way as to get deeper answers.

I like to work alone

If you came for an interview in a large company, do not say that you like to do everything yourself. The fact is that the key to the success of large firms is the joint work of employees. One large office is a folded mechanism where the work of one person is simply impossible.

When can I go on vacation?

Do not ask first about vacation pay. An employer might think that you will not take work seriously, but will often take vacations. Any serious company needs workhorses - people for whom work is more important than rest.

I'm not very punctual

Mentioning such weaknesses as being late at work is not a good idea. If you do not have enough discipline to appear at work on time, you will not want to trust important work moments and meetings.

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You have beautiful women / men in the office

This phrase during the interview indicates a lack of maturity. It may be thought that you are looking for work novels. Do not voice such thoughts to the employer, it will significantly reduce your chances of getting a job.

What specific responsibilities will I have?

In most cases, you should already have an idea of ​​the position for which you came for an interview. And if you are serious about applying, you must create an image of a multifaceted and flexible person. Any company appreciates people who are able to work in different directions. Applicants entering the professional world should be able to show a wide range of skills.

I am an expert!

Do not brag about your high self-esteem. Usually people with high knowledge do not like to talk about it, much less brag about it. Such a statement will not put you in the best light before the employer, and will show your frivolity. And the worst thing is that usually people with high self-esteem cannot get along in the work team.

I do not have any questions

This statement is very alarming for hiring managers. It seems that the person who came to the interview is not serious about future work. Try to avoid this expression and show interest.

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