career management

Former Siberian girl drove off to Miami. Now Maria works 8 days a month and receives up to 100 thousand dollars a year.

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Former Siberian girl drove off to Miami. Now Maria works 8 days a month and receives up to 100 thousand dollars a year.

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Each of us in life has its own path, its own vocation. The main thing is to understand in time what exactly you need. The heroine of our article, Maria, a native of the Siberian city of Omsk, once decided to radically change her life. Moved to America. And she decided to do the salvation of people.

Relocation to the USA

Maria moved to America 10 years ago. The original goal was New York, where the girl lived for five years. During this time, she managed a lot: she worked as an administrator in various salons, sold windows and doors …

And personal life was very eventful. Masha met a man who seemed to her a worthy party. Got married. But the husband did not live up to her hopes and expectations. The girl soon filed for divorce.

After that, she did not want to return home. But New York also decided to leave. In general, Maria moved to Miami. And she chose a new job. Completely unexpected. Masha went to the fire department.

Firefighter work is not for everyone

Why such a strange choice? Maria says: “Once I walked with my girlfriend. We were bored. We decided to rent a scooter. Everything was fine, but we had a minor accident. A team of rescuers arrived at the scene of the accident. We met and became friends. I became interested in this profession already then.

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And a few years later I was driving my car when I witnessed another accident. I had to stop and come to the rescue. I also called rescuers. In the end, I was praised for the speed. Then I finally decided for myself: a fireman is my calling! ”

The place to get was not so easy. But Maria did it. I really wanted to help people. Another advantage: you have to work only 8 days a month. That is enough time for rest. In particular, on travel. And the salary is also quite decent - up to 100 thousand dollars annually.

Although all this is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Self-control is sometimes quite difficult to maintain. Especially when children get into trouble.

Features of the selected path

But in general, Masha really likes the work. Of course, some difficulties arose at the very beginning. Firstly, it was necessary to complete special courses in first aid and pass an exam. After that - an examination in physical fitness. For a little fragile girl, this is not easy. However, she did it.

Masha never regretted that she chose such a profession. She considers her useful and exciting. We wish the former Siberian woman good luck in her work!

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