
Portfolio for admission to the university. Drafting rules for technical and creative specialties

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Portfolio for admission to the university. Drafting rules for technical and creative specialties

Video: Portfolio Tips & Tricks: A Conversation with Admissions 2024, June

Video: Portfolio Tips & Tricks: A Conversation with Admissions 2024, June

Portfolio is a kind of fixation of individual achievements of a person. A portfolio for admission to the university will definitely be required if a faculty with a creative bias is selected. For example, if it is an architectural or art faculty, training in the field of fashion industry, photography.

Why advertise yourself additionally?

Today, any educational institution wants to see not only an ordinary high school graduate, but also a keen personality. Portfolio allows you to determine the aspirations and abilities of the applicant, to determine the degree of skills that people have acquired today.

In fact, such a simple advertising catalog allows a prospective student to shift his emphasis from the sphere in which he is not too strong to the area where concrete results have been achieved. This is a self-presentation that allows you to reveal your potential to strangers.

Compilation rules

Despite the lack of huge popularity among students and teachers, certain rules for compiling a portfolio for entering a university have already been formed.

First of all, in the catalog should be presented only finished work, no preliminary developments. Regardless of the field of activity, the work should not be more than 20. If it is very difficult to decide on your own which is better for self-presentation, invite friends. Let them, as they say, look from the side and offer options that they like best.

The finished document should have the most presentable appearance. Even if a person is very talented, to notice him and his work, it is necessary to adequately present their advantages. If possible, it is necessary to systematize everything, for example:

  • in style;
  • on color schemes;
  • on the subject.

Portfolio for admission to the university should begin with the best works, because the first pages are the first impression. Before entering, it is recommended to clarify, perhaps self-presentation will be required in electronic form, so it is better to pre-scan everything.

Do not be lazy and make a short description for each work, no matter what it will be, a quote from a friend or a note from a newspaper. The main thing is that the short text conveys emotions and helps to better perceive what he saw. Therefore, you must try, since the electronic form of the portfolio can be considered without the applicant.

What should not be

The design of the portfolio for admission to the university takes place according to clear rules and should, above all, attract, and not repel. Therefore, no extravagance or excessive eccentricity. Such an approach while designing distracts from the main goal - to reveal your talents.

At the same time, the catalog of works should not be static; personal and professional growth should be viewed in the works. In no case do not plagiarize when preparing a portfolio for admission to the university. An experienced teacher will always notice that the catalog of works is made according to a certain template.

Do not go along the path of most European students, adhere to the classical approach. On the contrary, identity will always be seen and appreciated. Especially when it comes to entering the art school, because for any creator, the ability to express traditions in an artistic form is very important.

Portfolio at a technical university

Do I need a portfolio for admission to a technical university? If you have something to tell, then be sure. Indeed, many students of ordinary schools participate in olympiads, all kinds of competitions, even receive grants, but this is not indicated in the certificate of maturity. In this case, the portfolio will be compiled somewhat differently.

The title page of the portfolio for admission to the university should contain personal information about the applicant, the place and date of compilation of the document, information about which student from which school was compiled. You can specify the period for which information is provided.

Next is the self-description sheet. In this case, it is not necessary to write only autobiographical data, personal characteristics are necessarily indicated.

The next section is the documentary portfolio. It is here that describes all the achievements, both personal and in the field of education. If there are diplomas of success in olympiads and contests, then they must be attached.

Courses - this section is compiled if the applicant received additional education. It indicates which disciplines were studied, for example, foreign languages ​​or the C ++ programming language.

Self-presentation can be supplemented with almost any information that will allow showing the applicant from the best side. For example, a young man participated in a technical or creative project, as a result, a model of an aircraft without wings was made, and the team on model tests proved that such an aircraft would fly.

Portfolio is an opportunity to consolidate the accumulated knowledge for the period of study in a school or vocational institution. The future student presents his achievements for evaluation by the selection committee, although in this case the portfolio is less focused on teachers, but is required for the analysis of self-assessment of the applicant.