career management

Well Research Operator: Job Description and Requirements

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Well Research Operator: Job Description and Requirements

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Almost all modern technological progress depends on oil production, and therefore, employees working in this area receive quite a decent salary. Now in different regions of the country, a well research operator receives from 30 to 75 thousand rubles. The main task of this employee is the study of oil wells using deep, remote and recording instruments. The employee has responsibilities of varying degrees of complexity, depending on his rank and the company where he is employed.


The employee hired for this position is a worker. To be accepted, he needs to get a vocational education and undergo special qualification training. The well research operator must also work in this position for a rank lower than at least a year. Only the director can hire or fire this employee, he can have his own subordinate staff.


An employee hired for this position is required to have certain knowledge, including to understand the technological process of gas and oil production, to study methods for researching wells. In addition, the employee must know the technical characteristics and operational properties of equipment designed for onshore study of wells, as well as instruments for carrying out control and measurement operations.

The well research operator must know how to use deep-well tools, be able to measure oil and gas production rates, and also determine the gas factor. He must understand how to properly connect the equipment to power and lighting networks, to determine the condensate and the water factor.

Other knowledge

Before starting to perform its functions, the well operator should study the basic concepts of the physical properties of the reservoirs. This refers to the physical and chemical properties of water, oil and gas. He must understand what are the methods of maintaining pressure in the reservoir, what are the main characteristics of the location of materials, how to process the resulting materials.

The employee must understand how graphs and curves are built, how to calculate the coefficient of productivity of the face. In addition, his knowledge should contain the operational characteristics and technical indicators of underground and ground devices, as well as the purpose of research equipment. Only a specialist who has received the certificate of an operator for well research is allowed to work.


The main function of this employee is to carry out work to measure the bottomhole and reservoir pressure in the wells, and in those that are used, and in the injection. He is also required to measure the liquid level in them using wave meters and echo sounders. The responsibilities of the operator for the study of wells include monitoring the fall and recovery of the liquid level in the wells. In addition, he must measure the oil flow rate, determine the gas factor and the remainder of the raw materials in the well being developed.


The employee must participate in research work site, which are carried out using remote instruments. He is engaged in the determination and analysis of the results of these studies. It is incumbent upon him to drive vehicles, to monitor a working condition and, if necessary, to carry out repair work of the equipment used.

Other functions

The operator for the study of oil wells should measure their depth using winches, and bring them to a stereotyped form using the method of knocking the bottom. After that, he calculates its depth, the estimated level of fluid inside the well, measures the debit of the extracted material.

The employee must carry out routine inspections of equipment to identify malfunctions and eliminate them before starting measurement and verification work. He carries out preparatory and final operations, if necessary, he can be left to do work overtime in accordance with the norms of labor legislation.

Other duties

To study wells, the employee must use recording instruments that allow to determine indicator curves and trace what pressure in the bottom, to display its size and liquid level in it. The worker is researching fountain and compressor wells with high pressure using lubricators.

The well research operator performs hydraulic listening of the strata, selects samples for the study of oil and liquid in the face. He should prepare reports for management based on the processing of the data obtained during the research.


An employee accepted for this position has the right to take actions that will be aimed at preventing violations and eliminating inconsistencies. He also has the right to demand from management assistance in fulfilling his duties, obtaining normal working conditions, and his superiors are obliged to provide him with the necessary equipment and equipment that an employee needs to perform official duties.

He has the right to receive all social guarantees provided by law, to get acquainted with the decisions of the leadership directly related to his work. The job description of the operator for well research suggests that he has the right to request any information and documents necessary for him to perform work, if this does not fall outside his competence. He has the right to inform the management of all identified shortcomings in the work of the company and propose solutions to problems. In addition, he has the right to improve his qualification level.

A responsibility

An employee who is hired for this position is responsible for non-fulfillment or untimely performance of his work, for violation of the rules of the company and its charter. He can be held accountable for disclosing confidential information to third parties and violating trade secrets.

He is responsible for violating the criminal, labor or administrative code in the performance of his duties. The well research operator is responsible for causing material damage to the company and for misuse of their job responsibilities. He is responsible for providing distorted information about the work done and the results of research.

Employee Requirements

It is very important that the applicant for this position has good health, physical fitness. Employers value single-minded, responsible employees with an analytical mindset. In connection with the constant development of technologies, the employee should be regularly interested in the achievements in this area and be able to quickly deal with the operational properties of the equipment. It is appreciated if it follows the best domestic and foreign experience in the field of oil production. Sociability and ability to work in a team is very important, clearly and clearly express your thoughts and be able to keep reporting documentation.


The operator’s work on well research is quite complicated and time-consuming, while, like, in principle, all professions associated with the extraction of oil products, it is well paid. The employee receives full social guarantees. It is worth noting that this is a very interesting work, requiring not only a set of knowledge and skills, but also work experience. He can take up his duties only after coordinating the job description with his superiors.

Paragraphs of this regulatory document may be changed depending on the scope of the company, its scale and management needs for employees with specific qualifications, but not go beyond the scope of labor legislation. Employees hired are required, in addition to general education, to undergo additional training and once a few years to improve their skills.