career management

Where are they looking for work? Where is it better to look for a job remote in a crisis?

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Where are they looking for work? Where is it better to look for a job remote in a crisis?

Video: What to Expect When Looking for a Job During Coronavirus | Finding a Job in a Pandemic 2024, June

Video: What to Expect When Looking for a Job During Coronavirus | Finding a Job in a Pandemic 2024, June

Work is the main source of financial income that we can spend on satisfying our needs and desires. Some have few, others have more.

A planned life in minutes drives us into standard stereotypes, and we lose the ability to think constructively and the ability to help ourselves break the deadlock. It’s just that many people fall into it during the next economic crisis, when massive reductions begin, a decrease in wages. It is at such moments that we need to organize ourselves, and we always do the opposite: we go for interviews and continue to believe in the illusion that we will be hired.

Where do many of us look for work?

When a crisis sneaks up, all our plans collapse and we only think about how to quickly get rid of the feeling of uselessness. Where are many of us looking for work in this situation? Well, of course, in job postings in newspapers and magazines. Clutching at any offer, we spend time and money and as a result we have a whole list of refusals, because all the places are occupied and employers are trying in every possible way to refuse us because of the inability to pay decent wages, because there is a financial collapse in the country. So the question of where it is better to look for work illuminates us. How can one find one's niche of earning when, it would seem, everything breathes in the air?

Where people are looking for work that is not afraid of all kinds of crises, always leads to a decent financial result of its executor? Many people get the answer to this question only after having gone a long way of searching, having made a lot of mistakes.

Common mistakes leading to job failures

Where are people who have been abandoned to their fate, who were simply put out the door, despite their experience and the benefits brought to the company, looking for work? They run for interviews at prestigious companies. And at this stage they make the main mistake - they take on the cheapest labor, believing that hard times have come, which means that you can work for a penny.

After several months of low-paid labor, the employee becomes furious because he performs the tasks of almost the entire department on his own, but receives pennies for this, which are barely enough for food and travel. As a result, a cornered mouse works both days and nights, and when the crisis ends, the employer does not seek to raise such a valuable employee wages. They get used to the good very quickly. Hence the conclusion: you need to know the price of your labor always.

A very large audience is trying to open a business. But when there is a crisis on the street and zero in the wallet, this often remains just another idea that smolders at the bottom of the soul. Some try to retrain themselves, falling for the tricks of those who organize, let’s say, not very cheap courses for acquiring another profession and promise promisingly further effective employment. In this case, not you earn, but those who profit from your credulity.

Others themselves lower the qualification class and get out of the situation, switching from mental to physical labor. Every second of us is familiar with a cleaning woman with an accountant qualification. This fact is not encouraging, but nevertheless, the question of where to look for work in a crisis worries many of us today.

Stepping on the same rake, we continue at the end of the engine all our lives, while those who make no mistakes rapidly develop and make a lot of money on it.

Crisis: Job Search Tips

So where to look for work? Above, we mentioned the most common way - through ads. There are special resources on the Web, where employers also post their vacancies. And, of course, do not forget about recruitment agencies and even about the city Employment Center. Specialists of these organizations will help you with finding a suitable job. You can also advertise yourself that you are looking for a job, indicating your qualifications and experience. Then employers will find you themselves.

To be successful always and never be afraid of a crisis, you need to strive for the highest bar of your desired income. Moreover, all fears should recede into the background. Only self-confidence and self-confidence leads to the heights. First tip: believe in yourself, whatever type of job search you choose.

Second tip: never miss an opportunity to learn something new. A person who understands several areas is much easier to survive in the face of fierce crisis competition.

Third tip: never focus on a permanent job, it slows down your development and desire to learn something new and interesting, to open all sorts of perspectives for yourself as a professional.

Several areas of modern earnings

Where do many people who make mistakes look for work? Well, of course, on online spaces. Information in modern times is a very valuable product, it can not only be received, but also sold profitably. How often do you hear among your friends that their salary is fifty thousand rubles a month? Almost each of us will answer this question this way: "I have no friends who earn so much." This is the whole trouble. There is no one to teach us to change the stereotypes of job search and become our own boss.

The Internet opens up great prospects for earning money for all of us. Through this source of information, you can meet people who share their experiences, open online stores and sell a variety of goods, including handicrafts (embroidery, bead jewelry, knitwear and objects), seriously engage in web design, create websites and fill them high-quality content, work as a freelancer in writing essays, control and term papers, remember the English language and work as an online translator through the Skype system.

Work on the Internet: the pros and cons

Where to look for work on the Internet? This question arises first in the idea of ​​tackling the remote version of work at home. Many make a mistake and try to find the employer on all kinds of bulletin boards. But at the same time, the search is aimed at very easy work. But, alas, working in online mode also requires attention, perseverance, development and understanding of what you are doing, and most importantly - for what purpose.

Work via the Internet is suitable only for those who know how to plan their daily routine, who are ready to devote themselves to work completely and get decent pay for it. We have to work hard and fruitfully. So the myth of easy money on the Internet is just an invented fairy tale.

The advantage of working at home is the fact that the final result is always up to you. This is the so-called piece-rate work. Nobody guarantees any bets here. Complete freedom of action and a lot of directions for its development and a fundamental change in attitude.

Prospects for Remote Work

Work at home is an acceptable option for those who know how to work on a PC, process information, work with photos and voluminous graphics, who in the slightest distinguishes kilobytes from megabytes. Experience comes while doing a new job. Prospects for remote earnings - favorite job, high income, gaining a free choice of a life course of development … Where to look for remote work that could provide all these prospects in the future?

And you do not need to look for her. The first thing you need to learn to offer your work - to advertise yourself and your skills. Those who do this very quickly get acquainted with customers, whose circle is gradually growing.

You can create your own sites and try to sell something through the active dissemination of information about the online store on social networks. You can write poetry and write interesting articles …

How not to fall for the scammers?

Where it is better to look for work in the virtual segment, those who at least once fell for the tricks of fraudsters, whose offers the Internet is simply crowded, know. In no case should you contact the employers who ask for payment for your work as compensation for the risk that your work may be unfulfilled.

Pay more attention to the proposals of outsourcing companies, which are recruiters of workers of various specialties, who themselves advertise your abilities to employers who need to rent you for an assignment in a single case. At the same time, you do not lose your professional value, and the employer is ready to pay a decent amount for your work.

Place of work - the whole world

Where to look for work in Moscow, St. Petersburg or other cities? This question does not arise during the search for remote work on the Internet and its organization as such. After all, the scope of your activities on the Internet can cover the whole world. It all depends on your desire and desire to become one of the members of the group of those who effectively put their knowledge and skills into practice, do not repeat the above mistakes, and move towards their goal gradually, discovering new directions for development.

Tips that really work

If you decide to work in an online environment, the question of where you can look for work is decided by itself. Website building, development of commercial activities, advertising, marketing, programming, teaching various disciplines, organization of financial exchange electronic points, opening of an electronic translation agency, copywriting, rewriting, web design, SEO optimization, design, tourism, opening of an online photo studio … Broad informational the field always allows you to draw attention to your information for those who need it and who are interested in it.