career management

Who is the system administrator? System Administrator Courses

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Who is the system administrator? System Administrator Courses

Video: System administration complete course from beginner to advanced | IT administrator full course 2024, July

Video: System administration complete course from beginner to advanced | IT administrator full course 2024, July

A system administrator is a specialist or employee who is responsible for serviceability of the service of all local networks that belong to this organization.

The system administrator must be a professional in his field, without certain knowledge and skills in this area it will not work.

A system administrator is a person who knows:

  • all protocols and all network equipment;
  • network building scheme;
  • administration of lines with different operating systems;
  • main aspects of computer equipment engineering repair;
  • PC technical description database;
  • compatibility of different equipment;
  • where exactly is the system malfunction;
  • information security rules.

If a person really possesses such knowledge, then there is no doubt in his competence. Such a specialist will do an excellent job.

A system administrator is a person who has:

  • excellent composure;
  • high sociability.

Most often, software products and computer installations are developed by foreign experts, so the system administrator has to be able to speak (read) in English.

And also a system administrator is an employee who has:

  • analytical mindset;
  • well-developed logical thinking.

These qualities are necessary in working in this position, because the actions performed by the system administrator should be at the level of automatism. Work must always be clear, and errors are minimized.

System Administrator Responsibilities

The job description for the system administrator is quite extensive. You need to know and be able to quite a lot.

A person applying for this position needs to have an appropriate education or take system administrator courses.

The director of the enterprise in the person of the head appoints and dismisses the employee. The system administrator is completely subordinate to his leader.

Job description system administrator

The following responsibilities are assigned to the shoulders of the system administrator:

  • installation of the necessary software;
  • software configuration;
  • support in working condition of software;
  • user registration in work mails and local networks;
  • assistance to staff on technical and programmatic issues;
  • Establishment of use rights for working local networks and control of their use;
  • timely copying of all working files;
  • identifying errors in the event of a breakdown and restoring the system equipment;
  • development of proposals for the development of the information structure of the network;
  • securing network equipment;
  • installation of antivirus software;
  • informing the head about violations of the rules for using network equipment.

A system administrator is a person who has the right to:

  • introduce rules for using local networks and upgrade their routine;
  • to propose governing bodies measures to improve work.


To work as a system administrator, you must have at least the basic skills of this profession. If there is no corresponding higher or secondary special education, you can take courses to get the desired job.

System administrator courses provide detailed information on networking based on specific operating systems.

How to choose the right courses?

When choosing system administration courses, you need to pay attention to:

  1. Teachers. To get truly high-quality knowledge, educators must be experts in their field.
  2. Certificates provided (at the end of the course).
  3. Range of courses. Lectures should be on really needed topics, otherwise you can simply waste time and money.

It is important to choose courses in which special attention is paid to the relationship between the system administrator and other users of working computer networks. After all, the work of a system administrator is the link between technology and man.

Duration of courses can vary from 2 weeks to 2 years.

The cost is calculated depending on the duration and the volume of the course itself. The future system administrator can be trained both in a group, and individually.

A person who wants to improve his qualifications and a beginner in this field of activity, regardless of education, can take such courses.

Where to go to the system administrator?

These specialists work in a rather rapidly developing field. According to the latest data, a system administrator is one of the most sought-after professions, so the question of employment will not arise.

Companies providing work to the system administrator are divided into 2 types:

Non-core. In simple words, these are companies that are not involved in IT. It can be:

  • tourism agencies;
  • car dealers;
  • companies whose profile is real estate. Such organizations do not delve into the duties of the system administrator. They will not be able to control his work, so there will be nothing complicated. But quality work will not be appreciated.

2. Profile

These are large sites or companies whose work is related to computer technology:

  • cellular companies;
  • processing organizations.

Employees of such enterprises are distributed in various fields of activity. And the work done in this case will be appreciated, which is important for the development of specialists.

System administrator - station wagon

Such specialists are mainly sought by non-core companies. The duties of such an employee will include everything a little bit.

In this case, the employee will not have career growth, since the person is not defined with a specific area of ​​his activity. But for beginners, such work is perfect to decide what it is most pleasant for them to do.

Administration Assistant

An assistant to the system administrator is a person performing work that the main specialist cannot handle (for example, due to strong employment).

The main responsibilities of the system administrator:

  • help employees in matters that are elementary for the system administrator;
  • prepare working equipment for the beginning of the service;
  • solve all issues regarding user applications;
  • fix a structured cabling system;
  • diagnose all problems that arise.

In another way, the assistant system administrator is called an enikeyschik.

The assistant to the system administrator is, rather, not a job, but a side job. But the knowledge of the enikeyschik should be at the level of knowledge of the system administrator.

Young people who do not have specialized education, or people who wish to become a system administrator, usually apply for such a position.


Career growth of the system administrator will depend on:

  1. Theoretical knowledge. At first, the theory will not be needed, but if you constantly neglect it, then you can forget about career growth.
  2. Practical skills. The main aspect of career advancement.
  3. Knowledge of realities. This knowledge determines the profile of the enterprise. That is, the administrator needs to know what the company is doing.
  4. Useful and necessary acquaintances (blat). If a person is not a true specialist in his field, then this item will help in career advancement.

Knowing all these elementary aspects, you can move up the career ladder from an assistant to the head of the IT department.