career management

How diets can interfere with a career

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How diets can interfere with a career

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Video: The diet that helps fight climate change 2024, July

How can nutrition somehow influence a career? And how! After all, performance and intelligence are very closely related to what we eat. A few simple recommendations of nutritionists will help you increase your energy reserves and learn how to solve complex problems. And if you are looking for a job or are waiting for an increase - then it is just the most important thing to take care of your body.

At such moments, it may come to your head that you have some kind of lifestyle, you should go in for sports, or even go on a diet. Three errors await you here, because of which success does not shine for you.

Mistake One: Switch to Low Fat Products

You pounce on everything skim. Wrong. You need fats to think clearly and concentrate on the goal.

With the help of fats, the body better absorbs vitamins, minerals and nutrients necessary for brain health, for example, biotin in egg yolks and triglycerides in coconut oil. Just keep in mind that the brain requires the right fatty acids - those that are responsible for healthy sleep, curb passions and burn fat. And, of course, they inspire labor exploits - to accept challenges, reasonably take risks and break patterns.

How to

Include healthy fats - avocados and extra virgin coconut oil in your diet (here comes the finished salad!). Avoid toxic vegetable oils - sunflower, corn, soy, rapeseed.

Second mistake: only vegetable proteins

You think that plant proteins work just like animals, and you just need to fill your stomach with armfuls of grass and other vegetation.

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But from the amino acids of animal proteins, our body produces those neurotransmitters that make us happy, purposeful and calm.

Yes, vegetables and fruits are the richest source of nutrients, but they have nothing like animal amino acids necessary for optimal brain function. For example, zinc and vitamin B6, which are necessary for the production of neurotransmitters, are found only in red meat and chicken meat. If you are not a convinced ethical vegetarian, then try changing the menu and observe the changes in brain activity - how successfully the brainstorms began to take place and how easily you managed to convince your boss to give you an increase.

How to

Include animal squirrels - quite a bit - in every meal. It is better if it is farm beef or lamb, freely grazing hens and eggs from them, as well as wild salmon. Choose quality organic products.

Third error: eat little and irregularly

This is the most harmful mistake.

Work-work, and suddenly, at about three in the afternoon you find yourself with a large cup of coffee and a basket of corporate cookies that you absorb at the speed of light. Does it happen? This can be avoided with regular meals.

"Eat regularly" - it means just not to forget about breakfast and dine not with a half-chipped mess from the container, but with full-fledged hot dishes.

Eating regularly maintains the right level of blood sugar, which in turn gives you more energy and ideas for your favorite work. Seriously! Your decisions depend directly on this! Hunger or heaviness in the stomach or malaise due to low sugar levels weaken you and make you lazy, forcing you to brush aside the most important decisions in your career and life.

How to

Provide yourself with a protein-rich diet throughout the day - breakfast, lunch and dinner. During breaks - small snacks to maintain sugar levels. It can be any vegetables and fruits, hard-boiled eggs, nuts, dried fruits.

Food and sleep are what your career needs.

You should think of food as fuel. About the fuel that ignites your faith in yourself, it will help you break out of the routine or find a job that you love.

The best careers are built on the foundation of good food and good sleep - start with these two simple things!

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