career management

Work in Korea from Ulan-Ude: reviews, salary, conditions and features

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Work in Korea from Ulan-Ude: reviews, salary, conditions and features

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South Korea has recently become available to residents of Russia. But for now, Russians cannot count on work visas. Today, the best option is to enter the country on a tourist visa and try to find work on your own. To legalize your stay, you can use one of the possible options, for example, marry a Korean or Korean. Despite the illegal presence of foreign workers, they are loyally treated in the country.

Illegal migrants are waiting for the annual announcement of the so-called green corridor to leave the country. This happens 1 or 2 times a year, when illegal immigrants can leave the country without a fine for violating the visa regime.

Work for residents of Ulan-Ude

Recently, the following trend has been outlined: residents of Buryatia, in particular Ulan-Ude, are increasingly moving to work in South Korea. The reason for this is simple - the fluctuation of the exchange rate greatly shook the well-being of Russians. As a result, many are forced to look for more developed countries where wages are higher. According to information on a topic such as work in Korea (from Ulan-Ude), the reviews are stably optimistic: in this country you can easily find a job and get a stable salary.

Developed industry and production require the involvement of a large number of workers. Qualifications can be medium or low. Given the fact that work for foreigners involves mainly activities in the workplace, special knowledge and skills are not required. Even ignorance of the Korean language is not a hindrance, although knowledge of it will greatly facilitate employment.

The reason that the residents of Buryatia enters Korea en masse is their external similarity. According to experienced reviews, in terms of assimilation, Asian appearance greatly helps.

Where can I work without qualifications?

In general, there are several industries in which foreign workers are required. This is construction, industry, farms and seasonal work.

Women can work in textile workshops, men in the metallurgical industry and factories. Work in these areas year-round. There is also activity for those who are willing to work in agricultural work. This is mainly seasonal work in Korea. From Ulan-Ude (reviews say that Korean employers often provide housing and food), these types of activities are most often sought after by applicants.

It should be noted that the length of the working day on average varies from 10 to 12 hours. Often there are overtime jobs. Korean employers do not like lazy workers, and if they notice such traits for a new employee, they can immediately be fired.

On average, the cost of an hour of work starts from 4-5 dollars. For overtime pay 2-3 dollars per hour. Usually there are six business days in a week. It is noteworthy that on rainy days the work stops, and the salary will be charged. In many areas, the payment is piecework. Sometimes payments are made daily.

Citizens up to 40 years old with good physical health and stamina can apply for a job in South Korea. Experienced employees note the presence of great physical exertion. Therefore, it is not so difficult to find the required positions by the query "work in Korea (Ulan-Ude)".

Qualified Workers

This is not to say that only ordinary workers in production have to work. For those who have higher education, this country offers great opportunities. And if education is associated with the medical industry, then you can safely count on highly paid work and career advancement. The fact is that in Korea, medical services are very expensive. In particular, dentistry. Each trip to the dentist can cost several thousand dollars.

Local features such as dedication to the employer should be considered. Koreans themselves prefer to work all their lives in one company and use only its privileges. Foreigners are required to do the same. To those who are ready to move on to the competitors of their company, they are negative. Those who were looking for information such as work in Korea (from Ulan-Ude) leave reviews in this vein. Therefore, before you leave the employer, you need to think carefully.

If the candidate knows English and Korean, then this is another advantage in his favor. Korean is necessary for communicating with employers, and English makes it easier to reach understanding with local residents.

Features of entry into the country

When entering the country, tight control is exercised. There is an opinion that Europeans are checked more thoroughly, and people of Caucasian nationality cannot get into this country at all.

Before looking for vacancies on the topic “work in South Korea for Russians”, the reviews should be studied in detail, because the features of work in this country are often indicated there.

Due to the fact that South Korea has recently opened before the Russians as a country for earning, it is difficult to find any official information that you can focus on. Before you go, you have to independently collect information on forums and specialized sites for employment abroad. Many note that in addition to difficulties with entry, an obstacle can be a language barrier. The fact is that English in Korean pronunciation is sometimes impossible to understand, and this greatly complicates the process of communication and work. In general, the work in Korea (from Ulan-Ude) is positive. The benevolent attitude towards foreign labor migrants is especially noted.

Salary in South Korea

While working in production, an employee with low qualifications can expect a salary of between 900 and 1,500 dollars. As for qualified specialists, it will be more difficult for them to find work, since Koreans themselves take education very seriously. Most citizens have the opportunity to study in Europe and take up prestigious places upon return. As in the whole world, here you can find work in the IT sphere. Of course, with the appropriate education. Then it will be possible to count on a salary of $ 3,000 or more.

The government welcomes the work of foreign citizens. It is doing its best to create favorable conditions. In general, work and salary in Korea (South Korea has its own specifics in this matter) satisfies the needs of Russians.

Features of life in South Korea

According to migrants from Ulan-Ude, the working conditions in South Korea are quite severe. In addition, many foreigners have difficulties with food. Koreans eat rice instead of bread, which is unusual for other nationalities. Accordingly, they feed the workers the same way. The rest of the dishes are always spicy, which is also unacceptable for Russians. Outside the workplace you can find more suitable food.

Migrants note a large amount of artificial food. For example, milk is only in powder form. It makes no sense to look for real milk, because, as the locals joke: "There are three cows in Korea for the whole country." But ordinary cheese can only be found where a relatively large concentration of Russians is noted.

In general, the local people are very friendly and treat foreigners quite loyally. Among labor migrants, regardless of nationality and country, it is customary to help each other.