
Composes a resume: personal qualities that help in work

Composes a resume: personal qualities that help in work

Video: How To Write A WINNING Resume - Resume Examples INCLUDED 2024, July

Video: How To Write A WINNING Resume - Resume Examples INCLUDED 2024, July

Today, finding a job is not so difficult, you just want to do it. But the desired position is always quite difficult to get. What is needed for this? Competently write a resume where it will be necessary to indicate business and personal qualities, as well as successfully pass an interview.


A person who wants to get a job should know that, in addition to compiling a resume, he most likely will have to go through an interview for the correspondence of the position he wants to occupy. It is also important to know how to answer the questions correctly, because you can competently get away from the answer using your personal qualities. So, for example, if education is a little lacking, we can say that a person is easily learning new skills; if the work ahead is difficult, we can say that a person does not take perseverance and perseverance in achieving any goal, etc. This can also be mentioned in the summary.

About qualities

So, what are the personal qualities that help in the work? The first thing the employer will pay attention to is whether the person indicated his professional qualities. So, they will play into the hands of high professionalism and knowledge of their craft, accuracy in work and punctuality. An excellent quality is initiative, the ability to make the right decisions in a difficult situation, and deal with problems. However, it is better to be careful with this quality, because not every leader will like to have a potential competitor in the director's chair in his team. A good employee should also be able to get along in a team. Therefore, you will also need such personal qualities that help in your work, as friendliness, a high level of contact, the ability and desire to help a friend. That is what will tell the employer that a person will easily work together in a team and can be a collective player. What other personal qualities exist that help in the work? Some professions require patience and poise. This can be especially useful when working with a certain category of people: children, the elderly, and possibly people with disabilities. Therefore, this can also be mentioned in your resume. Tidiness and cleanliness are also useful personal qualities. Who would like to have a slut in their own workforce?

What you should not mention

Looking through personal qualities that help in the work, it is worth paying attention to those that can greatly harm a potential employee, if this is indicated in the resume. An employer can be alerted by too high a qualification of an employee, because a normal person will not apply for a position much lower than his intellectual level. Also bad for work are qualities such as laziness, restlessness, high conceit. Lack of initiative and indecision are also not the best qualities for a resume. So before specifying personal qualities in a resume, it is better to carefully study the example of a successful person. You should first find a good sample resume, see what kind of personal indicators are needed for the desired position, and indicate exactly them. But do not lie frankly, because the lie will be revealed, and this will not play into the hands of the employee.