
"Why did you choose our company?" The answer for the interview should be prepared.

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"Why did you choose our company?" The answer for the interview should be prepared.

Video: Why Do You Want To Join Our Company Best Answers For Freshers/Experienced (2020) 2024, July

Video: Why Do You Want To Join Our Company Best Answers For Freshers/Experienced (2020) 2024, July

At each interview you will be asked: "Why did you choose our company?" The answer to this question will have to be carefully considered. After all, the whole course of your interview may depend on him. The thing is that the employer is always interested in why his company was chosen by one or another job seeker for employment. If the answer does not satisfy the future bosses, you can forget about working in the company. In principle, there is nothing difficult to prepare. It’s enough to use a few template ideas. What should I look for?


The first thing you need to remember one holy rule - forget about the attractiveness of earnings. The fact is that you can successfully pass an interview for a position with a good salary (and not so much) only when you can prove your disinterest in income.

Money is good. But only all companies have ups and downs. The employer must be sure that you can stay with him if there are any problems. After all, the basis of profit is a strong, friendly team. So forget the phrase "high earnings."

Financial difficulties

Job interview responses play an important role. If you were asked why you chose this or that company, you need to find out about another ban. Which one?

In no case do not talk about the fact that you are currently in financial trouble, you were fired from your job or left yourself for one reason or another. After all, this means that employment in a company is a simple necessity. And not your personal desire. You can say you take this step from hopelessness. Such employees are not appreciated. They simply are not necessary. An employer can at any time hire a person for whom the company means anything. Pay attention to this.

What if you really came to the organization from hopelessness? Have to lie. Yes, this is not too honest and good, but if you need a successful interview, there will be no other way out. The main thing - do not show that you are lying. It is not as difficult as it seems. It is better to prepare in advance several options for answering the question of why you chose this or that organization for employment. In fact, there are a lot of options for the development of events. You have the right to choose any of them. Or come up with something yourself.

Product sympathy

"Why did you choose our company?" - the answer to this question is not so simple. They will give it to everyone who is trying to find a job. And without fail. It has already been said that one cannot indicate high income here. And you should not show yourself in need of a person. So how to behave?

Many employers want only employees who are attracted to published / sold products to work with them. People from the street are not very fond of. Moreover, the interested parties have some kind of practice using the goods. This has a great effect on sales. Such personnel are able to consult a client and interest him without any problems. Not a template answer will be visible, but the real experience of the most ordinary person. All this attracts new customers! This is the key to success!

Therefore, say (or show) that you are interested in the products manufactured and sold by the organization. And say that you always wanted to be part of the company precisely because of your preferences for using a particular product. A little flattery will not hurt. In any case, just such a technique allows you to arouse sympathy on the part of future bosses. Practice shows that with a greater likelihood of hiring a person with a poorer resume, but interested in the product being sold / released, than a citizen disinterested, but with a good "calling card."

Self development

"Why did you choose our company?" - a question that can put the applicant in an awkward position. And you can be sure that they will definitely ask you. Not immediately, but at the end of the interview for sure. It is necessary to give an exact answer to the question posed. Otherwise, you can forget about employment. Remember some prohibitions.

Any employer wants to see next to him constantly developing and interested subordinates. They will be able to help achieve maximum profit and success. Therefore, you can answer the question of why you gave preference to this particular company, as follows: due to self-development.

That is, you not only like products, but you also want to work and develop. Just what you need! Often, the results of the interview after such an answer will not be long in coming. A person who is constantly evolving, and even more so doing it at work, is always in price. You do not have to constantly think about the motivation of the frame. The subordinate, developing in the workplace, will independently perform official duties on conscience.


Questions at the interview when hiring a particular position will be. Some of them require special attention. For example, you should carefully consider how you will answer the question of why this particular corporation was chosen by you for employment. This topic often implies flattery, but very subtle and thoughtful.

Highlight development prospects. Both you and the company. Point out that the organization is considered promising, it is interesting to work in it. If the employee has an interest, he will be in the price. Such cadres perform their duties without unnecessary jolts and reminders from the management. Therefore, they can be trusted. Remember and work through this answer. Emphasize the prospects of the organization. A little moderate flattery in this matter will not hurt.


Basically, if you heard the question: "Why did you choose our company?" - the answer may indicate that this organization benefits the community and you also want to do it. It is preferable to combine several phrases in your answer at once. This will allow you to gain an advantage over other candidates.

Remember: any employer seeks not only interested personnel, but also those that can bring some benefit to the organization. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to what you can give the company. Let us know that you think you can be of service to the corporation. After that, it is recommended to emphasize what exactly. For example, increase sales using your skills, talents and experience. A universal answer for those who do not know what exactly to tell about their usefulness.

If you are able to show that you are really useful to the organization, they will definitely call you back. You should not describe all your skills and abilities in colors. Brevity is the soul of wit. Therefore, you should simply explain how you will benefit. Briefly and to the point. Try not to star, pointing to the practice and skills. Nobody likes a sorceress and daffodils. Typically, such personnel will not be too active in their job responsibilities. Therefore, do not focus on yourself. Better emphasize the strengths of the company and how you can improve it.

Company study

You heard at the interview the question: "Why did you choose our company?" The answer may be different. It’s not always possible to cope with the task just like that. After all, after this question, sometimes the recruitment manager may ask you to specify what has been said.

Therefore, try to study the activities of the organization before the interview. This is a great method that will help you not to get pierced if you decide to check for knowledge of products or services offered. Not having information about the future employer, it is better not to come to the first conversation. Such personnel are rarely employed.


You can indicate the popularity and prestige of the organization. Just do not use only this answer. First of all, it is necessary to inform at least about the usefulness of a particular corporation. And only then to say that we would like to work here not only because of personal interest, but also because of the popularity of the employer.

Small, but still flattery. Employers love to hear from subordinates that they are respected and appreciated. Therefore, you will definitely pay attention. Do not dwell on this answer if you were asked: "Why did you choose our company?"


What can be summed up? Interviewing is a complex process. It is necessary to prepare for it. Pay attention to the fact that you have to dissemble and embellish reality.

Before talking with a potential employer, study the information about the products manufactured by the organization and the company as a whole. Speak clearly and on the case, without focusing on earnings or hopeless situations. Many respond that just remembering the prohibitions is enough. And give any answers, but given the taboo. A little training, and you will notice that everything is not so difficult as it seems. Job interviews play an important role. Now you can deal with one of the most difficult questions in the conversation.