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So different sommeliers What do we know about this exotic profession?

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So different sommeliers What do we know about this exotic profession?

Video: Cheap Wine Reviewed By An Irish Brewmaster 2024, July

Video: Cheap Wine Reviewed By An Irish Brewmaster 2024, July

Who are sommeliers? Basically, boys and girls who pretend to know everything about a particular type of food or drink. In fact, this is the “clerk of the provisions.”

Most likely, you heard about wine sommeliers, but you will be very surprised when you find out that this profession is needed in more everyday life. Let's start!

Coffee sommelier

Oh wow, can someone drink coffee and discuss ways to roast coffee beans? How exciting. Well, that is, what, is it true? Coffee sommelier? Sounds like a perfect job for a hipster, but who really.. Well, of course, Nespresso.

Here is part of the description of their vacancy: "Because of the many parallels between coffee and wine, it seemed necessary to match the experience of professionals in the field of gastronomy and winemaking." Yes, of course, there are many parallels. But. Believe it or not, this is not the worst on this list.

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Hot Sauce

Firstly, this is not the official name of the work. But in Williamsburg there is one crazy guy who once decided to quit his job to become a master of hot sauces! He even opened his own store with a tasting room. Fortunately, you can’t take lessons (although maybe only for now?) To become a sommelier of hot sauces and get a certificate, but it still sounds pretty stupid.

Vodka Sommelier

The highest concentration of this profession per capita in the vastness of our great Motherland. Victor Korneev is the only representative. And although, of course, it would be useful to find out at what temperature to keep our drinks and what kind of pickled food to eat … do we really need such workers?

Tequila sommelier

Unlike vodka sommelier, this is a joke. Well we hope so. Because otherwise, what's next - a beer sommelier?

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Tea Sommelier

At least that makes more sense than the coffee sommelier profession. After all, in the end, coffee will never be as good as tea. Ever. Coffee smells strongly (like our breathing after it) and has a bad effect on the stomach. And, yes, such work is officially recognized. For the course (with a certificate of acquired skills) you will have to pay $ 3,000, but if such courses exist, then there are those who pay for them.

Soft drink sommelier

Do you want to know the difference between Coke and Pepsi? Or what about Coke Zero and Diet Coke? Then you should ask Catherine Larsen, because she knows this professionally! True, you will have to pay for the services.

Pay for the choice between Coca-Cola and Pepsi.

In case you are an ordinary person and you can choose a drink for yourself, so you don’t understand why such a sommelier is needed, you should know that you are not alone.

So let's see, we had coffee, tea, alcohol, soft drinks … What is left? Plain water? Haha Are you serious?

Water sommelier

You have to be joking … There really cannot be such a thing as someone who is trying to impress people with his knowledge of the water - what do you think? But this is not a joke at all! Martin Rize came from Germany directly to Los Angeles in the mid-2000s, wrote a book about water and its taste, and now probably makes more money than you and I combined.

By the way, they say that this profession is gaining popularity. Maybe try your hand?

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