
5 mistakes to avoid during the next interview

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5 mistakes to avoid during the next interview

Video: 5 Interview Mistakes To Avoid 2024, July

Video: 5 Interview Mistakes To Avoid 2024, July

Interviewing is the first step towards a successful career. During a conversation with a recruiter, it is important to present yourself correctly: do not praise too much and at the same time not downplay your achievements. In order not to scare away a potential employer, you need to try to avoid the 5 most common mistakes.


When the applicant comes to the interview unprepared and cannot answer basic questions, the HR manager has the impression that he is not interested in getting this job. Deb Liu, vice president of the Facebook marketing platform, talks about how she asked a potential candidate the question “What do you think about the use of trading platforms on the Internet?” and received the answer "I have never used them."

“I would understand if it was a corporate service, but it is a consumer product. Buying or selling something on the Internet does not take much time or special skills, ”complains Deb Liu.

Conclusion: at the interview you need to come fully armed. Do not be lazy and learn terms that you do not know. Show your interest and competence - and then you can count on a proposal for cooperation.

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Apathy and lack of interest

If the question "Why do you want to work in our company?" the applicant replies, “They just called me and invited me for an interview,” the recruiter lost any desire to continue further dialogue. No employer is interested in hiring an apathetic, indifferent, and non-initiative employee who will simply work “from call to call”.

Even if you are not sure if this job is right for you, do not look bored, but collect as much information as possible and show respect to HR managers.

Wrong accents

Recruiters are impressed by energetic and self-confident job seekers who have ambitious plans for the future and enthusiastically get to work. However, if the candidate focuses only on himself and declares something like “I want career growth, I want professional development, I want to acquire skills and experience, I want to manage the team, etc.”, his chances of getting the desired position are nullified.

A potential employer wants to see a team player, rather than a pronounced egocentric individualist. Even if you do not suffer from an overestimation and are not too ambitious, such phrases will mislead the recruiter. You will give the impression of being too self-confident person who wants to spin up at the expense of the company. Conclusion: explain how you want to promote the project, and not yourself.

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Lack of self-awareness

Questions such as “What are your strengths and weaknesses” plunge applicants into a stupor, although they are traditional for any interview. It is difficult for candidates to find a line in order to appear successful and at the same time not to criticize themselves. Actually, this is not a trick question - it is a question about the level of self-awareness.

“If, when listing shortcomings, a person talks about himself in a positive way, this makes recruiters think that he is not self-conscious enough to give an answer, and therefore not open to growth,” explains Deb Liu. “Our Facebook culture encourages us to be open, and we are looking for people who are aware of their growth areas.”

Experts advise to objectively evaluate themselves based on past experience, not to be afraid to talk about mistakes and conclusions that have been made. Also, do not underestimate your advantages. Instead of listing commonplace epithets (like, “I am purposeful, quickly trained, etc.”), better illustrate the story with concrete examples.

Inability to listen

A good candidate is always a good listener and can see the hidden subtext behind every question. The recruiter asks a question to learn more about your skills. The way you answer says a lot about your ability not only to answer an obvious question, but also about your deductive thinking skills. Let the manager see your thinking, flexibility and self-awareness so that he knows that you can listen to feedback and grow.

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