career management

"Rainbow Smile": Employee Reviews

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"Rainbow Smile": Employee Reviews

Video: Rainbow S10E49 (1981) - FULL EPISODE 2024, July

Video: Rainbow S10E49 (1981) - FULL EPISODE 2024, July

Shop "Smile of the rainbow" is most often praised by customers. The prices here are affordable and the staff is very friendly. Lovely, smiling girls will tell, show and explain everything.

And what are the reviews of Rainbow Smiles employees? Let's talk about this in more detail. What is behind the friendliness and smiles of charming sales girls?

A bit of history

Before talking about the advantages and disadvantages of working in this chain of stores, we will give a brief excursion into its history.

It all started in 2001. Then in St. Petersburg, on the street Adoevsky, the first small store was opened. After 17 years, a network of these stores entangled most of the major cities of Russia. Today, there are almost 550 stores under the Rainbow Smile brand.

What is a good company? Of course, an ever-expanding assortment and numerous loyalty programs. Recently, a network of these stores began to collaborate with Korean cosmetics suppliers. In addition, 10 years have passed since the moment when the development of our own cosmetic brands began.

Buyers are attracted by a wide selection and price category of products. According to the management, their stores are designed for buyers with medium or low income levels, mainly for women.


How good the work is in "Rainbow Smile", reviews will tell us. But first, let's talk about permanent vacancies in numerous stores and wages.

If you walk through the official website of the company, then the "vacancies" section is constantly on the move. They are recruiting everyone: from sales clerks to store directors. But wages are surprising. So sellers promise from 22,000 to 25,000 thousand rubles. And for directors - from 30,000 to 45,000 thousand rubles, depending on the city in which the store is located. There is hardly a person who will take on the role of leader for such and such money.

Employee Reviews (St. Petersburg)

Reviews of employees in St. Petersburg about the "Rainbow Smile", to be honest, do not please the eye. People who want to go there to work should think carefully and re-read what sellers say. How are employees treated, how much do they pay, what obligations does the seller fulfill? Just do not be surprised when you read the reviews.

Positive aspects of work (in St. Petersburg)

Reviews about the work in the "Rainbow Smile" in St. Petersburg for the most part are very bad. But, strangely enough, almost all employees note a good team. Here is what people who know the company’s kitchen from the inside write:

  • Great team. Girls communicate well with each other, support each other.

  • A store employee receives a VIP discount card and buys the product 30% cheaper than its value.

  • Employees can sit down for a shift and go for lunch.

Perhaps the good reviews about the "Rainbow Smile" in St. Petersburg are over. Now comes the turn of unflattering, let’s say so.

Cons of work (St. Petersburg)

Work in the "Smile of the Rainbow", according to employees (St. Petersburg), will end with a shaky nervous system, a lack of money in the wallet, and a ton of negative emotions that are poured on employees by managers.

Let's start with salary. When a person gets a job as a sales clerk, they are promised the golden mountains. And a salary of 25,000 thousand "net", and its subsequent growth, and possible career prospects. In general, shopkeepers spilling nightingales. Why managers? Because the human resources department is in the head office. And, as a rule, employees are not sent there. Personnel officers are sent the documents of a person who wants to get a job in a company, and that’s all.

We are distracted. So, for the duration of the internship, which lasts two weeks, the candidate for sellers will receive 95 rubles per hour. And then it turns out that the contract spelled out 95 rubles, but in fact - 93 rubles. That is, income tax is taken from this minuscule. For a moment, the person is not yet officially employed. OK, right?

Move on. After two weeks, it may turn out that the applicant for the vacancy did not pass the internship. And what do you think? He is dismissed one day, without paying the waste. Interns are not allowed to pay when they are dismissed.

If a person is lucky and has completed an internship, there is nothing to congratulate him on. You can forget about the good attitude that was during the internship by the leader. Humiliation, moral pressure and other “joys” begin. If you try to defend yourself, they threaten with dismissal.

All deficiencies identified during the recount of goods are deducted from the salaries of sellers. But this is probably the case in all stores.

We should also talk about interviews. Many former employees fired from Rainbow Smiles are unclear because of what, complain about how interviews are conducted. Firstly, they focus on the groomed appearance of the leadership. And for some reason, in many shops of the city such ladies are leaders. Secondly, they talk about questions in questionnaires. For example, how does the question of a candidate’s favorite dish and drink relate to work? Thirdly, they promise to call back anyway. But no one calls back. And when a person starts calling himself, or they do not pick up the phone, or answer rudely.

Here are the reviews of Rainbow Smiles employees about their former place of work.

Muscovites reviews

Not bypassed the network of these stores and the capital of Russia. If in St. Petersburg there are even more or less adequate reviews, then there is nothing to say about Moscow.

Reviews about the employer "Rainbow Smile", from the lips of Muscovites working in these stores, are simply frightening. In fact, after analyzing numerous reviews, we can conclude that there are practically no positive ones. Although, stop. From the advantages of working in this company:

  • Proximity to home.

  • Stable salary - 25,000 rubles.

For Moscow, of course, this is "smart" money. What can I say.

Negative reviews (Moscow)

Work in the "Smile of the Rainbow", according to reviews of Muscovite employees, is simply depreciated. It does not satisfy everything from the team to the attitude of the leadership. Let's talk about everything in order:

  • Most of the Moscow collectives are a snake ball. Communicating with colleagues, not to mention friendship, is simply not realistic. It will be reported immediately to a superior. It doesn’t matter that half of this report is real slander.

  • Time for lunch. Officially, it is, and is an hour. In fact, everything is different. At times, employees have to eat on the go or stay hungry. Given that they are at work for 14 hours. Can you imagine all day without food? A little pleasant. You will spend more on stomach treatment than you earn.

  • Twice a day you can go out to smoke. For five minutes. Not surprisingly, most employees smoke. To break out for at least a minute from your "favorite" work."

  • Sales girls carry out a number of duties that are not part of their employment contract. For example, cleaners - after the shift they clean the floors. And a guard, because you have to track and catch thieves.

  • With theft there is a whole saga. The company's management believes that thieves are everything. Both employees and customers. Sellers cannot leave the place of work if they do not twist the bag in front of the head. Although the inspection of personal belongings requires a signed permit from the employee.

  • When a person gets a job in one of the stores in Moscow, he is promised a 2/2 schedule. In fact, you have to work 4/1 or 5/2 for 14 hours.

  • Where does the figure “fourteen” come from if the store is open only 12 hours? The fact is that employees come to work an hour before opening. And they leave after they have counted the cash register, they will clean the windows and wipe the floors. That is, if the store is open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., the change of seller lasts from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.

  • By the way, about extra hours of work. Neither these two hours nor processing are paid. Does the employment contract say that processing costs are doubled? And the company management has an opinion on this.

  • For those who go to a managerial position in these stores: you will perform the work of cashiers, managers, and you should not forget about your own duties. There will be no surcharge for this.

Reviews of Yaroslavl employees

Reviews about "Rainbow Smile", located in Yaroslavl, are brief. But very capacious. There are 10 shops in the city. But employees are in no hurry to write grateful or negative reviews. From what we managed to find, we can conclude:

  • Constantly visiting mystery shoppers. If you do not pass them, you lose the prize.

  • Cunningly pulling money out of employees. Salaries increased, fines increased.

  • Work is constantly on its feet. You can sit down only at lunchtime. It’s forbidden to sit in the hall.

Greetings from Pskov

What are the reviews of "Rainbow Smile" from the Pskov store employees?

Very similar to the rest. They note that the work is hellish, the attitude to sellers is worse than to cattle. Constant humiliation and suggestion to employees how disgusting they are, how poorly they work. Regular threats of dismissal. Constant staff turnover.

Says Murmansk

Reviews of "Rainbow Smile" from Murmansk tell us that:

  • Nice team.

  • Salary - bitter tears. Holiday pay is such that it looks like a mockery of an employee.

  • They note constant fines and payment of shortages, the terrible attitude of the territorial manager to sellers.

  • Sales girls must unload goods, wash floors and carry out general cleaning of the store.

  • Regular wage delays. You have to beg for your money, almost bowing to the boss on the floor.


There are no reviews from people working as sellers here. But there are those who applied for higher positions (deputy director), were not afraid to illuminate the picture from the inside. Here's what they say about working in Rainbow Smile:

  • Firstly, the internship lasts only one day.

  • The second point is responsibilities. The deputy director also acts as a cashier.

  • The head does not forget about his duties. Cash collection, filling out cash books, constant reports. And still it is necessary to monitor the correctness of price tags, the layout of goods and try to increase turnover.

  • Salary "net" - 12 000 rubles. This is official, and the rest is given in an envelope. It may not be paid.

Moscow region

Apparently, the closer to Moscow, the more boorish the attitude towards sellers in the Rainbow Smile store, judging by the reviews.

  • Managers, in particular, store directors, allow themselves to shout at subordinates, using swear words.

  • Goods that arrive twice a week must be set according to the planogram. But for some reason, management does not like it. And sellers are forced to listen to how bad they are and how armless they cannot display goods correctly.

  • With sick leave - the whole problem. They can fire a person for leaving on sick leave. The labor code in this organization is not taken into account at all.

  • Salary on hand - 19,000 rubles. Instead of the promised 25,000 rubles.

What you need to know when working in a company

Before you go to work in "Rainbow Smile", you need to understand for yourself that:

  • Have to follow the standards of the company in customer service. The standards are designed in such a way that the opinions and needs of the buyers themselves are not particularly taken into account.

  • They will give out an absurd form for which it will be necessary to pay. Upon dismissal, the form surrenders, money for it is not returned.

  • We work with a smile on his face. It is always necessary to smile at the buyer.

  • If sent to "continuing education courses", then no one is going to pay for travel. Regardless of whether the employee is going to another store, or to a completely different city.

  • You can forget about the social package here.

  • Processing, as noted above, is not paid.

  • Legs constantly hurt, but you can’t sit down.

  • Even the cleaning of the lower shelves with the goods occurs while standing. In extreme cases, you can squat.

  • Recall that you will have to fulfill obligations not regulated by the employment contract. Is the employee trying to be outraged? Welcome to the dismissal.

  • Salaries are delayed, and interns may not be paid at all.


We found out what reviews about the "Rainbow Smile" and vacancies at different levels. After reading them, it becomes clear: you should not go to work there. Of course, for those who do not care about their legs, nervous system and the presence of money in their wallet, this network company is suitable as a workplace.

This is an exaggeration, of course. It is a pity for people who come with sincere intentions to work, hope to receive decent pay, and expect a good attitude from the management. After working at Rainbow Smile for a couple of months, it becomes clear to you that the company is deceiving its employees. People leave from there, and others are fired because of trifles.

Based on the foregoing, we conclude: "Rainbow Smile" is not the place where you can go to work.