
Professional goals and objectives. Professional achievement of goals. Professional Goals - Examples

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Professional goals and objectives. Professional achievement of goals. Professional Goals - Examples

Video: Setting Professional Goals | Performance Development Framework 2024, July

Video: Setting Professional Goals | Performance Development Framework 2024, July

Unfortunately, professional goals are a concept that many people have a distorted or superficial understanding of. But it should be borne in mind that in fact, such a component of the work of any specialist is a truly unique thing.

Professional goals can lead to the necessary results for the enterprise and the economy of the country, over the paths of achievements which collectives of entire institutes puzzle over. You can talk a lot about this concept. However, the most basic thing that it is advisable for every specialist to know in their field is that in which professional goals differ from others. How can I define my professional interests? What to do to clearly articulate a professional dimension?

The main differences

In the course of labor, a specialist may have certain goals. However, not all of them are related to professional ones. What is their difference? The main professional goals must certainly reflect the content of the person’s work. For example, a specialist can say that he is going to find practical application of the latest developments in a particular area. Or is he trying to create a perpetual motion machine. Or maybe the employee controls the build quality of an exclusive model, which is a product of the domestic automotive industry? In any case, it immediately becomes clear to everyone what this person is doing, and in what area of ​​the economy he works.

But the goals may be completely different. For example, receiving a Nobel Prize or taking a leadership position in the representative office of your organization in another country. In addition, an indispensable desire to increase their professional competence or inclusion in the list of the richest people on our planet can be attributed to such goals. Of course, others understand your intentions, but at the same time, the content of the specialist’s work remains a mystery to them. Consequently, these goals are not professional at all, but personal ones.

However, there are combined options. This may be, for example, a specialist’s desire to take the position of a production director in order to increase sales, generate large revenues, win a prestigious state prize by an enterprise, etc. In this case, the interlocutors are quite able to get an idea about the specific work of a person and his personal intentions.

Mistakes in writing a resume

Sometimes people who are job seekers for a vacant position in the column “Professional Goals” indicate that they seek:

- engage in promising and interesting work;

- be useful to other people;

- rise to the level of the best specialist in your field;

- achieve career growth;

- receive decent income.

But it’s still not clear what the job responsibilities of these people are. For professional help in what area can I turn to them? To answer these questions, you need to have supernatural powers. Only they will allow us to understand what should be the work of such a specialist.

Examples of setting professional goals

What should be written in your resume to the job seeker? These can be professional goals, examples of which are given below, namely:

- the construction of buildings and structures of any complexity from the zero cycle and "turnkey";

- providing organizations-customers with stationery and souvenir products;

- writing editorial texts and articles on given topics;

- increasing the efficiency of gas production at various stages of field development, etc.

And, for example, the main professional goals of a teacher are to educate a person who is able to further build his life in such a way as to become a worthy person and citizen and be useful to society.

Such a description of the vision of their duties will certainly appeal to the employer. From the general list of applicants, he will single out a person who clearly sets his professional goals.


What can be professional goals? They are classified into true and false, full, and also abbreviated. Let's consider them in more detail.

The true goals of the specialist reflect his professional interests. They certainly focus on the interests of other people. Achievement of such goals helps colleagues, clients, as well as specialists from other fields of activity to solve their problems and problems. That is why it is believed that they have not only individual, but also social significance, leading to professional development and social recognition.

False goals are claimed, but they can never be achieved. At the same time, it becomes clear very soon what the person is striving for, which leads to the loss of colleagues, partners and customers.

The differences between full and shortened goals are in their description. So, in volumetric options, the planned result, and the means, as well as methods for achieving it, are indicated. That is, there is a lot of information.

Elements of a professional goal

What is included in this concept? A professional goal is understood as a set of intentions and interests of specialists who find their expression:

- in the tasks and problems that the employee is working on;

- in the methods and means used by him;

- in the results obtained;

- in the group of people for whom a solution to the problem is necessary and important.

These four elements are the components of professional achievement of goals.

Filling in the corresponding column in the resume, you should talk about the results that you want to achieve in your work. However, it is better if this result is clearly specified. And for this you need not only his verbal description, but also an indication of specific dates and numbers. If this is not done, then over time, even the person himself will not be able to understand whether his professional goal has been achieved or not.

The most important component

As practice shows, it is very rare when setting professional goals that attention is paid to problems that may arise during work, as well as setting those tasks, the solution of which will allow you to get the desired result. This means that the specialist has a vague idea of ​​what he has to work on. As a result, the professional goal is unfounded. Moreover, the methods and means used to achieve it are ineffective. The results of such work are unlikely to arouse anyone's interest.

Professional issues

It is known that goals do not arise out of nowhere and do not go anywhere. If they are true, then they will certainly emerge from once-arisen problems requiring their solution. The final result should lead to changes in the current situation.

Professional tasks

In order for the activities of a specialist to lead to the desired result, it is important not only to identify the existing problems. It is also necessary to set those tasks, the solution of which will allow to properly influence the initial situation.

To formulate them, you will need to answer the following questions:

- who needs help and for whom the result of the specialist’s work is important, that is, clarification of the target group;

- what is the current situation, that is, clarification of the relevance of the problem;

- what professional resource will be required;

- clarification of the boundaries of professional competence of a specialist;

- what will be the potential result, and to what extent it will be able to change the current situation;

- what a concrete action plan should consist of.

Each of the points listed above allows not only clarifying professional problems, but also concretizing the tasks that we have to work on.

The problem of lack of professional resources

In order to understand how deep a specialist’s knowledge for solving various problems is, one will need to anticipate what may be required of him tomorrow. In this case, it will be necessary to consider expanding existing knowledge. The main goals of professional development will be the operational completion of the missing skill.

Lack of knowledge from a specialist is a separate problem. Moreover, the need for its solution is important for an active and productive professional activity. A specialist should always keep abreast in order to be able to effectively change a problem situation.

Vocational training objectives

Getting a specialist qualification is a difficult and lengthy process. The goals of vocational education are initially to give the person the necessary work skills. His specialty will not only be a prerequisite for employment and material income. The goals of vocational education are also in the creative, comprehensive realization of the personality. Such training should help everyone to choose for themselves a particular specialty in accordance with their inclinations and capabilities. In addition, it should educate a true professional. In the future, his activities will benefit society.

The initial stage of education in the specialty

The goals of vocational training are consistently achieved at all stages. So, the first skills of labor education, as well as goal setting, occur even within the walls of the school.

The initial stage of the vocational education system is schools. Future specialists enter these educational institutions after graduation. The goal of vocational training in schools is to train skilled workers. Recently, this stage of training is possible in educational institutions of a new type. They are called professional lyceums. The main goal of their activities is to train highly qualified workers.

Recently, certain changes have occurred in this training system. An important goal of vocational education, which is gradually coming to the fore, is the development by students of such specialties as designer, ecologist, and small business organizer, which are becoming more and more demanded by society.

Secondary vocational education

This is the next stage of training. For its implementation, a system works that provides secondary specialized education. At this, better stage of education, students are given the opportunity to consistently improve their general educational and professional level. All this allows graduates of such institutions to be competitive in the labor market. In addition to traditional technical schools, new types of such institutions are currently being created. They are colleges. Their main goal is to educate people in the specialties demanded by society. And all this according to the state standards accepted in the country.

In the system of secondary vocational education, mid-level specialists are trained, and the individual’s need to expand and deepen education, which is carried out either on the basis of a general secondary, or after graduation from a school or lyceum, is satisfied.

Higher Professional Education

In our country, there is the concept of continuing education. For its implementation, there is the next stage in increasing the level of professional knowledge - obtaining higher education. The specific goal of universities is to educate a qualified, highly educated specialist in his chosen field of national economy. This task is also carried out using state standards.

Training at work

Achievement by any person of their true professional goals is impossible without constant and continuous training, which consists in the following:

- obtaining new knowledge and skills necessary for the performance of their duties;

- maintaining at the proper height of their professional level;

- preparation for climbing the career ladder;

- maintaining a positive attitude towards their duties.

In this case, vocational training can be achieved using the following:

- self-education;

- additional long-term or short-term training;

- mentoring.

So, we examined the goals, tasks of professional areas.