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The profession of chocolatiers is Functions, nuances, work performed

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The profession of chocolatiers is Functions, nuances, work performed

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Figured chocolate is a kind of real sculpture, the details of which are clearly worked out, which makes it seem alive. Only specially trained people with real talent and patience can learn to create such masterpieces.

Chocolatier is a rather rare profession, which is often a family tradition, because few people know about it. Almost everyone loves to enjoy cocoa bean confectionery, and those who are fortunate enough to try the original, natural chocolate, are unlikely to be indifferent to it. Chocolate from chocolatiers is an original dessert, having tried that a person will feel not only real pleasure, but also the emotions conveyed by the author of the product.

About work

Chocolatier is a person who develops unique recipes for chocolate sweets and their own manufacture. He must know all the subtleties of making chocolate: from growing cocoa beans to production technology, and also be able to combine it with a variety of additives that will give the dessert an original aroma, taste.

Chocolate business has been actively developing since the 17th century. Then people only learned how to create solid chocolate bars of various shapes. When the wife of Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, learned that chocolate can not only be drunk, but also made from it hard desserts, she ordered the chocolate master to be brought to her, giving him a new position - chocolatier.

Chocolate production reached the production level in the 19th century. After a short time, the profession of chocolatier became widespread. It should be noted that at all times the work of chocolate masters was very appreciated, these sweets are classified as gourmet. Professionals in this matter take part in international festivals, exhibitions. In many countries there are even museums of the history of the creation and development of chocolate.

Responsibilities and tasks in the work of the wizard

Chocolatier is a true master of the manufacture of chocolate sweets, who uses exclusively natural ingredients in his work, taking care of the quality of his products. That is why gourmets so highly value their work.

The responsibilities of chocolate masters may vary depending on the specific place of work. But the main tasks are the same:

  • quality control of raw materials;
  • the development of unique recipes by making original fillings and additives;
  • creating a sketch of the shape of future masterpieces;
  • tasting the finished dish;
  • market research and self-development and more.

Where is chocolate taught

Future wizards learn at specialized chocolate academies. This education is not higher, but a diploma of such an academy will make it possible to work in chocolate boutiques, and maybe even open your own business.

There are few such academies in Russia. At a chocolatier in Moscow, they are taught at the Academy of Chocolate Design at the College of Confectionery Manufacture No. 51, as well as in the city of Chekhov, at the Chocolate Academy. Here, future wizards of their field adopt knowledge and experience from leading Russian specialists.

In order for a person to precisely determine his future profession, annually undergo chocolatier mastery courses in Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Omsk, Rostov - in almost all major cities of Russia.

The specialist in this matter is not enough just theoretical knowledge, the learning process should go along with the acquisition of practical skills. And, of course, the masters who have studied at a chocolatier in Italy, Belgium and other countries of the world are appreciated.

Higher education: is there a need?

In order to be a successful chocolate master, it is not necessary to have a higher education. Moreover, in higher education institutions there is no program for the training of specialists of this kind. But, as you know, life is unpredictable, and therefore to have a higher education in our time will be only a huge plus.

The chocolatier profession is related to food, therefore, a related specialty in this area is a process engineer. Higher education can be obtained on the basis of such well-known institutions as:

  • Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (organization of restaurant business and product technology).
  • Ufa State Petroleum Technical University.
  • St. Petersburg National Research University of Optics, Information Technology, Mechanics.
  • Far Eastern Federal University.
  • Sevastopol State University and many others.

What personal qualities should a chocolate master have?

First, a good chocolatier must be an artist. It is important for him not only to be able to depict a future masterpiece, but also to have imagination. It is necessary in order to be able to depict a sculpture, which will be besides being tasty, but also incredibly beautiful, attracting the views and attention of connoisseurs.

Secondly, the confectioner should have a sharp sense of smell and an excellent eye. Creating new recipes, while mixing various additives and ingredients, the master must clearly feel how much and what he needs to add.

Thirdly, the activity of a confectioner requires physical stamina and good health from him. After all, not everyone can be on their feet all day, but it happens that night.

Fourth, this specialist should have great determination and perseverance. Without this, it will be difficult for him to realize his ideas and make truly professional desserts.

Benefits of the profession

This rather rare specialty is considered by many even as a hobby, but, despite this, it is in demand in Russia. Professionals of this business will easily find work in any confectionery factory, in chocolate boutiques or will be able to realize themselves in their own business. It is worth noting that in factories, chocolatiers mostly stuff their hand. Feeling confidence in themselves, they often open their own chocolate shop, which is quickly gaining popularity, bringing a good income.

Earnings will depend on the level of skill and demand in a particular region for these products. The salary of a chocolate specialist is basically close to the average level of earnings. So in Moscow, a specialist working at a confectionery factory will earn from 40 to 60 thousand rubles.

Disadvantages of the profession

Handwork as a whole is always fascinating, but it should be noted that it is also tiring. A typical working day will generally begin in the early morning and end in the late evening, closer to night. The working conditions are not easy, a person spends all day in a hot workshop, on his feet, performing monotonous work.

Inexperienced specialists are forced to work in such conditions at the beginning of their professional activities in order to improve their skills, abilities and raise the level of skill.

Owners of their own business have such a minus as the seasonality of demand for goods. Of course, there are holidays, when you have to work for days, but lulls are not uncommon.

Chocolate Culture, Demand

The culture of chocolate desserts is not just eating them, but also enjoying the shape and look - all this is gradually becoming a habit among Russians. Demand for exclusive curly chocolate is growing every year. Many people instead of banal flowers, postcards give their loved ones interesting chocolate figurines for the holidays.

Your chocolatier will be able to create a truly original gift. Of course, such a chocolate gift will not last as long as a bouquet of flowers, but memories of it will be brighter, warmer and will remain in the memory of a person for a long time.

Chocolate figures are a wonderful souvenir for employees or customers of the company. An interesting advertising solution is to put the company logo on such a figure. Often a chocolatier is not just an author of ideas, but also an implementer of other people's ideas.

Features in the development of the recipe and design of chocolate

Chocolate masters having their own business are forced to constantly self-develop and realize their business, find company employees (for example, manufacturers of fillings, molds, wrappers, etc.).

In order to create truly delicious desserts, tests of finished products are most often arranged with the involvement of ordinary sweet lovers. These people choose desserts that they liked not only in taste, but also in shape, color and smell.

Sometimes in the chocolate workshop come requests from companies that produce food products. For example, a company producing various types of cheeses may ask to develop a unique candy recipe with their products.

A special event for the chocolatier is also the participation in international festivals, master classes, where not only competitions, but also an exchange of experience take place.

Strict rules or fantasy?

This profession is not strictly creative or technical. It can be compared with painting. Just brushing on canvas is not creativity, just like painting a picture using technique. All recipes and forms created are uniquely subordinate to the specific properties of the materials.

In order to create a composition or just make a drawing on it, you need to know everything about the plasticity of chocolate, the properties of the forms used, the specifics of solidification, temperature and texture. Without this knowledge, all ideas will remain non-embodied.