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How to become a camp counselor? Counselor Responsibilities

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How to become a camp counselor? Counselor Responsibilities

Video: So You Wanna... | be a camp counselor? 2024, July

Video: So You Wanna... | be a camp counselor? 2024, July

Many at least once in childhood went to a summer camp. Most, although not all, had positive impressions. Therefore, it is not surprising that, having grown older, some tend to return to camps, but already as counselors. How to do this? How to become a camp counselor? And what qualities do you need to have to cope with this job?

Why counselor?

Work with children can be different. Psychologist, doctor, kindergarten teacher, school teacher, sports coach, animator. All these professions have various pros and cons, their own specifics and, of course, they will be interesting to different people. But there is an activity to some extent uniting all this - the work "counselor in the camp." It allows you to get a completely unique experience of informal communication with children, learn to get along with them, understand them and find an approach to each. Using their example, one can study how relations between people are formed, and this will be useful, for example, to sociologists. Among other things, this is a very interesting activity, which allows you to compensate for the lack of some knowledge with a huge reserve of enthusiasm. But how to become a camp counselor?

Necessary knowledge and qualities

First of all, this is perhaps charisma. It is impossible to fulfill the duties of counselors well, not being able to interest children, to win their favor and love. Further it is a responsibility. Work as a camp counselor requires constant monitoring of children, which, however, does not mean a strict restriction on self-expression.

You must also have a number of qualities. The characteristics of the counselor camp should include words such as "stress tolerance" and "the ability to find an approach to a variety of characters." Basic knowledge of pedagogy and conflict management is also required. It is worth saying that in this case, specialized education is desirable, but not necessary, because you can take special courses that will give all the necessary information.

There is a very strict rule for those who are interested in how to become a camp counselor. The applicant must be an adult and have a health record. It is unlikely that there will be parents willing to entrust their child to someone who is not yet an adult by law. As a consolation for those who have not yet reached 18, but really want to get such experience, the opportunity to work as an assistant counselor can serve as age requirements for them are less stringent.

How to get settled?

As a rule, long before the start of the summer holidays, pedagogical universities disseminate all the necessary information on how to become a counselor in the camp. Those who are not connected in any way with their children will have to find contacts on their own. You can do this by contacting the camp administration by phone or by finding a recruitment announcement on the site. Of course, another way is to create a resume indicating the desired position, but the likelihood of a call from the administration of children's recreation complexes is minimal.

Do not despair if you couldn’t get settled before the beginning of summer. Quite often, vacancies also open in July-August, when someone simply gets tired of fulfilling the duties of counselors or leaves the place of work for personal reasons. Therefore, it is worth monitoring the labor market in the desired segment throughout the season. But, of course, it is better to do everything in advance and without haste. Then, perhaps, there will even be a choice, go to the sea or stay, for example, in the middle lane.


Before you become a camp counselor, you need to understand what this work implies. In fact, this is around-the-clock communication and support for children. In fact, this can hardly be called a vacation, even if the camp is located on the shores of the warm sea. This is a real job, besides not easy. Counselors are mainly engaged in educational and organizational work: they monitor the cleanliness of rooms and organize cleaning, help camp staff, take part in planning and implementing various events both at the squad level and throughout the camp. In addition, it is the counselor who is responsible for the children when they leave the territory. In general, this is the link between the administration and vacationers. But this is formal.

In fact, the counselor can become the actual leader in the group, a person to whom each child will go to ask for advice or share thoughts. It depends on this person what the rest of the child will be: boring or intense. By the way, one of the counselor's tasks is to monitor the psychological climate inside the squad. Those who do not get along, it is necessary to resettle and vice versa. Therefore, even before you become a counselor in the camp, you need to think carefully about whether it will be possible to cope with such a load.


Of course, working only on experience, knowing that there are no prospects in this area, is completely uninteresting. But it is not so. Even counselors have a hope for career growth.

To begin with, it is worth saying that the work in this position can be included in the teaching experience, which can be significant when calculating the retirement pension.

In addition, there is such a position as a “senior counselor”, as a rule, in schools and not in camps, which is even closer to the work of a teacher. The advantage over teaching in this case is the optionality of higher specialized education, as well as experience. The senior counselor is engaged in the general organization of the educational process and the comprehensive development of pupils, as well as in monitoring their safety.

Over time, of course, you can reach an even higher level. Having received the appropriate education, you can continue pedagogical activity, combining it with educational. The choice of a profession depends on many factors, and the counselor is an excellent attempt at self-determination, which will allow you to evaluate your strengths and skills in nurturing the next generations and developing their talents.

Related professions

Do not forget that the work "counselor in the camp" is primarily pedagogical, educational. And the choice of activities involving close contact with children is quite wide. Therefore, even if you failed to visit the counselor, you can still find a way to do what you love. Caregiver, tutor, tutor, nanny - of course, these professions do not quite resemble what teachers do in children's camps, yet they do not always imply a special education, but they help to find your calling.