career management

The teacher is The kindergarten teacher

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The teacher is The kindergarten teacher

Video: THE KINDERGARTEN TEACHER Official Trailer (2018) Maggie Gyllenhaal Netflix Movie HD 2024, June

Video: THE KINDERGARTEN TEACHER Official Trailer (2018) Maggie Gyllenhaal Netflix Movie HD 2024, June

The kindergarten teacher is the first stranger a child encounters in early childhood and on which the formation of a childish character and the formation of positive qualities largely depend. It is the kindergarten teachers who form the self-awareness of the country's future civil society. The value of specialists in this profession cannot be overestimated, because they donate sincere love and motherly care to their pupils during their stay in a kindergarten. The labor and efforts that a preschool teacher puts into children are invaluable.

Ideas about the teacher

Undoubtedly, the kindergarten teacher represents a noble profession, but not everyone can become good teachers. In order to determine whether this profession is suitable for you, you should answer a few questions that will help you with this. The most important question is your ability to love children, no matter what, and as they are, with their shortcomings and features. This specialty will suit you if you are really ready to love your students with the same sincere and selfless love that only children are capable of. If you want to be a children's educator, you should remember that representatives of this profession must be able to control their own emotions. An educator is a balanced person. To become a professional in the chosen field of activity, it is necessary to possess such qualities as punctuality, responsibility and attentiveness.

Who does not fit the profession of educator

In addition to the desirable, as well as the required qualities that a preschool teacher should have, there are those that he should not have.

● For example, irritability. Naturally, a good tutor will not work out of you if you are instantly annoyed when you see naughty children.

● An educator is a person who respects tact anytime, anywhere. Such a specialist will not work out of people who easily lose their temper.

● An educator is a person who knows how to live according to a certain regime. If this is difficult for you, then you will not be able to work as a teacher, because the activities of children in preschool institutions are clearly planned, as they say, by the minute.

● If you like to let things go by themselves, then the profession of an educator is definitely not for you, because working with children requires organization, consistency and compliance with certain rules and regulations.

● Attentiveness and concentration are very important in this area of ​​activity. If you cannot focus on one, but rather on several tasks at once, and often get distracted, then you should never be a preschool teacher.

Carer Responsibilities

At first glance, it may seem that the work of a child care provider does not require certain skills. In fact, everything is completely wrong. Misconceptions about the simplicity and ease of this profession are not justified. As a rule, this is the opinion of people who have not come close to the work of a preschool teacher. In reality, teachers have strict requirements that they must fulfill, and there are many of them.

● Creating a psychologically comfortable atmosphere in a group of children is an important requirement for the work of the educator.

● In their work, a child care provider should implement and adapt both domestic and foreign methods of education and training for preschool children.

● When organizing activities, special attention is paid to creating a safe environment that should not harm the health of children, both physical and psychological.

● Organization of cognitive activity of children is also given an important place in the work of the educator. It includes not only specially organized classes, but also the free activity of the kids.

● An educator is a person who knows how to develop an individual development path for each child based on an assessment of his knowledge and skills at the present time.

● To work as a child caregiver, you must be able to develop corrective development plans for children with developmental disabilities.

These requirements are the most important, but this is not the whole list of rules that a child teacher must adhere to in his work.

Obtaining the profession of a teacher in a kindergarten

To become a teacher, you need to undergo special training. People of this specialty are trained in universities, where there is a faculty of preschool education. In this direction, you can also get a bachelor's degree.

After graduation, in the event that you go to work in your specialty, you will have a small salary. Over time, it will increase slightly depending on the length of service and experience, as well as your category. Specialists with work experience are often invited to private pre-school institutions, where the salary is much higher compared to state kindergartens.

Teacher workplace

The actual form of labor protection of the kindergarten teacher is certification of the workplace. It is carried out in order to identify adverse factors and eliminate them. These issues can only be solved with a thorough analysis of the work environment. During such events, attention is drawn to the compliance of the workplace with hygiene standards. Particularly carefully analyzed is the degree of injury at the workplace and the availability of collective protective equipment.

Harmful factors at the teacher's workplace

Harmful factors in kindergarten can be biological and physical. Among biological, bacteria and microorganisms are isolated. The physical climate includes microclimate, lighting, humidity, and more.

If several harmful factors are detected at the teacher's workplace, the group is quarantined. This is necessary to eliminate all malfunctions and create an optimal environment for the development and training of preschool children, as well as to create optimal conditions for the work of the child caregiver. In addition to the above, another chemical factor is noted. It includes various mixtures and chemicals. Due to the fact that in preschool institutions they carefully monitor the order in each group, this factor is extremely rare.