career management

How to find a job to your liking: features of choice, recommendations and reviews

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How to find a job to your liking: features of choice, recommendations and reviews

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Video: 5 Secret Spotify Tricks That NOBODY Knows (2020) 2024, July

A person who does his favorite work will always be full of energy and strength, life will be for him a source of inspiration, not stress. Most people in our difficult economic times tend to clutch at almost any job. However, motivation such as “if only where to work” or “to support children” is usually ineffective. After all, energy is provided to a person not just by employment “from bell to bell”, but by his favorite business.

Urgency of the problem

Everyone sooner or later faces the question of how to find a job to their liking. Some begin to reflect on this difficult topic from the age of 12-15, while others pay attention to it, already exchanging the fourth dozen. However, no matter how old a person is, it is never too late to transform your life, to make it better.

Favorite profession and income

Having determined his calling, a person actually dooms himself to monetary abundance. And it is very easy to prove. For example, to which doctor or hairdresser will a person go with great pleasure? To the one who seeks to "sit out" his prescribed 9 hours at work as soon as possible, or to the one who sincerely loves his job, is he happy to do it? It is easy to understand which specialist will have a large income.

Signs of work not by calling

However, it is not always so simple to change the type of activity. However, if a person realized that he was not going his own way, you should not spend more than a minute on an unloved occupation. After all, time is the fabric from which life is woven. Several signals suggest that the activity is consistent with other people's goals.

  • Work takes power, destroys health.
  • Self-interest is ignored. The work was chosen according to the principle "Doctors are always needed, I won’t stay without work."
  • Success does not please long. You can even receive prizes and enjoy the respect of colleagues, but this does not bring true joy.

Define Values

At the same time, for many, the question of how to find a job to your liking is rather complicated. The psychology of finding optimal employment is such that a disordered person often experiences difficulties in other areas of life. The lack of self-awareness in the choice of profession often leads to completely disastrous consequences. This may be an unloved job, and failures in family relationships, and a lack of meaning in life. Often, a person also suffers from the inability to find people who are close in spirit who would become friends for him. In order to increase self-awareness regarding the choice of professional sphere, it is useful to answer a few questions.

  • What are your values? You need to think carefully about what is important to you in life, from which principles you would not refuse under any circumstances. It is values ​​that determine what occupation a person considers the most important in society, and often acceptable for himself. For example, one whose main value is scientific and technological progress will be attracted by the field of latest research in various fields of knowledge.
  • What events of childhood and youth seem most important? How did they affect your worldview system?
  • Are there people who you always want to be equal in family and work life? What exactly do they deserve respect for?
  • And to what type of people do you, on the contrary, have absolutely no respect whatsoever and why?
  • Which of the leaders known to you can be called the best boss, and which is the worst?
  • What qualities would you like to see in your children?

Identify hobbies

Since it is impossible to find work to your liking without awareness of your hobbies, it is also useful to determine as accurately as possible the nature of your favorite activities. To analyze such cases, you can use the following questions:

  • What do you think the perfect day looks like? What do you need to do in the morning to become one?
  • What activity causes discomfort?
  • If you had to retire tomorrow, would you miss your current job?
  • If there are too many hobbies, psychologists recommend using the method described below.

Methodology for determining your favorite business

To perform one of the effective exercises, which will be useful for self-determination in the professional field, you will need a pen and a piece of paper. First you need to write down at least 30 points of what is of interest - this can be any business, from knitting to unloading freight wagons. The main thing is that the lesson brings inspiration. At this stage, you can not be limited to 30 points.

Then you need to delete from the list those activities that you would not want to do on a professional level, and which you only have to deal with from time to time, according to your mood. Now about 10-15 points should remain.

Then, those points that I would not want to do all my life are crossed out.

Further, psychologists recommend writing down at least 10 of their strengths, abilities, skills - those distinguishing features that make you an order of magnitude better than other people. What abilities can you be proud of? What knowledge sets you apart from the crowd?

Then you need to re-read the list of your favorite activities and strengths, write down in which type of activity you can use them. Here you need to determine at least 5 possible options for applying your abilities.

Another exercise looks like this. It is necessary to imagine that you have a very, very large amount of financial resources - so that until the end of your life you can not think about work. Various resorts have already been visited, dozens of various hobbies have been tried. What to do now - not for profit or entertainment, but for the soul? Psychologists advise writing down at least five different options.

The role of aspirations

The question of how to find a job to your liking affects not only the material sphere, but also the spiritual one. Often, sages and philosophers in their works say that the process is much more important than the result. When a person achieves something from the list of his goals, he may be disappointed, because he has nowhere else to strive for. However, wide aspirations allow you to recharge your energy every day. To determine them, it is useful to answer yourself the following questions:

  • What did I want to become in my childhood?
  • Do I like what I'm doing now? Does this business bring satisfaction, or is there a feeling that something is missing at this stage?
  • If you were informed that you would be gone in a year, what occupation would you devote the remaining 12 months to?

Perfect environment

We examined how to find an interesting job to your liking. However, the working environment also plays an important role in the search for one's calling. It is difficult to imagine an introvert who every day by the nature of service has to contact with a large number of people. Or a sociable person who has to deal with work projects alone. What about a couch potato who is constantly traveling on business trips?

Such people cannot fully realize their potential only because they find themselves in an unfavorable environment.

And since finding a job to your liking is not so bad, it is important to concentrate on finding a favorable environment for yourself. It should not interfere with work, but help.

When a person understands what his ideal environment is, it will be much easier for him to make important life decisions - in which city to live, where to look for work, which offers are best to refuse immediately.

Possible places

For many applicants, the question of where to find work to their liking is also relevant. In this regard, recruiting gurus are advised to pay attention to the following places:

  • Various job search sites.
  • Contact friends who could help.
  • You can contact various organizations directly. For example, a designer can send his portfolio directly to various companies providing such services.
  • In some cases, it is useful to use the services of labor agencies.

Prayer for a son to find a job to his liking: text, rules of conduct

Such rituals are performed only if the son is already over 17 years old. Read the text should be on the growing moon. To read the plot, you need to purchase a new wallet, which in the future you need to give to your son. A charmed wallet will help you find a good and well-paid job.

A ritual is carried out like this. At night, when the moon has already appeared in the sky, you should turn off the light and light a candle. Looking at the heavenly star, you need to bring to your lips a purse with money invested in it, and say the words:

“Let this new wallet bless the light. Let the servant of God (name) live in abundance and wealth, and let the moon call money. Let him be respected at work, but they add salaries from year to year. And let no one contradict him, but he will overcome all his enemies. So be it forever and ever. Key, lock, tongue. ”

A tried and tested plot to find a job to your liking

Sometimes supernatural help is also needed when looking for work for yourself. The best way to help yourself in your professional self-determination is to read the prayer “Our Father”. And before the interview, you can use the following conspiracy. Finding a job to your liking and finding a job with it at the right place will be much easier.

“I am going to the boyars, but I will not plow for nothing. I’m going to contract today, to love the owner. Let everyone see me, be touched, nourish merit, pay a lot, do not scold me in vain. Lord, benefits. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen".