career management

Work as an animator: what is it?

Work as an animator: what is it?

Video: So You Want To Be an Animator - Building Your Career - Extra Credits 2024, July

Video: So You Want To Be an Animator - Building Your Career - Extra Credits 2024, July

The work of the animator is becoming very popular among young people. Why? It's simple - the rapid development in the field of entertainment and tourism requires an increasing number of employees. In addition, almost every young person with at least a bit of acting talent can become an animator.

What is the work of the animator? An animator is a person portraying all sorts of characters in order to amuse the audience. His responsibilities also include the organization of various contests, games and other entertainment for those who are willing to pay for them. Simply put, this is a mass entertainer.

An attractive prospect seems to many to be working as an animator abroad. Still would! To see different countries, have a good rest and get paid for it - what else is needed in order to declare with confidence: “Summer was a success!”? In addition, this is meeting new interesting people (contacts with which, by the way, can come in handy at home), gaining new experience, the opportunity to learn a foreign language and realize oneself creatively.

It should be noted that the selection for the desired trip "to the south" is very severe. Despite this, many return to their favorite hotels every vacation. The animator must be able to improvise and get out of any situation, because the prestige and income of the hotel depend on this. Good animation is simply obliged to leave the tourist with a desire to visit this place again. Dancing, songs and even morning exercises - all this lies on the shoulders of the entertainer.

The work of the animator in itself is not only interesting, but also constantly in demand. After all, the holidays never end, and guests should not be bored! Many companies involved in organizing such events constantly need young, energetic, communicative and creative personnel. For this reason, working as an animator in Moscow is not such a rare job. This, by the way, can be learned in special courses. Artists here learn such subtleties of the profession as turning an ordinary feast into an unforgettable holiday, the ability to stir even half-asleep guests, involve children and adults in any incendiary and unusual contests and games, and also come up with new fun.

It is worth noting that animators can portray anyone - a clown with a funny nose, and the beloved character of a popular movie or cartoon. And the holidays can be different - not only for children, but also for adults. For kids it’s an opportunity to have fun and play fun games in full, for parents - to remember their childhood and feel more relaxed and free at least for a while.

Naturally, the work of the animator, like any other, has a number of requirements. Firstly, the age is from 18 and most often up to 30-32 years. Secondly, good health. Having a party for 8-9 hours in a row is no joke! Sociability, activity, cheerfulness, the presence of organizational skills - thirdly. The animator can not do without all this!

The downside of this work is perhaps that it can get bored in one fine (or not so) moment. To prevent this from happening, you need to really love what you are doing.