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Work on a cruise ship: reviews, the whole truth. How to get a job on a cruise ship

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Work on a cruise ship: reviews, the whole truth. How to get a job on a cruise ship

Video: How to WORK on a Cruise Ship | Getting a Cruise Ship Job 2024, June

Video: How to WORK on a Cruise Ship | Getting a Cruise Ship Job 2024, June

Which of us did not dream of traveling in childhood? About distant seas and countries? But one thing is to relax and enjoy the beauty of the sailing places, making cruise tours. And quite another - to be on the ship or liner as an employee. Perhaps someone will ask: "What has changed?" The opportunity to travel remained, the contemplation of beautiful landscapes and sights - also, in addition to everything, you can also make good money.

But if it were all that simple. In fact, it turns out that the work on the cruise ship is not quite so rosy and cloudless. Reviews, the whole truth that you don’t even know about, may make you reconsider your desire to work here. And maybe, and vice versa, having learned all the details, you will finally be strengthened in your decision.

"A ship from yesterday's newspaper"

In the Soviet Union, at one time a song was very popular:

"I kept saying about the seas and corals, I dreamed of eating turtle soup, I stepped onto the ship

But the boat turned out from yesterday’s newspaper …"

What is behind the words "work on a cruise ship"? Reviews, the whole truth of which has nothing to do with the picture that a person paints for himself, will open the curtain of suspense before you. First you need to learn about the features of this type of work. Who can get a job on cruise tours? What are the advantages and disadvantages of working? What requirements does a cruise company have for job seekers? But let's start with what a cruise tour is all about.

On the green surface of the sea

Some believe that this type of vacation requires huge cash investments and is available only to people with a solid bank account. This luxury can still afford some young couples, as a honeymoon.

In fact, a person with an average income can make a cruise. The cruise company, of which there is now a huge number, will select a tour, focusing on your preferences and finances.

The opportunity, without spending time on flights, to see different countries, is worth making such a trip at least once in a lifetime. The price of the tour usually includes: accommodation on board the ship, meals, medical services, entertainment, sports. Additional services, for which you need to pay extra, may include: spa treatments, hairdressers and cosmetologists, massage therapists and fitness instructors. An experienced team and qualified staff will do everything to make your vacation truly unforgettable.

Basic requirements for employees

Tenants impose fairly stringent requirements on jobseekers on cruise ships. These include:

  1. Applicant is 21 years old or older than 35 years old.
  2. Knowledge of foreign languages, at least one. Most often English. If you know other languages ​​besides him, then this will significantly increase your chances of being hired.
  3. Experience in the specialty - at least a year.
  4. The presence of a letter of recommendation from the place of work for which you are applying.
  5. A person must be completely healthy.
  6. Nice appearance, no tattoos and piercings in open areas.
  7. No criminal record and a certificate confirming this fact.

How to get a job on a cruise ship

  • First of all, you need to contact a recruiting agency or a cruise company to select vacancies.
  • Next is the process of collecting the necessary documents, you will be given a list. Usually it includes: a resume with photos, a certificate of no criminal record, letters of recommendation, copies of a diploma of education and a passport.
  • It is necessary to pay a registration fee for the work of the agency.
  • Next, they tell you about the date of the interview. They come in two forms: on Skype and in person.
  • Take the English proficiency test.
  • Now you need to go through a medical commission.
  • If all tests are successful, an agreement is drawn up with you for a period of 6 months to a year.

General rules of conduct on a cruise ship

In each work, there are certain requirements that must not be violated. There they are here. Workers on a cruise ship should not do the following things:

  • Rude passengers or their colleagues or insult them.
  • Treat your duties negligently and poorly.
  • Gather in groups of several people and not pay attention to passengers.
  • Buy liquor in bars for passengers.
  • To sleep during the working day, to be late for work and to skip.
  • Talk with passengers about tips.
  • Do not pay attention to their appearance and neatness of clothing.
  • Smoke in places not intended for this.

For violation of one or two of the above requirements, the employee is issued a written warning. If the rules are ignored more than once, the person is fired.

In some cases, this happens immediately. Such violations include: brawl, theft, drinking alcohol during work, drug possession.

Types of professions offered

If you do not have a special education, your choice is small. You can only get a waiter, assistant or cleaner. In all other cases, special education is required. Who can work on a cruise ship? In addition to attendants, employees from the entertainment sector are required: animators, musicians, photographers, etc. Let us consider in more detail several types of professions.

  • Work as a nurse on a cruise ship. Responsibilities will include the provision of first aid to passengers. Requires knowledge of the English language and work experience of one to two years, letters of recommendation.
  • Work as a cook on a cruise ship. Work experience, preferably in restaurants, is required. Education should be culinary.
  • Work maid on a cruise ship. If you do not have experience, you may not be hired for this job. Your duties will include cleaning the cabins, taking out the trash and monitoring the availability of personal care products.

The benefits of these professions

  1. A good opportunity to earn decent money.
  2. An opportunity to see new cities and countries.
  3. No need to spend money on food and accommodation on a cruise ship.
  4. The ability to travel for free for a long time.
  5. New acquaintances with interesting people.
  6. A constant feeling of celebration.
  7. By the end of your contract, you can accumulate a good amount, because the costs on board will be the most minimal for you.
  8. Free medical care and uniform.
  9. Getting invaluable work experience and recommendations that can come in handy when choosing a new job.

Disadvantages of the profession

If you want to travel the world and still earn money, then before making such a decision, weigh the pros and cons. You already know about the advantages that work on a cruise ship gives. Reviews, the whole truth of which will help you get acquainted with the negative side, will make your choice more informed. It is not in vain that they say that the one who owns the information owns the world.

  • You have a lot of work to do. From 12-14 hours a day, sometimes for 18 hours. When you fall down from fatigue, travel is unlikely to bring you joy.
  • Many workers note the fact that the inability to stay alone for at least a short time exerts great psychological pressure. If you do not like to communicate with people, are prone to irritability, you will not be able to work here.
  • You will not have a weekend. There will be only a few days during which the amount of your work will decrease slightly.
  • There will also be no time for illness, because there will be no one to replace you. Only in case of serious health problems you will have time to recover.
  • For a long time to communicate with people who can be very unpleasant.

Five reasons why you should not choose to work on cruise ships

Each profession has certain characteristics that must be considered if you want the work to be a joy. There they are here. Read the following material carefully, and if you find at least one reason why you should not choose such a job, it’s better not to do this. The consequences can be too dire.

List of reasons:

  1. Fear of confined space.
  2. Reluctance to communicate with people. On the liner, you can not stay alone even for a short time.
  3. Imbalance, temper, aggressiveness. You will not be able to restrain these qualities for several months, sooner or later they will appear and will cause a conflict on board.
  4. The so-called seasickness. Of course, there are a huge number of effective drugs that reduce the feeling of nausea and dizziness, but it is best not to joke with this.
  5. If something doesn’t suit you at work, you won’t be able to leave anywhere at least until the end of the flight, and possibly the entire contract.

Working conditions

  • Working day - from 10-14 hours.
  • No weekend, seven-day work week.
  • The contract is concluded for a period of 6 to 8 months.
  • Holidays 8-10 weeks.
  • Accommodation in a separate cabin for 2-4 people.
  • Salary from $ 1000 plus tip.
  • Free food and accommodation.
  • Families of employees receive discounts on cruises.
  • Payment of a ticket in the opposite direction, subject to the end of the contract and the absence of comments from management.

Reviews of people working on cruise ships

An interesting fact is that many people who first got here, after the end of the contract, enter into a new one. Although if someone had told them about this before, many of them simply would not have believed it.

According to the reviews of the workers, one can easily imagine that the hard work on the cruise ship is ahead. St. Petersburg in this case is no different from Moscow or Tokyo. If you do not have the habit of coping with difficulties, it will not be easy. One of the waiter's assistants said that the hardest thing for her was to get up in the early morning, as the shift began at 6 in the morning. She had to learn not only to wake up early, but also to manage to put herself in order in 10-15 minutes. For half a year she had only 6 days off, and even then it was not completely free days, but only partially.

In the morning, I still had to work, then there were 6 hours of rest that could be spent on sleep. But it was a pity to spend this time in this way when there was an opportunity to go ashore and get acquainted with the new city. True, such opportunities were rare, the days of rest did not always coincide with the parking of the liner.

At the same time, some workers, despite the hard work, say that the liner has an eternal holiday atmosphere. This is a bright and enchanting world, and your involvement in it is insanely happy.

Tips for experienced workers to beginners

  1. Excellent knowledge of English will serve you well. Work on the cruise ship of St. Petersburg and other companies will bring more pleasure.
  2. Learn to easily accept any surprises and troubles, believing that the black bar ends sooner or later.
  3. Be sure to communicate with colleagues at work, the better this communication will be, the more you will be able to help each other. And without this, it will be very difficult.
  4. Remember that self-pity is an impermissible luxury. No matter how hard and bad it is for you, without relatives and friends, reassure yourself that in the future you will see them.
  5. Take on the beautiful words "that which does not kill us makes us stronger." Let them be your motto for the duration of the contract.

Workers on a cruise ship are divided into two categories of people. Those who, having tried, give up, and those who are engaged in this type of activity for many years of life. After weighing the pros and cons, determine for yourself whether work on a cruise ship is right for you.

Reviews, the whole truth about work, may be able to help make the right choice. If you are not afraid of difficulties, like to communicate with people and thirst to see new cities and countries, feel free to choose a job on a cruise ship. The most important thing is that the work brings you pleasure.