
Mass recruitment - recruiting. Recruiting and hiring staff

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Mass recruitment - recruiting. Recruiting and hiring staff

Video: Recruiting and Hiring Tips | How to Hire or Recruit Employees 2024, June

Video: Recruiting and Hiring Tips | How to Hire or Recruit Employees 2024, June

The modern labor market is in a state of development: new vacancies and professions are emerging, the conditions and circumstances of employment are changing, the demands of employers and the needs of applicants are changing.

Mass recruitment is a relatively new phenomenon. It takes place thanks to the emergence of large organizations, the expansion of successful enterprises and increased demand for reliable employees.

What does the concept of “mass recruitment” mean?

This term refers to the process of searching, selecting and hiring a large number of employees for the same or similar positions. Mass recruitment has several distinctive features that make it possible to identify and formulate the specifics of this type of activity:

  • The set must be completed within a certain period of time.
  • The presence of a large number of similar vacancies.
  • Attracting large human resources.
  • An impressive budget.

Recruiting and hiring personnel in such conditions is notable for its scale, efficiency and work with huge amounts of information.

Engaged in mass recruiting, specialists are aware that there is a specific date for completing staffing. Therefore, they pay maximum attention to the development of detailed work plans and the correct distribution of future expenses.

Who engages in large-scale recruiting

As a rule, large companies that are interested in hiring employees of all levels are interested in the mass recruitment of employees: hypermarkets, chain stores and catering establishments, training centers with a large number of branches, banking institutions, manufacturing enterprises and many others.

Typically, these companies have their own department or service engaged in attracting new employees. The use of their resources is justified by the fact that personnel officers are well acquainted with the scope of the enterprise, with its atmosphere and procedures. Therefore, it is logical to assume that they will be able to more accurately and comprehensively assess candidates, understand their needs and explain their future responsibilities.

The recruitment agency is involved in cases where the company's employees cannot independently cope with the amount of work due to insufficient staff, lack of time, experience or qualifications.

Separate nuances of the process

A large number of new vacancies that need to be closed is associated with the processing of a huge number of applications and profiles from applicants. Each enterprise has its own personnel selection system, but they all have some common features.

Employees engaged in mass recruitment perform initial sorting of resumes (paper and e-mails), evaluate candidates by telephone and draw preliminary conclusions. Applicants are selected based on the created unified set of criteria.

At the next stages, with candidates who have passed the initial assessment and selection, conduct group meetings, and then individual interviews. As a result, such a recruitment process is a rather large-scale project, in which almost all personnel specialists are involved. The decision on hiring freelance workers is made in order to release part of their employees and ensure the normal operation of the enterprise in other areas (solving personnel issues not related to these events).

The recruitment agency provides a variety of services: from the direct search of candidates to the distribution of promotional materials.

Among the important issues that the company management decides is the allocation of resources (human and financial) for organizing training for newcomers and their adaptation to working conditions.

Mass recruitment: algorithm and methodology

At the first stage, all employees involved in the search and hiring of new employees draw up a plan of action. Of course, there are no such systems that would suit absolutely all companies, therefore, a simplified version of the algorithm is proposed below, which is used to some extent by each recruiter:

  1. Definition of positions and number of employees to be found.
  2. Indication of clear dates when employees should already go to work.
  3. Limit the project budget.
  4. Definition of ideal and real portraits of the candidate.
  5. An indication of the average wage, which is determined after monitoring similar vacancies.
  6. Preparation of formalized criteria characterizing specific types of vacancies.
  7. Conducting an advertising campaign to attract potentially interested job seekers.
  8. Conducting an initial selection, as well as individual interviews.
  9. Providing support for recently recruited staff.

In the following paragraphs, the steps that allow for mass recruitment will be described in more detail.

Some aspects of the advertising campaign

In order for advertising events to be successful, and money not wasted, they should be organized by a person who is able to draw up a clear plan of action, is familiar with the main communication channels and understands the primary and basic criteria for selecting personnel.

Initially, HR specialists determine the characteristics of the target audience, to which the tools of mass selection of personnel will be directed. Among the most effective ways to influence the audience are:

  • PR actions with the participation of promoters.
  • Distribution of flyers and leaflets.
  • Presentations
  • Participation in job fairs.
  • Placement of various materials in print and online publications (announcements, videos, viral news).

Advertising Procedure

Taking up advertising activities, one should take into account the popularity of the company in the market. In the case of insufficient popularity or an unsatisfactory reputation, the formation of a disposable image may require additional financial injections.

Next, determine when the advertising campaign will begin and how long it will last. This issue is extremely important when it comes to hiring personnel without qualifications or when organizing seasonal activities.

And, of course, do not lose sight of such an important stage as determining the requirements for candidates and preparing an application. The specific document “Application for personnel selection” together with the job description contains information not only about professional, but also about the personal qualities of the desired employee.

Work with a stream of applicants

This stage, without exaggeration, can be called the most time-consuming. Depending on how many people and what kind of employees are required to work in the company, the specialists conducting the selection of candidates have to study and process from several dozen to several hundred questionnaires.

At the same time, one of the main values ​​is attached to meeting deadlines and timeliness. In addition, the quality of the incoming stream requires careful attention. It can be optimized by tuning only to work with the target audience. By gradually narrowing it and filtering out inappropriate candidates, the recruiter seeks to improve the average performance of applicants.

When informing the audience, you should take care of the even distribution of peaks of incoming calls, as well as provide for periodic updates of advertising messages.

General presentations: how and why they are held

Candidates for the replacement of free workers who have responded to widespread advertising information are invited for personal communication. Moreover, they are usually combined into small groups.

Strictly speaking, the presentation should be attributed to the advertising campaign, as it is a continuation of it. Here the employer talks about the company, its history and value system. Also highlights stated goals and tasks. The most important part of the presentation becomes a more detailed story of the head about the vacancies.

Attending such an event, the applicant can ask questions that arise, and the manager has the opportunity to get to know him better.

Questioning Stage

Those candidates who are satisfied with the conditions proposed by the company go to the next level. In an effort to save time and at the same time get the most reliable results, employers use a variety of methods:

  • Questioning.
  • Testing.
  • Different types of business games and educational trainings.

All these techniques are designed to quickly and efficiently filter the incoming flow of candidates. Technicians who do this can be called truly effective.

The selection of personnel through questionnaires is convenient for comparing key characteristics of candidates, and testing reveals their skills, potential and abilities.

Other ways to get information

Holding business games and trainings can give the maximum amount of information about the applicant. By analyzing these data, an experienced specialist can form an idea of ​​who the candidate is and what he breathes. Given the emergency mode in which mass recruiting is often held, a quick study of the personal and professional qualities of candidates becomes the key to the success of the entire campaign.

When processing the results, specialists apply a point-by-point assessment, or scoring.

When conducting an interview, the recruiter does not set out to deeply evaluate the personality and professionalism of the applicants. Often the duration of the meeting is a quarter of an hour, and this time allows you to complete the collection of data on the candidate, check the documents necessary for the hiring and clarify clarifying issues.

How to identify potentially unscrupulous employees

Many enterprises are ready to hire very young employees, even those who do not have work experience. However, in this case, the employer does not have the opportunity to verify the reliability of the candidate. You can find out how serious the intentions of the applicant are by asking a simple question: “Why do you need this job?” The way a person answers what exactly and how confidently he speaks perfectly characterizes him.

The problem for managers is alcohol abuse among staff. Often this phenomenon is common among unskilled workers (movers, laborers, builders) or among lower levels of staff.

There are effective and efficient methods for detecting this harmful addiction: Michigan alcohol screening test, methods of Poltavets and Zavyalov.

Final stage

The last in a series of events for mass recruiting is the training and adaptation of those candidates who have successfully passed previous tests. The selection of applicants is also ongoing, however, its scale is much smaller.

Candidates are trained to comply with the organization’s current regulations and procedures, and are introduced to the standards. If necessary, the employer company employs external training centers for better or specialized training of personnel. Some enterprises, taking care of maintaining the recruited staff, use the escort method: for a short time, a novice is advised by an experienced employee. Its goal is to maintain confidence in the right choice of company.

It is becoming a common practice for candidates to be screened by security personnel and a medical examination. An additional interview with your line manager can also be scheduled.