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Highly paid professions: who are economists?

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Highly paid professions: who are economists?

Video: TOP Jobs for ECONOMICS Major!! (8 High Paying Jobs) 2024, July

Video: TOP Jobs for ECONOMICS Major!! (8 High Paying Jobs) 2024, July

Who is an economist? It would seem a simple question, but the trouble is, to give him the same simple answer obviously will not work. And the reason for this is the specifics of this profession with its complex dogmas and responsibilities. Nevertheless, it is possible to give a basic idea of ​​who the economists are (Russia, in particular).

To do this, you need to look at the profession from the outside and note the most important points, such as the main responsibilities of the economist, the necessary level of knowledge, and also the possible areas of application of his skills.

Who are economists?

The first economists appeared long before the formation of modern states and peoples. So, even in Ancient Egypt, traders pondered how to reduce the cost of transporting building materials, without sacrificing anything. Let these thoughts be rather primitive, yet they were an example of the first economic strategy.

Over the years, the need for business plans has only increased. And when market relations became so saturated and unpredictable that one person did not have time to follow them, the first economists appeared.

Features of the profession of economist

As mentioned earlier, these specialists are responsible for developing methods for improving the operation of the enterprise. If we talk about who economists are in the broad sense of the word, then we can deduce the following wording. An economist is a specialist whose efforts are aimed at increasing the profits of an enterprise by reducing the cost of production.

This is not easy to do, especially in the face of fierce competition. And if an economist wants to achieve success in his field, then he will have to approach his work with all seriousness. To do this, you need to study your own company from top to bottom in order to understand all those processes that occur inside it.

In addition, do not forget about external factors. After all, the market situation is always changing, and you need to be able to balance in order to make timely decisions.

What is the difference between an economist and an accountant and financier?

Nowadays, the profession of accountant, economist and financier is often confused. This is a very sad fact. Let them be closely connected, but these are completely different positions. Therefore, in order to dispel the fog of misunderstanding, let us put everything in its place:

  1. An accountant is the first step in the financial hierarchy in an enterprise. The main responsibility of this specialist is to collect information on all monetary transactions. That is, the accountant keeps records, records costs and profits, and also monitors tax payments.
  2. The economist makes sure that only the technologies and techniques that are profitable for the enterprise are used in production. Thanks to the reports of accountants, he sees problematic issues in the financial system of the company and offers ways to solve them.
  3. The financier is a master of investments. This specialist is responsible for introducing new business ideas that can bring additional profit.

As you can see, there is a difference in these professions, therefore, when choosing a future job, you need to pay attention to the requirements for candidates. Indeed, it often happens that a company saves on jobs and combines several professions together.

By the way, it is the job description of the economist that determines the spectrum of his duties. Therefore, before you put a signature on it, you need to carefully read its contents.

Where to get an economist education?

In order to become an economist, you need to get a higher education. Consequently, the path of a young specialist begins at the threshold of the university. In general, for admission you need to pass exams in mathematics and the Russian language, and in some cases pass an interview.

More importantly, you need to choose the right university. Indeed, in the world of finance without a good reputation, finding a decent job is very difficult. Therefore, it is worth examining the information about which particular universities the famous economists of Russia graduated from and with all their might try to get there.

You should also give preference to institutions that specialize in financial education. After all, a diploma obtained at a banking academy is much more prestigious than the same document, only from an agricultural university.

Search for promising work

With those who are economists, figured out, now we need to understand: where to go to work with such an education?

To begin with, one thing should be understood: one cannot get a prestigious position without any work experience. Except in cases where the young specialist has good recommendations or connections among the company management.

Otherwise, you have to work in a small company for 2-3 years. Perhaps even in the specialty of "accountant-economist", as in such companies this position is often related. But do not lose heart, such a practice will benefit, because it will help to grow stronger and add fresh skills to an already refined arsenal.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

Let's talk about the pros and cons of the profession. After all, whatever one may say, an economist is not a simple worker, therefore, the requirements for him will be more serious.

It should be noted that in the labor market there are now a lot of specialists in this field. This intensifies competition, and only the most experienced and seasoned economists get a prestigious job. In addition, the job description of an official economist often has a clause that provides for compensation for damage. And when you work for a company that makes millions, you involuntarily realize how serious the consequences can be.

And yet, there are more positive points. After all, an economist is a managerial position, and therefore you can safely count on a warm cabinet, albeit not your own. Also attractive is the prospect of career growth, and there is clearly no limit to this. And finally, the financial side. An economist is a highly paid profession, and therefore you can not worry about future prospects.