career management

Job description of the chief doctor: sample, basic duties and rights

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Job description of the chief doctor: sample, basic duties and rights

Video: Job Roles For Secretary – Personal Assistant,Reporting skills,Professionalism 2024, June

Video: Job Roles For Secretary – Personal Assistant,Reporting skills,Professionalism 2024, June

We want to believe that we trust our lives with real specialists, that professional drivers drive us on the buses, that real masters in the hairdressing salons cut us, that they are treated by real doctors who give all of themselves for the lives of their patients. What should be the leading specialist in the clinic, where did you come - the head doctor? This will be discussed in this article.

Head physician

Who is that? Is he a medical doctor by education, is he entitled to treat people? And what kind of rights does he have? And what is his responsibility? And what are the job descriptions of the head physician?

The head physician in a hospital is like the director of any other institution. Below will be described in detail the job description of the chief physician of a private medical center and state hospital.

How does it feel to be a leader?

A hospital is such a complex mechanism that is incredibly difficult and responsible to manage. That is, you can’t just take and hang on the chief physician all the administrative work that he must perform. In addition, he must participate in the immediate life of the hospital, be the same specialist as his colleagues. And in order to cope with this feasible task, not every one needs to assemble a team of those people who will clearly follow the requirements, that is, a team of like-minded people. This is extremely important in work, and especially in one that is in any way connected with medicine.

The most important thing

The priority for the chief physician, of course, should be the well-being of the clients - patients. After all, this is not just another travel company, but a hospital where people come to be treated and not crippled. Therefore, when conducting any activities and making decisions, one should keep this in mind, not only to the head physician, but to every medical professional.

What the head doctor should know

So, we will go directly to the list of what the head of the hospital needs to know and be able to do. In another way, this is called the job description of the chief physician of the medical center:

  1. A person with a professional work experience of at least five years can become a head physician.
  2. He should know the legislation of his country at an excellent level, which is associated with a variety of situations that can happen in a hospital.
  3. The head must know at least the theoretical norms of social hygiene, understand the organization of health care.
  4. Understand the financial and economic activities of any health care enterprise, including planned activities, too.
  5. Orient in budget insurance medicine and business calculations.
  6. Must understand the features, causes and consequences of problems that are associated with public health.
  7. Know the correct procedure for filling out and concluding various contracts.
  8. It is obliged to regularly conduct a medical and preventive examination for performance.
  9. Must carry out social rehabilitation of workers in the clinic and sick patients.
  10. The head physician should understand the sanitary and epidemiological examinations and take appropriate measures, in which case.
  11. It should promote a healthy lifestyle for the population, quit smoking, alcohol and drugs, conduct health education and hygiene education.
  12. Required to know Labor and Occupational Safety Legislation.
  13. The manager must know the norms and rules of labor, sanitation, hygiene, safety and ensure that they are also observed in the clinic and among the population.

A sample of the job description of the chief physician of a private clinic is identical with that of a specialist in a public institution.

During the absence of the leader, his deputy is required to comply with the job description. He takes responsibility for the clinic and the performance of all duties, and also has certain rights, which will be discussed later.


According to the job description of the head physician of the clinic, the duties of a specialist are:

  • The management of a health care enterprise is in accordance with applicable law, which defines the activities of health authorities and institutions.
  • Representation of a healthcare company in state, judicial, insurance and arbitration spheres, depending on the current situation.
  • Organization of work and attitude of our team to provide timely, correct and, most importantly, high-quality medical and medical care to patients.
  • Providing medical, preventive, administrative and financial activities of their clinic.
  • Implementation of the analysis of the health care enterprise. On the basis of statistics and evaluation of indicators of his work, the head takes the necessary measures to improve the methods and methods of the medical institution.
  • Review and confirmation of the regulations on structural units of the hospital and job descriptions of its staff.
  • Monitoring the implementation of requirements, internal labor regulations, safety precautions, labor protection, technical operation of instruments, equipment and mechanisms.

As you can see, to comply with the job description of the head physician of the clinic is not so simple as it might seem at first glance. Here, medical education alone is not enough. It is necessary to have enormous endurance, awareness, be responsible for the lives of your patients, be able to communicate with people (which is extremely important for each doctor in connection with the various situations that occur in the lives of patients), that is, be psychologically stable. This is what a true medical manager should be like. Only then will he become a real advanced specialist, capable of not only treating people, but also organizing a team.


What rights should a head physician have? The job descriptions of the leader include not only lists of duties of a specialist. In them a certain place is also taken by the list of rights that the medical director has. Such a specialist has the right:

  • Request from your staff the necessary information and important documents.
  • Giving employees mandatory requirements.
  • Make decisions such as imposing financial and disciplinary sanctions on hospital workers (who do not or do their job improperly) and reward employees (who have excelled or achieved some success).
  • Take part in various meetings, conferences, sections, which address issues related to professional competence.

These are the basic rights that, according to the job description of the chief physician of the polyclinic, have managers. The same rights go to the deputies, who remain to fulfill their duties during the absence of leadership.

A responsibility

In addition to rights and obligations, the head of medical institutions should bear responsibility, and considerable. For what exactly, let's look below.

So, the head doctor is responsible for:

  • Improper performance or non-performance of their direct duties, which are provided for by the modern job description of the head physician of the hospital, is within the limits that are regulated by the current labor legislation in many CIS countries.
  • Offenses that were committed in the process of carrying out his official activities - to the extent determined by applicable administrative, criminal and civil laws.
  • For causing material damage - to the extent determined by applicable labor and civil law.

Thus, it is clear that all the responsibility of the head of the hospital is fixed at the legislative level. The head physician will be responsible for his negligence or dishonesty before the law within the framework established by regulatory documents.


The chief physician is, first of all, a competent specialist. At the same time, this does not mean at all that he is obliged to teach newly arrived personnel how to treat people, give injections, bandage wounds or operate on patients.

He just needs to be well versed in all these issues and have a certain idea about them. The specialist must find a common language with the clinic staff in order to be able to work as a team. Everyone has known for a long time that only teamwork at such huge enterprises with great responsibility allows us to achieve success and at the same time keep order within the institution.

This is precisely the secret to the success of many medical organizations. The job description of the chief physician provides that the leader must understand what he wants from his blue hands and help them work in a team. As one well-known doctor Aleksey Viktorovich Svet said: “You cannot manage a hospital without a team of like-minded people.”

How to become a head physician

You will not find a clear algorithm in any sample job description of the chief physician how to become the head of such a serious enterprise. However, having carefully examined the responsibilities and requirements for this specialist, it becomes clear what such a leader should know and what qualities to possess. It is also very important to follow a few recommendations:

  • It is necessary to have at least minimal contacts with employees and, preferably, have them positively disposed towards themselves.
  • Clearly determine for yourself what exactly needs to be changed in the management of the hospital.
  • Build credibility not only among colleagues, but also among senior management.

It follows from this that it is not so easy to be the head physician.

Leaders reviews

What do the leading chief physicians of the Russian Federation say about their service?

Many argue that the most difficult thing in the work of the head of a medical institution is to find an individual approach to each employee, patient, relative of the patient and a higher official or official. For this, it is very important to use all the accumulated experience and desire to help a person. It is equally important to be especially careful when conducting operations or consulting patients - any slightest mistake can significantly harm not only the health of patients, but also the reputation of the specialist. In their reviews, many chief physicians argue that it is necessary to try to be with everyone in peaceful relations.

A few words about the qualities

The main qualities that every head physician and any medical officer should possess are humanity, endurance, patience and perseverance. You can be called from a warm and comfortable bed at any second, you have to survive more than one night if an accident occurs.

Only the most responsible and self-confident specialists deserve to become a head doctor.

Leaders' Goals

Being a head physician is not only treating people and managing staff. This means thinking about the future of all of Russia. Medical specialists should try to develop domestic health care so that in the matter of providing medical services the Russian Federation could reach the world level. Heads of clinics are required to introduce modern technology into their institutions, use the latest approaches to make medicine quality and affordable for all segments of the population.


As we see, the head of the hospital should not limit his activities to compliance with the job description. The head physician must constantly develop in a professional and personal plan in order to be able to effectively manage the medical institution entrusted to him.

Being a leader is not only responsible, but also rewarding. Indeed, when the head physician has a good team of subordinates, he experiences professional joy and pride. It is easier for him to work and overcome any difficulties. That is why it is very important to maintain friendly relations among the staff in order to support and help each other.

We can say with confidence that the work of a doctor (and even more so the chief doctor) is one of the most popular. It is impossible to learn this specialty. You can become a leader, and most often it becomes a purposeful and responsible person, a professional who loves his job and is a fan of his job.