career management

Job description, rights, responsibilities and responsibilities of a database administrator

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Job description, rights, responsibilities and responsibilities of a database administrator

Video: DBA roles and responsibilities 2024, July

Video: DBA roles and responsibilities 2024, July

When hiring an employee for the position of database administrator, management expects to receive management system maintenance services. The main task of the specialist is to ensure uninterrupted access for all users of the organization to the necessary information.

If a person is hired to create a base from scratch, then his responsibilities include design, development of requirements, implementation, verification of operational properties and maintenance support. In addition, the creation of credentials, their protection against unauthorized entry into the database, as well as maintaining the integrity of its structure.

The employee spends almost all the time at the computer. More detailed information about what exactly are the duties, rights and responsibilities of the database administrator in the job description developed by the organization should be fully described.


The employee hired for this position is a specialist who can only be hired or fired by the head of the company. Usually, the applicant is required to have a higher education by profession, namely, that it concerns mathematical, engineering or technical areas. In addition, to obtain this position, you should work in the field of information technology for at least three years in the respective positions.

The job description of the database administrator implies that in the process of performing his work he will be guided by regulatory and legislative documentation, teaching materials that directly affect his activities.

It should take into account paragraphs of the organization’s charter, orders received from senior management, as well as other rules and procedures established by the enterprise and corresponding to the labor legislation of the country.


According to the DI of the database administrator, he is obliged to know all legal acts, methodological information and standards related to information technology, computer engineering, design, as well as the development of computing type systems.

He must know how the equipment provided to him by the organization for the work, what his characteristics are, in what modes it works, and all the rules for using its technical features.

The employee must be able to use in practice various operating systems and software that are aimed at managing data, protecting them and preventing access to information without access from a senior management.

The roles and responsibilities of a database administrator include knowledge of data processing technology in a mechanized way. He must learn all the modern types of storage media, the methods by which data is encoded, the information standards of codes and ciphers, system software, as well as its practical use.

In addition, the employee is required to have knowledge of the economy, labor law, management and other rules governing his normal work in the company. The specialist must also know how to properly prepare technical documentation.


The duties of the database administrator include the performance of certain functions:

  • maintaining the relevance of information stored on the company's servers;
  • database management, their organization;
  • comprehensive protection;
  • checking the system and preventing viruses from infecting it.

Among the functions of the employee, it is worth noting the maintenance of the database, the conduct of training activities for their use for company employees, the creation and maintenance of an archive in which all software and other reference information are stored. Also, the employee must ensure confidential data storage, which makes it possible to create official, commercial and state secrets.


In order to properly perform the functions assigned to an employee, he must fulfill certain duties of a database administrator, including carrying out activities aimed at optimizing the use of information technology company resources. To do this, he must use the configurations of operating systems installed on the equipment of the organization, and the main characteristics of the database.

It should also ensure the relevance of the information contained in the database, which is necessary for the company to work at the proper level. He organizes and manages access to accounts, provides or denies access to certain information for different employees. He is engaged in the organization of the transfer of information between different departments of the company, develops technical methods for protecting and structuring data, and also deals with their protection and preservation in case of problems with technical equipment.

The responsibilities of the database administrator include the development and implementation of software that allows you to save information and keep it consistent even in the event of hardware failure.

He is also obliged to keep credentials relating to all failures and malfunctions in the operation of the equipment, promptly report them to employees specializing in the recovery and elimination of problems of this nature, and in some cases to carry out repair and restoration work independently.

Other duties

The duties of a database administrator include maintenance, creation and preservation, backing up information, and introducing file system logs. If necessary, the employee recovers data, analyzes the information needs of various departments of the company, makes its own adjustments and proposals to the work and development of software.

He is also obliged to offer management modernization of technological support, to improve data management and storage, to conduct training activities to increase the knowledge of other employees so that they can fully use the databases used by the company, and give advice regarding his competent authority.


An employee has the right to make his proposals on improving the conditions for fulfilling his duties as a database administrator, to request information that is necessary for him to work and is within his competence.

In addition, the administrator has the right to engage in advanced training, to demand assistance from his superiors in fulfilling his duties, if there is such a need. He also has the right to an equipped workplace and to receive all necessary technical support to carry out his functions.

A responsibility

The administrator is responsible for the performance of his duties and in the event of their incorrect or complete failure to fulfill may be liable in accordance with the legislation of the country. He is also responsible for any violations of the laws of the country that he committed while carrying out his work. He may be held liable for causing material damage to the company.