
Who is the groomer? What kind of profession is this?

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Who is the groomer? What kind of profession is this?

Video: 10 Things To Consider BEFORE Becoming a Pet Groomer | Pet Grooming Career 2024, June

Video: 10 Things To Consider BEFORE Becoming a Pet Groomer | Pet Grooming Career 2024, June

Many probably came across the concept of "groomer". This word raises a question for many. But what does it mean? On the other hand, if you have a thoroughbred pet and have sent it to the exhibition more than once, then this concept should be familiar to you.

What does this word mean?

Groomer is an animal care specialist. It tidies up the look of your pet. Groomer is a kind of stylist for a pet.

What is the responsibility of the groomer?

The list of services provided by this specialist may include cleaning the animal’s hair, as well as cutting, styling and hairstyles for your pet.

In addition, this animal stylist can cut its nails. Grumer is a profession that was quite rare a dozen years ago, but nowadays his services are becoming increasingly popular. This is due to the fact that now many want to achieve the perfect look for their pet.

In which case you need to contact the groomer?

Basically, the services of a groomer are ordered by the owners of the exhibition thoroughbred dogs and cats, as well as people who have a pet with long and thick hair, which is difficult to care for themselves. It is also worthwhile to take a pet to such a specialist if he gets dirty somewhere and his coat is too tangled - in this case, you need to order cleaning and combing of the coat. In addition, regularly the services of this person are ordered by the owners of pets of those breeds that are characterized by a certain haircut (for example, poodles). Owners of such capricious breeds of dogs or cats must either learn how to groom their pets, or each time bring a pet to a professional.

What should be a groomer?

If you choose a specialist to whom you can entrust your pet, then you must first pay attention to the nature of this person. The groomer’s work is painstaking and difficult, since the animal is not a person, and it can negatively react to a stranger who is trying to do something with his hair. Therefore, a representative of this profession should have great patience and, of course, get along well with animals.

Also, when you come to the grooming salon, you will probably meet regular visitors sitting in line. You can chat with them and hear feedback about the people working here.

If there is no opportunity to hear customer reviews, then perhaps the specialist has photos of animals with hairstyles made by him. If you like haircuts, you can safely use the services of this professional.

How to learn to cut your dog at home?

A groomer for dogs most often performs animal grooming. If your pet is long-haired, then he will definitely need grooming - regular combing and haircut. While it is not necessary to cut the dog in winter, unless, of course, she does not participate in the exhibition, it becomes hot in the summer for many long-haired animals, even if a lot of hair has fallen during molting. Therefore, in the hot season, these dogs are usually sheared. And if you cannot afford to use the services of a groomer every time, which in some cases can be expensive, then you need to learn how to groom your pet yourself. Then you will become a groomer for your pet. Perhaps it will be even better. However, it should be said that cutting an animal is not an easy job. The groomer in your face should be patient.

In order to mow a dog, you will need scissors (preferably with rounded ends), a special clipper for animals (a conventional clipper will not work, because it is not designed for hard fur and can deteriorate), a comb, a curler.

First you need to comb out the dog with a slicker and comb. This will help get rid of excess hair and even it out. When there are no more tangles left and the hair is combed freely, it is necessary to wash the animal - it will be easier to work with wet hair, the haircut in this case will turn out beautiful and even.

You need to start from the muzzle. A haircut on the head should be made in the form of a circle, around the eyes, the hair should be carefully removed with scissors. Then it is necessary to remove excess hair from the paw pads, in the groin and in the armpits. After that, you can go to the tail cut. There are no specific rules here; you can do as you like. In the end, you need to trim the hair on the body using a machine. It is important to remember that here the length should not be too small. After you have done everything, you can dry the hair with a hairdryer.

That's all. As you can see, everything is pretty simple here. The main difficulty may be that not every dog ​​wants to get a haircut, and it will be difficult to persuade her to this procedure. In some cases, you will have to use a tablet of valerian to calm the animal.