
How to find a job and not lose faith in yourself

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How to find a job and not lose faith in yourself

Video: How to believe in yourself: Jim Cathcart at TEDxDelrayBeach 2024, July

Video: How to believe in yourself: Jim Cathcart at TEDxDelrayBeach 2024, July

When a person encounters difficulties in finding a job, after a while he begins to lose faith in himself. He develops the so-called "unemployed syndrome." It is extremely difficult to get rid of this condition, and it is for this reason that many remain unemployed for a long time. What to do with it? How to get rid of negative attitudes and finally open a clean page of my professional life in a new workplace? Consider a few basic ways.

The main target is internal fears

A long job search not only deprives of financial resources, but also exhausts psychologically. A person sends resumes, goes for interviews, but there is no result and no. Moreover, this can take quite a long period of time, and it becomes very easy to lose faith in one’s abilities.

One of the main reasons why you can get into such a vicious circle is your own fears. It is often said that they accumulate throughout life. But in case of difficulties with finding a job, even the events that occurred recently can affect the psychological state of the unemployed. For example, a number of unsuccessful interviews.

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Stages of working on yourself: getting rid of irrational attitudes

Overcoming these negative attitudes and fears is one of the most important tasks, without which it is impossible to achieve success. Such a study is being done in several stages. The first of these is overcoming irrational thoughts about the hopelessness of the current situation. It must be understood that the answer to the question of why it is not possible to find a job for a long time can lie on the surface. For example, in the city there are very few vacancies. Or the applicant does not have the proper experience and education. Or employers discriminate against him by age, gender or other grounds.

Going for an interview without fear

Often, job seekers are afraid of interviewers. This is a completely natural reaction. It is one thing to hire, and quite another to act as a beggar. But self-doubt never plays into the hands of the applicant.

How to be? It is necessary to internally get rid of the position of the asker. Coming for an interview, you need to confidently offer your knowledge, experience, skills. In fact, the choice is made not only by the employer, but also by yourself. Therefore, do not be afraid of those people who conduct interviews. They are molded exactly from the same flesh and blood as the applicants. Every morning they wake up, go to the toilet, eat and drink. Why should anyone consider themselves below them?


Transforming your character and increasing self-esteem is not an easy task, requiring a certain level of self-discipline. At a minimum, you need to find your positive aspects, namely: those character traits that you could even rely on even in the most difficult life circumstances. It is useful to make a list of such qualities and regularly (at least 2 times a day) re-read it.

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A small remark: not always can we talk only about those qualities that are traditionally considered positive in society. An employer may even be attracted to traits that others may cause outrage and irritation. For example, you are stubborn. You should not write in the resume that this is your fault (and say it to yourself). Stubbornness can also be called determination, perseverance. It is also helpful to make a list of your positive qualities that are especially appreciated by your surroundings. Here you can add all the traits for which you are praised by friends, relatives, acquaintances. What do you usually hear words of gratitude from them for? Write down all these qualities and re-read them regularly.

Equally important for gaining lasting self-confidence is a clear understanding of the issues discussed with the employer. When a person himself does not understand what he is talking about during an interview, he “floats” in his profession - this only worsens the situation and reduces the chances of getting a job. After all, if the external form is devoid of internal content, then sooner or later all the mock tinsel will scatter. And this happens especially quickly during a conversation with the interviewer. Therefore, it is extremely important to base your confidence on real, not fictional, achievements.

To make a plan

One of the most effective ways to transform internal negative attitudes is to occupy yourself with practical matters. Create a job search strategy. Let now this is what will become your main occupation. Yes, they don’t pay money for it. But if you take the search as seriously as it does work in the company’s staff, it will certainly give positive results. At the very least, consciousness will be busy with business, which means that there will be no place for a negative attitude in it.

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How to make a plan? To get started, you can collect all the possible sources of information about vacancies. You can not only send resumes through job search websites, but also contact directly the companies of interest.

More search methods - more likely to succeed

You can also use a method such as newspapers. Some quite reputable companies still use this classic method of finding employees. Do not neglect the help of friends or relatives. Often, offering help can cause unwarranted feelings of shame. If you are a good professional, do not be afraid to go wild. Indeed, in the end, what by and large the difference is, what kind of people and what they will think about you, even if it comes to relatives.

You can create a new resume, or even better - a few that will be designed for different professions. After all, one of the common causes of failure in the search is the desire to get a job that does not correspond to the original purpose. For example, a young girl at all costs tries to get a job as a sales manager, while her main talent is to sew dresses. Naturally, her attempts to gain a place in the position of "salesman" will not be successful. Each resume should describe its professional qualities and personal characteristics that will be useful at work. Do not be afraid to tell about your achievements. This will only be a plus in the eyes of employers.

Work on yourself is not an easy task in difficult conditions of lack of employment. But in this regard, the end result is always worth the effort. Using the described methods, you can increase self-esteem and choose a job to your liking.

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