career management

How to write an autobiography when applying for a job

How to write an autobiography when applying for a job

Video: How to Write an Autobiography 2024, July

Video: How to Write an Autobiography 2024, July

A resume is far from the only thing that is required of an employee when applying for a job. Moreover, if you get a job in a large corporation, where there is a strict selection of applicants. In this case, the recruiter may ask you for a description and recommendations. It is also important to know how to write an autobiography.

It would seem, why do I need an autobiography when applying for a job, when there is a resume in which details such as education, experience and skills are detailed? The fact is that the biography is more focused on the inner world of its creator. That is, in theory, she should disclose some features of his personality, which you will not see in the resume.

So, how to write an autobiography so that our potential employer likes it? Actually, it’s important not even what exactly you include in such an epistolary genre, but how you do it. An autobiography that is ideal in terms of presentation is somewhere a sheet of A4 paper filled on one side. In this case, you can write both in manuscript and typing your life story on a computer. Most likely, not only your future boss, but also a personnel manager, as well as a psychologist, will get acquainted with her. In rare cases, it happens that the graphologist studies what is written - then it is important to write by hand.

So, what points should a good autobiography have? An example for the work of nonspecific, we now give. We’ll make a reservation right away: if you are a person in a creative profession, you can give yourself free rein in the presentation, but if you apply, for example, to the position of accountant or manager, it’s better not to be very original.

The main thing is how to write an autobiography - it is to adhere to a certain plan on points, while maintaining a free presentation style. You can start from the date of birth: where and when you were born. Next, write about your parents' profession. For example: "Born in Novosibirsk in the family of a teacher and engineer." Next, talk about how you received your education - from school to university everyday life. Indicate the special courses that you have taken.

The next point in your autobiography is your work experience. Briefly describe in which companies and in what positions you managed to work and what led you to this organization. At the same time, be sure to indicate how your career has developed, what successes you have achieved at work. If you have any thanks or rewards, mention them too. This is a definite plus in the fight against other applicants.

A man should not forget about such a point as military duty. Have you served? Indicate in which unit and when, what military ranks you have. And women can write about the period of maternity leave and what role he played in their lives.

Next, tell us about your marital status, give a brief information about your spouse and children.

And finally, at the end, indicate your passport data and contacts for communication: phone, email. Put the date and signature. It is worth noting that when compiling an autobiography, you should not invent some facts from life. Remember: checking what you wrote is easy. But to regain the lost trust of the employer of your dreams is almost impossible. Now you know the basic points of how to write an autobiography for a device to work. Success in employment!