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“What kind of children's book do you like”: 10 questions for small talk that will set you apart in 2020

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“What kind of children's book do you like”: 10 questions for small talk that will set you apart in 2020

Video: She's the Man (8/8) Movie CLIP - I'm Viola (2006) HD 2024, July

Video: She's the Man (8/8) Movie CLIP - I'm Viola (2006) HD 2024, July

The fashion for virtual communication with its comfort and freedom of communication forms its own style of dialogue, characterized by accuracy, speed of response and specificity. But in 2020, it is worth preparing for the return of interest in secular conversations in reality. To stand out among strangers in a live communication format will help several original questions to start a conversation.

1. "What would you work if you weren’t your field of activity?"

On the one hand, the question refers to a rather boring career topic, but on the other, it allows one to look differently at large as a potential professional in other areas. This is rarely thought of by people who already have a well-formed body of knowledge and experience in their profile. Most importantly, the answer may be unexpected, which will set an interesting course for the dialogue.

2. "What work did you not like most?"

Also an unusual angle of view on professional activity, which is its advantage. Usually people share success and achievement stories, but in this case it is proposed to talk about the opposite experience, although people can find positive moments in it. The non-triviality of the question will also ask the discussion a less formal and at the same time lively style.

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3. "What was your first apartment?"

This question may cause the interlocutor not the best memories, but it does not really matter. Much more important is a nostalgic shade with a return to the past, to which almost everyone is reverent. People like to remember the past, especially associated with significant events. And the question of the first apartment can just bring to the pleasant memories associated with the place of residence. Such topics are rarely raised in secular conversations, so the question may well get an active reaction from the interlocutors.

4. "Have you ever been in the rays of glory?"

Many people in one form or another had the experience of a 5-minute glory. Such moments are remembered, and the interlocutor is more likely to talk about it willingly. If the answer is no, you can continue the conversation by suggesting a fantasy on the topic of entering a wide public space, for example, how and under what circumstances this could or could happen in principle.

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5. "What children's book do you like?"

One of the most unexpected questions that will make a person reveal himself in a new way, perhaps for himself. The message may seem childish and naive, but in fact it awakens very important human qualities in people. Through the love of books, especially those read in childhood, people are largely shaped internally.

6. “Which of the forgotten fashion trends deserves a comeback?”

Fashion in this case can be of great importance, but do not immediately specify. Perhaps the interlocutor himself will willingly determine what is closest to him from the forgotten trends of the recent past.

7. “What features have you acquired over the past 10 years?”

In the context of entering the new decade, this issue will have a special symbolic connotation. Although its meaning is much deeper than you might imagine at first glance. According to the answer, it will be possible to determine how interesting the interlocutor is to himself and how he perceives himself. Of course, not everyone will want to answer sincerely, but the very proposal of this topic will certainly be intriguing.

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8. “Which of the reads did you like most recently?”

It is important to note that this is not a book. In the era of social networks and blogs, this can be a very different textual material. The freedom to choose the category of publications or literary works will also make the answer more interesting.

9. "What dish do you dream to cook?"

The culinary theme as such is not unusual. But the proposal to literally dream about your favorite food without any restrictions can be very attractive for the interlocutor. Maybe it will be an exotic dish from a distant country, which will give an occasion to switch to a new travel theme.

10. "What was your most striking success over the past year?"

As already mentioned, people like to talk about success. But in this matter, you can experiment with individual parameters, adding specific characteristics of success, the scope of its achievement and the time period. Such clarifications may make the interlocutor think what will be a good sign from the point of view of the semantic load of the conversation.

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