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What are the basic duties of a soldier. General duties of military personnel

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What are the basic duties of a soldier. General duties of military personnel

Video: Indian Army Soldier General Duty क्या है Konse Post hai ,Duty, Work ,Time ,Trade Means 2024, July

Video: Indian Army Soldier General Duty क्या है Konse Post hai ,Duty, Work ,Time ,Trade Means 2024, July

Military service is considered a special type of federal public service. It is subject to execution by the citizens of the country and implies strict compliance with certain standards. But what are the basic duties of a soldier? Before defining this circle, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with who belongs to this group of persons.

Which citizens are considered military personnel

Legislation interprets that the status of a soldier can be obtained by a citizen of the Russian Federation or a citizen of another state.

These include:

  • Midshipmen, warrant officers, army officers, cadets studying in military universities, foremen, sergeants, sailors, soldiers who are in contract service or enlisted in the army.
  • Officers who are called up for service by decree of the President of the country.

Each citizen receives an appropriate military rank, having a division into ship and army.

Any person serving in the army has civil rights and freedoms. However, federal and constitutional laws impose some restrictions. For example, the rights, duties and responsibilities of military personnel depend on whether they are in the service or not.

When does duty occur?

According to legislative norms, a soldier performs his duties in these cases:

  • Preparation for the armed defense of the country.
  • The implementation of the armed defense of the country.
  • The exact implementation of the tasks, regardless of environmental conditions.
  • The military is a participant in hostilities, including in conditions of martial law or a state of emergency, during the development of armed conflicts.
  • Fulfillment of tasks and instructions under martial law in accordance with the principles of international law - for foreign citizens.
  • Conducting combat duty, service in outfits and garrisons.
  • Carrying a daily outfit.
  • Participate in ship trips or exercises.
  • Fulfillment of an order or order given by a superior.
  • Being on a business trip or on the territory of a military unit in accordance with the adopted regulations or at other times, due to official necessity.
  • Protection of life, health, dignity and honor of an individual.
  • Participation in the elimination or prevention of emergencies of technogenic and natural origin.
  • Law enforcement and citizen security.

A serviceman, following the order of the commander, must immediately begin to carry out his duties at any time.

It is important to know

A citizen, observing the rights, duties and responsibilities of servicemen in his official activities, must be guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, follow the norms established by the Federal Law, the charter and other legal acts.

Basic principles

What are the main responsibilities of a soldier? General principles are disclosed as follows:

  • Protection of the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation and state sovereignty of the country.
  • Ensuring state security.
  • Military duty.
  • Defense against aggressive armed attack.
  • Realization of tasks imposed by international obligations of the Russian Federation.

Military duty

What are the basic duties of a serviceman based on the essence of military duty? The question is disclosed as follows:

  • Respect for loyalty to their obligations and Military oath.
  • Selfless service to the people.
  • Skillful and courageous defense of the country.
  • Strict observance of constitutional principles, ensuring the implementation of the rule of law, the requirements of the charters.
  • Unquestioning execution of the orders of the leadership.
  • Improving military skill.
  • Maintenance of weapons in constant readiness.
  • The main duties of a serviceman are to save military property.
  • Keeping state secrets.
  • Respect for vigilance and discipline, international law.
  • Officers and soldiers must cherish their honor, military and military glory, show patriotism, direct efforts to strengthen friendship and peace between peoples.
  • Military personnel in the performance of military service duties must prevent religious and national conflicts.
  • Respect for the dignity and honor of other servicemen, assistance in case of danger, deterrence of colleagues from unworthy acts, prevention of bullying and rudeness among the staff.
  • Compliance with all safety standards that apply in the military.
  • Care for the preservation of one’s own health, including regular physical training, hardening.
  • Appeal on official and personal issues to the immediate or senior boss.
  • The general duties of military personnel are to comply with and knowledge of international humanitarian law.
  • Knowledge of the rules governing the treatment of injured, wounded or sick persons, prisoners of war, civilians who are present in the combat zone.
  • Providing decisive resistance to the enemy, even in a single battle.
  • What are the main duties of a captured soldier? In the event of a seizure caused by a serious injury or contusion, he is obliged to use every opportunity for his own release.

If a person is in captivity, he has the right to inform the enemy only of his rank, last name, first name, middle name, personal number and date of birth. Every soldier should know what the duties of a soldier are.


Sailors and soldiers in wartime or peacetime must timely and as accurately as possible fulfill their duties, fulfill all assigned tasks and scrupulously observe military service safety standards, monitor the state of their own weapons, equipment and equipment entrusted. Sailors and soldiers obey the squad leader.

General duties of soldiers and sailors:

  • Deep awareness of the debt of a warrior of the Russian Federation.
  • Exemplary, unquestioning performance of official duties, compliance with internal regulations.
  • Craving for learning.
  • A thorough knowledge of the names of their immediate superiors, military ranks and posts.
  • Providing due respect to commanders, elders, respect for the dignity and honor of comrades in the service.
  • Compliance with the rules of military courtesy and reverence.
  • Accurate wearing of uniforms and execution of military greetings.
  • Caring for the preservation of their own health, improving physical fitness, hardening.
  • The general duties of military personnel are to comply with the rules of public and personal hygiene.
  • Perfect knowledge of the rules for handling weapons.
  • The maintenance of equipment and weapons in constant readiness for battle.
  • Compliance with security requirements that apply to military service, including exercises, shooting, training, and attire.
  • Knowledge of regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the Russian Federation, humanitarian law to the extent established for sailors and soldiers. In fact, this is a legal minimum.
  • The main duties of a soldier include knowledge of the code of conduct of a soldier, signs of signaling and distinction.
  • Accurate wearing of uniforms, timely production of current repairs of the uniform, daily cleaning and storage of devices in a specially designated place.
  • If a sailor or soldier needs to leave, he must ask permission from the unit commander. Upon return, the senior superior is notified of arrival.
  • When staying outside the territory of a military unit, a soldier is obliged to behave with honor and dignity, without committing offenses.

If a sailor or soldier exemplarily fulfills his duties during the service, respects military discipline and has earned successes in combat training, he may receive the military rank of senior sailor or corporal.

A corporal or a senior sailor is required to assist the commander in the education and training of soldiers.

Military oath and obligations

A civilian assumes his obligations when swearing in takes place. This is done in several cases: upon arrival at the first place of service or at the first military training camp. The basic rights and obligations of military personnel immediately fall under the protection of the law.

Termination of duties

A soldier shall cease to fulfill his duties in the event of deprivation of rank, which is carried out only by a court verdict. A citizen must commit a particularly serious or serious crime. After the conviction is extinguished, the title can be restored.

In addition, the law includes such a thing as the age limit for tenure. If this is Marshal, General, Admiral, Colonel General - the official must not be older than 65 years; Lieutenant General, Vice / Rear Admiral, Major General - 60 years old; captain of the first rank or colonel - 55 years; for other titles - 50 years. If the service is performed by a female person, she adds up to 45 years of duty.

Rights and Responsibilities - General Principles

A person in the service may carry, store and use weapons entrusted to him. The rules applicable to weapons are regulated by law. All servicemen are under social protection guaranteed by the state and have all the rights and freedoms that other citizens of the country have.

If a person is found guilty of failure to perform his duties, he bears civil liability to the fullest extent of the law.

Instead of completing

Many young people, prior to being accepted for service, are concerned about the basic duties of a military man. Social studies give a clear interpretation of all the rules and regulations. The current officers note that a solid knowledge of their own rights and obligations is the basis of successful military service. Unquestioning compliance with all requirements allows for the growth of combat skills and strengthen discipline.