career management

Internal Communications Manager: Responsibilities

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Internal Communications Manager: Responsibilities

Video: Career Advice on becoming an Internal Communications Manager by Sophie M (Full Version) 2024, July

Video: Career Advice on becoming an Internal Communications Manager by Sophie M (Full Version) 2024, July

In the information world today, much attention is paid to building communications. Large companies are interested in creating and maintaining an impeccable image, as well as in establishing contacts with their own employees. That is why the profession of an internal communications manager is becoming in demand. For some, this is an occasion to change jobs.


It is curious that, despite the increased demand for internal communications managers, educational institutions do not train such specialists.

Surprisingly, the demand for such specialists is increasing. A successful career in this area can be built not only by people associated with advertising or marketing, but also by technical specialists who have received appropriate education at one time.

Internal Communications Manager: Responsibilities

Each profession has its own characteristics. The main task of the internal communications manager is to be the link between the employees in a large organization. In other words, he must inform the employees about the situation in other departments. This is necessary so that everyone works as a team, and makes decisions most effectively. To do this, he performs various activities.

  • Develops all kinds of tools to make it more convenient for employees to exchange information.
  • Creates a system of interaction connecting different departments of the company.
  • Increases employee engagement.

This whole set of actions is aimed at achieving the main task - to increase the efficiency of the entire organization.


This is just an indicative list of responsibilities that are assigned to the manager. The exact list will vary depending on the wishes of the particular employer. Often, the responsibilities of other employees are mistakenly assigned to this specialist - manager, PR manager, advertiser, marketer, etc.

The ideal option assumes that the internal communications manager has exact responsibilities related to building contacts. He can also engage in internal and external PR, developing loyalty programs, etc. His responsibilities should be somehow connected with communications aimed at employees of the organization, its partners or clients.


In order to carry out his duties efficiently, the internal communications manager must possess the following knowledge and skills:

  • Organizational skills.
  • The ability to analyze.
  • Understanding the characteristics of the business and thorough knowledge of the organization structure.
  • Ability to establish and maintain contacts.

If the internal communications manager has other employees under his command, other skills needed are important.

  • Personnel Management.
  • Planning.
  • Development of marketing projects.
  • Ability to work with finances.


Universities are not yet ready to offer students the specialty of an internal communications manager. Training will have to take place in other areas.

At the moment, the most likely candidates are those with education in the field of:

  • marketing;
  • advertising
  • PR

If you are interested in career growth, you can simultaneously receive a second higher education or engage in self-education. The manager for corporate culture and internal communications has very attractive prospects. You can become a specialist in business and consulting. Become a corporate communications manager, and then earn a promotion to the position of director of marketing. However, you need to understand that the enormous cost of finance, time and effort must be justified. Otherwise, they may be in vain.

If you decide to master the profession, the question of where to train internal communications managers should be one of the priorities. The specialty is not very popular in universities. Therefore, if it is not represented in a small city, it is worth paying attention to large cities, in which the choice of educational institutions and specialties is much wider. In addition, the prospects for further employment or part-time work during the period of obtaining a diploma are more tempting.

Practice training

Some applicants are wondering if it is possible to get the post of internal communications manager without training. And then learn the profession in practice.

I must say that if you try, the internal communications manager will be able to find such vacancies. But you have to stock up with tremendous patience.

Professions related to marketing are developing at a tremendous pace, so a highly qualified specialist must constantly monitor the latest. However, this does not negate the need to have a good theoretical base.

As practice shows, specialists who do not have specialized education use an insufficiently complete set of marketing tools. The reason for this unprofessional behavior is the lack of relevant knowledge in the field of communication. Typically, such specialists are guided by the opinion of more experienced colleagues.

That is why for those who plan to enter this profession, the question of where to study the internal communications manager should be especially relevant. Getting a diploma significantly increases the chances of a successful job placement.

Personal qualities

The uniqueness of the profession lies in the fact that the manager of internal communications in his work should show not only the subtleties of rational thinking, but also a creative approach. The combination of such qualities is very attractive to some applicants.

A manager must certainly be creative. Marketing is not an exact science. It is impossible to use ready-made solutions and templates. It is not necessary to show the top of originality when making decisions. But an individual approach to each task should be required.

Another curious point is that the internal communications manager may not have tremendous experience. Young specialists do an excellent job if they have their own approach to work, are able to make decisions independently.

Important Nuances

In each work there are difficulties and features. Despite the existence of a job description in which duties are prescribed, some specialists may not fully understand the specifics of their position.

The communications manager must be able to establish contacts within the organization and with clients. Thus, it contributes to increased efficiency.

It is very important to be able to correctly convey the essence of the work to our colleagues. After all, first he must receive information from some employees and skillfully distribute it among the rest, performing the role of a kind of connecting link.

If the staff understands that the manager is a member of the team, they will be more willing to provide the necessary information. After all, for this they will have to be distracted from performing the basic functions. Being united by one common cause, employees should feel team spirit and together strive for better results. A considerable merit in this belongs to the corporate communications manager, if he can organize the quality of work.

Who is it for?

Perhaps not every specialist will be satisfied with their work. But the position is arranged in such a way that the final result largely depends on the manager himself. He needs to constantly come up with new, more effective ways of communication.

That is why the position of manager is not suitable for passive people who are not at all keen to take the initiative and are only able to clearly fulfill the tasks set by the leadership. Even if such people are interviewed for a vacancy, they will not stay in it for a long time.

But active professionals, accustomed to performing diverse tasks, will not get bored in such a position. Indeed, almost daily they will have to implement new ways of interacting, taking pleasure in the process and the result.