career management

Motor-steering: job descriptions and responsibilities

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Motor-steering: job descriptions and responsibilities

Video: Hydraulic Steering: The Orbitrol / HMU Valve 2024, June

Video: Hydraulic Steering: The Orbitrol / HMU Valve 2024, June

The need for steering appeared at the time of the creation of the first ship. A little later, they invented the internal combustion engine and introduced it into the structure of the vessel, so the helmsman began to fulfill the duties of a minder. And so that the position reflected all the basic functions, the profession began to be called the minder-steering.

Immediate responsibilities

At work, the helmsman must adhere to a number of tasks:

  1. First and foremost, a specialist must possess the technique of controlling the vessel in any weather conditions, and instantly follow the orders of the higher management.
  2. He is obliged to know the design of absolutely all the engines of the vessel, related mechanisms, operating features and service rules.
  3. In accordance with the job description, the helmsman must take part in the repair of ships and monitor their serviceability.
  4. It is obliged to possess information on the location of the pipeline on the vessel, for which valves and valves are intended, how the anchor mechanism and methods of mooring the ship work.
  5. I must be able to manage the boat, in practice, learn the techniques of saving the drowning and the provision of first aid to victims.
  6. He is obliged to masterfully master the job descriptions of a ship sailor, the ability to knit marine knots and perform painting work.
  7. Own reading and understanding of the values ​​of the readings of all instruments on the ship.

Typical job description

People who have reached the age of 18 years and who underwent a medical examination for compliance with the position, as well as who have passed theoretical and practical training in specialized educational institutions, are hired.

Those who have a certificate of the right to work as a helmsman, are accepted and dismissed by their immediate supervisor in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the Charter of the organization, all rights, obligations and benefits are fully applicable to an employee.

Qualities of a potential applicant

The helmsman is obliged to have high discipline in order to accurately and in a short time follow the orders of the senior management. It is very important to have spatial thinking, which is necessary for orientation in space on water. In addition, I must remember the places in which I was already.

Be able to monitor the surrounding area in order to timely identify threats to the free passage of the ship. Vision should not be reduced in bad weather conditions - rain, fog, darkness. With the help of an excellent eye, the helmsman will instantly and correctly determine the exact distance from the vessel to the outlines.

An excellent hearing will be useful to the minder to identify the correct operation of the ship's engine by characteristic sounds, and will help to eliminate its malfunction in time.

Must have a good vestibular apparatus, be able to swim both on water and under, and not be prone to seasickness. And the implementation of the necessary work on the ship will require the initial skills of a locksmith and a certain physical strength.

Long shifts are only for patient and hardy people, and a permanent team should cause only friendly emotions, the absence of conflicts and mutual assistance to others.

Rights and obligations of the profession

The job description of the steering-minder is regulated by the Charter of the company in which the employee serves. His rights and basic duties are also written there. But it is worth remembering that the leader can set a task that is not registered there, but this does not give the right not to carry out orders from the authorities.

Education required

In order to meet the position of a steering-minder on a vessel, it is necessary to master a specialized education in a secondary special institution in any of the following areas:

  • sailor;
  • machinist;
  • shipbuilding and water transport technology;
  • ship mechanic;
  • skipper or assistant ship mechanic.

All these areas provide the necessary knowledge and skills to work with ship engines and control water transport.

Skill levels

In the specialty, there are two levels of specialist - these are 5 and 6. However, the duties of the steering-minder do not affect the level of tasks performed. The difference lies only in the power of the ship’s engine, to which the helmsman has access.

So, for example, a fifth-class worker can control a ship with an engine power of up to 850 kW, and has no sixth such limitation.

Possible career growth

Educated specialists will be able to work in any fleets and on any ship. Over time, gaining the necessary experience and passing the necessary advanced training, it is quite possible to safely become the captain of the vessel.

How much does a specialist earn

The salary of the helmsman depends on the region of residence of the employee and the engine power of the vessel that he controls. In the far corners of the country, the salary of such a specialist is 6.5-15 thousand rubles.

Living in the central region will be able to earn 25-30 thousand rubles per month.

Apparently not a lot. But do not forget that during the shift period the company fully provides employees with uniforms and the necessary food. In addition, there are all social guarantees, paid leave and bonuses for the results of work.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

The advantages of the position of the steering-minder include:

  • the profession is quite in demand and relevant on the labor exchange;
  • career opportunities to the captain of the ship;
  • full social package from the organization.

The disadvantages include:

  • low wages;
  • compulsory availability of an appropriate certificate of education;
  • work schedule - shift.

There is a contingent of people who like to plow the expanses of the sea, they want to know the real courageous maritime friendship, to see distant lands, to visit any corner of the world. It all seems so romantic that not only men, but also girls are going to serve in the fleet. However, for a true specialist in this position, this is paramount hard work. In all weather conditions and circumstances, ships are called upon to carry goods and passengers. Also, with the help of legal proceedings, fish are caught and spaces of the oceans are explored.

On small towing boats, the level of responsibility of the steering-minder increases at times, because the ship is controlled without the valuable instructions of the captain, and the specialist at the helm rests the responsibility. Therefore, here you need to be especially careful, be able to determine the malfunction in the engine by the nature of the sound, clearly navigate the instruments and quickly make important decisions in hazardous conditions.