
New professions - the imperative of the time

New professions - the imperative of the time

Video: Geir Pedersen - Prospects for peace in Syria: the Imperative of Constructive Diplomacy 2024, July

Video: Geir Pedersen - Prospects for peace in Syria: the Imperative of Constructive Diplomacy 2024, July

Do you know who the tinker is? What did the tselnik or switchman do? Objects, phenomena disappear, and human activities also change. New professions appear instead of the old ones, and in connection with the steady technological development.

Two decades ago, it would have been hard to imagine jobs like a copywriter, mobile app developer, or chat operator. Basically, new professions are, of course, connected with the World Wide Web, but not only. In all areas where high technology is used, on the one hand, machines replace manual labor, and on the other, there is a need for someone to control and monitor their work.

The professions of the new era - as Bill Gates foreshadowed - are often associated with remote employment. They require completely different skills, but for young people who, from the cradle, you can say "to you" with a computer, there is nothing impossible or surprising in them. So, let's name the main new professions in demand - that is, those that appeared in the last decade and the demand for which is constantly growing.

No one had any doubts that the Internet is not only a tool for communication and entertainment, but also a huge business platform with truly unlimited possibilities. Imagine how a news portal, a site with announcements or a virtual store functions. Texts, descriptions of goods, a program code that calculates the delivery price or directs us to electronic wallets so that we can pay for a product or service do not appear by themselves. Platforms are created by computer scientists. In addition, we are increasingly using various devices to access the network: therefore, the need for developers of relevant applications is growing.

Fills the portal with texts and illustrations, creates descriptions for goods - content manager. His responsibilities include updating information on the site, maintaining the interest of visitors. But the administrator of groups on social networks works directly with them.

For companies - with the goal of increasing sales, communication with consumers, interactivity - it has long been “good form” to have your Facebook or VKontakte page, to promote your products on Odnoklassniki or the services on Professionals.

What other new professions have arisen in connection with the expansion of the network? For example, a copywriter. Now this is not just a journalist or author of articles. He should create texts of various styles and orientations - from selling letters for newsletters to advertising “catchy” ads. Further, the fruits of his work fall into the hands of a "promotion specialist" - or an "SEO manager." He will be responsible for the position of the site in the search engine, for its attractiveness to users of the World Wide Web. Ultimately, on which search page the company’s results appear (for example, by the query “cheap windows” or “chocolate fountains”), its income and development directly depend.


more traditional activities are moving into virtual space. The owner of the company can live, say, in Germany, and employees can be anywhere in the world. Programmers work remotely. Translation companies collaborate with freelancers from other cities and countries, transferring tasks and receiving ready-made texts through special corporate portals.

More and more ordinary goods are sold through the Network, but anyway a person must accept an order, place it, pack it and send it. Here is another new profession - an e-commerce manager.

Opening up great opportunities, at the same time, the World Wide Web puts forward new requirements. The ability to respond quickly, handle a large amount of information, high-speed printing, analytical skills, knowledge of psychology, a creative approach - these are the qualities that are necessary for those who want to learn new professions.