
Sample Resume of an Economist, or Job Search

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Sample Resume of an Economist, or Job Search

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Video: The 4 Sentence Cover Letter That Gets You The Job Interview 2024, June

In many companies, before an interview, the applicant is asked to fill out a questionnaire on the organization's letterhead. But, despite this, the absence of a resume or its illiterate compilation can cause a candidate to refuse to work. A resume is a small presentation of a person as a specialist. It consists of several key sections that reflect the experience, personal qualities and education of the applicant for the position of accountant-economist. The article presents sample resumes of an economist that you must familiarize yourself with.

You need to try to understand the expectations of the employer and reflect them in the candidate’s resume. If the employer is looking for an accountant for the site, then the requirements for the candidate will be as follows: diligence, responsibility, high efficiency and competence.

If the employer is looking for a chief accountant-economist, then the requirements for the candidate will be the following: extensive work experience, good recommendations, competence, experience working with government agencies, preparing and submitting financial reports, making estimates and costing, etc.

Main sections of the resume

The main sections: contact information (the position that the candidate is applying for also fits here), education (including information on taking specialized courses), work experience, personal qualities, professional skills (where the level of computer skills is indicated).

In addition to this data, you can add a section of additional information. In this section, you can specify the rest of the data, for example, readiness for business trips, driver’s license availability and category, personal vehicle availability.

Advantage over other candidates

If in a professional activity a candidate has encountered inspections (desk, field tax audits, etc.) or otherwise interacted with state authorities (tax inspectorate, statistics agencies, pension fund, judicial authorities), this must be indicated on the questionnaire. These data reflect the high level of competence of the candidate and can be a decisive advantage over other applicants.

Resume Samples

What do resume economist-accountant, resume economist and planning economist look like? Now we will consider it.

Below is a summary (sample) of the economist's job.

Let's move on to another position. This is a summary of a planning economist (sample).

Documents for different positions differ from each other. Now we give a sample resume of an accountant-economist.

How to fill out resume sections

In the section “Personal data” it is customary to indicate the following information: last name, first name and patronymic of the candidate, address of his residence, contact phone numbers (one number must be stationary), date of birth, email address, marital status. Any resume begins with this section.

It is necessary to indicate the purpose of the resume, i.e. the name of the position for which the candidate is applying. It is also necessary to indicate the minimum or desired level of wages. It is better to indicate the level of wages in a range close to that offered in the vacancy to which the resume is sent. If the candidate’s salary level is too high or too low, then the probability of failure is high.

In the "Education" section, you must specify the educational institution, the name of the faculty and years of study. Here you can enter the courses that the candidate took on specialized software (for example, 1C program) with an indication of the specific version of the configuration studied. You can also specify some of the most “strong” trainings or seminars, but do not write a long list of all kinds of programs. Only the profile and most important courses are indicated.

In the section “Experience” two or three last places of work of the candidate are indicated, starting with the last. If the candidate has not quit the previous company, then instead of the year of dismissal, the entry “to the present” is made. It is necessary to list the responsibilities that the candidate performed in the course of work in each specific organization. Here you can indicate: “interaction with state supervisory authorities” or “participation in tax audits”.

As part of professional skills, the personal qualities of the candidate are indicated: responsibility, diligence, competence, quick learning and others. Samples of the economist’s resume, as a rule, provide a good example of the data that can be entered into the candidate’s questionnaire.

In the additional information section, the candidate should include only the information that he considers useful in the framework of this vacancy.

Design Nuances

When compiling a resume, a number of mistakes are often made, which can lead to an employer refusing to interview.

  • A candidate for a vacancy needs to look at samples of an economist’s resume and compare the data with his own (are all necessary sections included, is everything correctly executed).
  • The candidate needs to double-check the literacy of the text of the resume. A questionnaire containing spelling, stylistic and punctuation errors will not be useful.
  • The candidate should not indicate in the questionnaire other professions and skills that he owns, if they do not relate to the vacancy for which a resume is being prepared. For example, it is not necessary to indicate “needlework” in the resume for the position of economist.