career management

Enhancing your career opportunities and other ways to get a promotion

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Enhancing your career opportunities and other ways to get a promotion

Video: The #1 Way to Get Promoted at Work: Increase Your Visibility 2024, June

Video: The #1 Way to Get Promoted at Work: Increase Your Visibility 2024, June

Promotion and rapid career growth is the goal of any corporate employee with ambition. People feel their potential, come to the company to take new heights, and expect their bosses to notice their steady efforts.

Unfortunately, management sometimes sometimes purposely ignores all the successes of a budding employee. The situation can be changed if you follow proven tips.

Jason example

Career braking is a common problem. One example of such a scenario is the story of Jason, who worked for a large company as an international treasurer.

His duties required a high level of qualification and responsibility. Jason had to manage cash flows in the millions of dollars. This means that he needed to control the work of a large number of other treasurers who worked in the regions.

But the career advance that the young man was counting on did not happen.

It is worth noting that Jason can safely be called a star player in his company. The bottom line is that he was originally a technically gifted teenager and for this reason constantly exceeded the level of efficiency that was expected of him in adulthood.

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Jason was aware of his value as a gifted employee and therefore radiated a calm confidence that he would receive the award. Moreover, he was counting on the position of financial director.

But his confidence left after he was not even included in the list of candidates for the desired position. The planned career did not take place.

As it turned out, the main reason for such a decision by Jason’s authorities was reduced to the candidate’s lack of developed communication skills. He was a smart and effective specialist, but did not know how to competently communicate with people. This means that Jason could not be a good leader.

The first advice follows from this story: you need to approach your skills development comprehensively, taking into account the features of the desired position. That is, the situation must be assessed soberly and competently.

Communication is important

The second lesson comes down to the fact that the one who controls people should be able to find a common language with his subordinates. Otherwise, the team may not understand the essence of the tasks, or be poorly motivated. All this will inevitably affect the end result of the department.

It is important for management that the company's performance grow. And if a person who is not able to competently build communications with subordinates aspires to the post of director, then he will not be promoted. Indeed, with such a leader, indicators are likely to fall.

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Therefore, any specialists, regardless of profile, who are looking in the direction of promotion and leadership positions, need to hone their communication and interaction skills with employees. Obviously, without this, people cannot be effectively managed.

Excessive immersion in the technical part of the work

On the one hand, it may seem that a strong passion for the labor process, an understanding of the details and scrupulousness are good qualities of the employee. This is so, but only until the desire to become a leader appears in his mind.

The bottom line is that people who are accustomed to constantly immersing themselves in the process of completing a task cannot look at the whole range of activities from the outside and evaluate the situation in the department comprehensively.

The leader should be able to see and correctly evaluate the influence of various factors and develop a management strategy based on this information. That is, the chief’s analytics should go beyond the framework of his previous specialization.

Moreover, the level of strategic thinking and the ability to think globally will have to be constantly increased. And so the third piece of advice - if you want to become a boss, you need to learn to think in terms of category as the general task of the department, taking into account specific processes that affect the final result.

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Consult an experienced professional

Do not try to figure it out on your own. The fourth advice comes down to the need to allow professionals to evaluate themselves.

For example, an experienced trainer who works with corporate specialists can accurately identify the candidate’s strengths and problem areas in his position and skills.

Such a person will explain what needs to be worked on and what methods should be used.

Such an approach to your own professional development will help you quickly get to a higher position. Much faster than this could be done at the cost of only their own efforts.

Demonstrate loyalty to company goals

Wanting a raise, a higher salary and a vibrant career is normal. But management needs to see that the next CFO is not fixated solely on his upward movement, but sees the goals of the company.

When the specialist likes the philosophy of his corporation and is loyal to the basic goals, he will build a more practical and effective plan of action. And all because he wants to achieve the goals of the company more than get another increase. Well, or no less.

Loyalty to goals forms a better understanding of them. As a result, the plan of implementation includes more sincere professional creativity, which allows us to achieve fundamentally new results.

Therefore, the fifth tip is that building a career is better in the company whose corporate philosophy responds internally. It will be noticeable and it will help to rise.

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