
Recruitment - what is it: effective search for an employee or pointlessly spent money?

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Recruitment - what is it: effective search for an employee or pointlessly spent money?

Video: Tips for Reading Sources Critically and Effectively | Essay Writing 2024, July

Video: Tips for Reading Sources Critically and Effectively | Essay Writing 2024, July

Everyone knows that the most valuable resource of any enterprise is personnel. Only people ensure the smooth operation of modern machines, produce goods and services, and also raise capital. In this regard, the question arises: what is recruitment? Attracting valuable employees or making money on company owners and those in need of work?

Modern employee searches

Any business owner is interested in good staff, but where can I find suitable employees? For these purposes, techniques have been developed for successful recruitment.

This fashionable word has recently entered our vocabulary, but is already firmly entrenched in it. So, recruitment - what is it? This word refers to the selection of personnel, which includes the search for the right organization of people and their training. Personnel agent, personnel manager - these phrases are synonyms of the word "recruiter".

Types of Recruitment by Contractor

Who is the recruiter? There are two options. The first, more expensive for the company is the organization of its own service, which is looking for employees, selects the most worthy candidate from among them and trains him. These recruitment technologies are now considered obsolete.

The second option, which is more modern and less costly for an enterprise that needs an employee, is the services of individual recruitment agencies, the purpose of which is to select specific personnel for each ordering enterprise.

How do recruitment agencies work?

The way the company selects personnel is not a secret, although the success of the enterprise in the market depends on the correctness of the techniques used. After all, what is recruitment? First of all, it is an effective way to make money.

  1. Using the Internet. It is impossible to recruit the employee who does not want to get a profitable place. Therefore, many, even working people are in search of a new place, posting their resumes in online directories. Recruiters regularly review updated catalogs. Although this method is not entirely effective, since most of the resumes belong to university graduates or not very experienced employees with specialties unclaimed in the labor market.

  2. Headhunting. Translated from English, this expression translates as "headhunting." Headhunting recruitment - that this is a fairly tough way to “get” the right personnel, not many know. The recruiter is not just looking for the right employee, he lures him from his old place of work to a new one. Usually headhunters try to get an experienced employee in a leadership position in order to offer him a similar place on more favorable terms. For particularly valuable personnel, headhunters receive a good monetary reward, usually in the amount of one or two salaries according to their position.
  3. Niche recruiting. This technique involves the recruitment of personnel for a very narrow specialization. For example, if your company is engaged in transportation, then in order to find worthy employees, it is best for you to contact a personnel agency specializing exclusively in logistics. There is no doubt that recruiters know everything about the peculiarities of your business, constantly communicate with specialists in this field and will select exactly the specialists you need.

How is the recruiting process organized?

At the first stage, recruiters analyze the vacancy that needs to be closed, and make a portrait of the future applicant. It is necessary to say about the field of activity “recruitment” that this is a job for a subtle psychologist. You need to have a good idea of ​​what vacancy you are looking for a person and what requirements are presented to him during the interview.

The second step is to find a candidate. For this, all kinds of techniques are used, including viewing a resume on the network, posting ads, analyzing “passive candidates” and so on.

Having selected several potential employees, the recruiter conducts an interview with potential employees. The resume, communicative abilities of a person, his work experience and professional skills are evaluated.

Having left three or four of the most suitable candidates, the recruiter brings them together with the person who gave the order for the vacancy. As a rule, at this stage a final verdict is handed down about which of the applicants will occupy the post. After that, the employee accepted for the vacancy undergoes adaptation at the enterprise for a short period of time and begins work.