
Personal Driver Summary: Sample

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Personal Driver Summary: Sample

Video: How To Write A Cover Letter For A Driver Position? (2020) | Example 2024, July

Video: How To Write A Cover Letter For A Driver Position? (2020) | Example 2024, July

Every second in the modern world is a driver. Someone is driving their own car, someone is turning the steering wheel of a minibus or bus, and someone is a personal chauffeur of a CEO or a tycoon.

In order to become a driver of your own car, you need to get rights in the traffic police, but in order to transport other people, you need to have certain skills and personal qualities.

Job description

A personal driver is often required in large companies. In order to correctly evaluate the resume of a personal driver, the personnel manager must clearly understand what requirements the company makes to the position.

The experience of driving a car, experience in a similar position and the presence of certain personal qualities are three blocks that are evaluated by eychar. Having examined each of them in detail, you can judge whether the sample resume is suitable for a personal driver.

Required knowledge

In his work, the driver is responsible for the safety of the movement of another person. In order for the client to be comfortable and not afraid to ride in a car, the driver must know:

  • Traffic rules and fines for their violation;
  • machine structure, basic characteristics, operation and maintenance rules of components and assemblies;
  • rules and dates for compulsory examinations;
  • rules for caring for the body, interior, principles of caring for the car;
  • signs of malfunctions and methods for their independent elimination;
  • Cases for troubleshooting should be contacted by a service center;
  • location of the necessary service stations.

A qualified and experienced driver cannot but know simple things, such as how to measure the oil level, the timing of its replacement or the location of the coolant reservoir. A candidate whose resume contains erroneous data on maintenance or traffic rules will not meet the qualification requirements.

Driving skills

The personal driver’s CV should indicate whether the applicant has experience driving executive cars. These include cars of the brands Mercedes, Volvo, Bentley, Rolls-Royce.

The ability to drive such a car is an important skill, since such a transport is equipped with a large number of additional functions, the knowledge of which the driver guarantees the passenger comfort while driving. For example, the driver must know how the partition rises between the driver's seat and the passenger compartment, if the situation requires it. A long search for the necessary buttons or incorrect manipulations violate the comfort of passengers.


A sample resume of a personal driver should contain a description of the duties that he had to fulfill at previous places of work. If there is little information in the resume, the HR manager is required to conduct an interview asking additional questions about functional responsibilities.

Responsibilities include:

  • ensuring timely delivery of the car;
  • ensuring the technical health of the machine;
  • compliance with safety measures of the entrusted vehicle;
  • driving a vehicle in compliance with all traffic rules to ensure safety for passengers and others;
  • ensuring technical serviceability of the car, independent inspection;
  • timely inspection in the service center or inspection at the station;
  • keeping the engine and the passenger compartment, as well as the body in a clean state, protecting them from environmental influences by treating surfaces with special tools;
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle, refusing to use any psychotropic or narcotic substances that affect coordination and perception of reality;
  • obligatory clear study of the route before departure and coordination of the route with the passenger or senior management;
  • maintaining waybills in order to mark mileage, route, fuel consumption;
  • at the end of the day, the car is parked in the garage or in the parking lot.

An example personal driver resume should include a listing of job responsibilities. Missing points or uncharacteristic tasks must be clarified with the applicant.


Any position implies the presence of not only duties, but also rights. The driver is no exception.

In his work, he has the right to:

  • the requirement for passengers to comply with traffic rules (use of seat belts, transportation of children in special car seats, boarding and alighting only in specially authorized places);
  • obtaining the necessary information in full;
  • submission of proposals to the management on increasing the accident-free driving of a car, increasing its competence, improving work;
  • the requirement from the management of working conditions that do not contradict the law;
  • decision making in the redistribution of competence.

A responsibility

Usually, the personal driver’s resume does not indicate the responsibilities that the employee bears before the employer. However, it is necessary to find out what reactions were expected from the employer in case of emergencies or breakdowns.

The driver is responsible for:

  • untimely, negligent performance or failure to perform direct duties;
  • non-observance of orders, instructions, decrees obliging to preserve trade secrets, confidential information, personal data;
  • violation of labor discipline, labor regulations, safety and health rules.


The work of a personal driver, although not associated with dangers, is difficult and responsible. In his work, the personal driver is protected by the rules and regulations of the company or by the contract that is concluded upon employment. The laws of the Russian Federation, labor legislation protect the employee in his work.

Personal qualities

A person who needs a personal driver has a high income and often bad character. The driver has to adapt to the passengers, feel their moods, be able to listen, and maintain a conversation, and be silent if necessary.

Personal qualities for the driver play an important role. A sample resume to work as a personal driver should contain a listing of the candidate’s key personal qualities.

Among the important ones are:

  • stress resistance;
  • flexibility;
  • ability to find a common language;
  • empathy;
  • decency;
  • loyalty;
  • tolerance.

Due to the specificity of the position in which the driver has to work, the most important quality is the ability to store information. In order not to become a source of leakage of important confidential data, the driver must understand that everything heard at work is not subject to disclosure.

Resume Example

The candidate often overwrites the duties of a personal driver for a resume from a job description. To avoid awkward moments when meeting with the employer, you must read the resume before sending.

After considering the example, it will be clear why such a candidate is not suitable for the position of a personal driver.

Company: Avtotrans LLC, 2015.2015 - 04.2015. Resigned of his own free will.

Branch: passenger transportation in the city.

Position: minibus driver.

Responsibilities: curing passengers, leaving the route, refueling the car, repairing minor breakdowns.

Wishes: I want to work as a personal or personal driver of the director or his wife in a good car.

Unfortunately, drivers of route transport are not the most stress-resistant and friendly people in their mass. Such a candidate who has little work experience and high expectations for the future employer will not meet the requirements for the position.

Experienced driver

Looking at the resume of an experienced driver, you can immediately understand that the candidate has all the necessary skills and qualities. Even the style of writing a resume of a personal driver of a leader will stand out among the whole mass of responses. A worthy candidate will draw up a CV in detail, attach contact numbers for recommendations (where possible), indicate not only the main responsibilities, but also the successes that could be in his work.

Company: Trans-Neft-Resource LLC, 2002-2014

Position: family driver, personal driver of the general director.

Reason for dismissal: the head’s departure for permanent residence outside the Russian Federation.


  • timely delivery of the car to the right place;
  • departure at night by order of management;
  • carrying out deliveries of guests, family members (2 children - 3 years and 11 years) to the indicated place;
  • business trips with management within the Russian Federation;
  • filling out a waybill, reporting faults;
  • car repair, mandatory inspection;
  • monitoring the condition of the car, all components and assemblies;
  • implementation of timely replacement of necessary spare parts;
  • car body and interior care.

Achievements: as a result of clear route planning, reduced fuel consumption by 20%.

Personal qualities: clarity, punctuality, responsibility, stress resistance, mobility, the ability to remain silent and store information.

Additional information: accident-free driving experience of 35 years, experience in driving premium cars (Bentley, Mercedes, Volvo).