career management

The best job in the world: top 10 best professions, job responsibilities, working conditions, material and moral pleasure from work

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The best job in the world: top 10 best professions, job responsibilities, working conditions, material and moral pleasure from work

Video: Highest Paying & Happiest Jobs After College 2024, June

Video: Highest Paying & Happiest Jobs After College 2024, June

Somewhere between the work of your dreams and your real activities, there are better jobs in the world. What positions do happy people hold? While some of the coolest careers are also among the rarest jobs in the world, there are many dream majors available for applying and interviewing. What is the best job in the world - the highest paid or one that is for the soul?

Dream job

What would you like to do every day? What is the best job in the world and for you personally? Some of the best jobs in the world include professions such as film critic, actor, video game tester, surgeon, architect, teacher, youtuber, and many others.

Successful Personal Growth Planning

Career can be defined as the progress of a person within a profession or a series of them. However, this is more than just a job or a profession. It also includes your progress, your growth and development in the professional sphere of life. Regardless of whether your goals are bookkeeping, theater, or environmental science, there are general skills that will be required regardless of the dream you are striving for. This is the ability to read, write, calculate, think critically and communicate effectively.

For the most part, these skills are developed and refined in general education courses. They, along with effective methods for planning professional growth and the ability to cope with uncertainty in a changing environment, will allow you to overcome obstacles throughout your working life.

Career choice

The best work in the world is one that brings pleasure, both spiritual and material. Making a decision about your initial career can be a tense and frightening prospect. Many perceive such decisions as complex or even mysterious just because they tend to concentrate on the results and lose sight of the decision-making and planning process.

Successful personal growth decisions are based on relevant and accurate information. Today, career information is plentiful and easily accessible. Although it is interesting and potentially useful, it can also be overwhelming. Nevertheless, one important fact follows from the mass of available data and literature: effective planning is a process in which all aspects of the personality are taken into account. Comprehensive planning emphasizes the importance of knowing about your unique attributes, about specific areas of work, about your life priorities.

Career planning is an individual activity that takes place throughout a person’s working life. In modern society, the sphere you enter into will affect your entire lifestyle, self-esteem, income, prestige, choice of friends and place of residence. Activity planning in this case is indeed a subcomponent of life planning.

The best job in the world

Many people have different ideas about what is the best choice. What is the best job in the world? Of course, there are many exotic positions - a LEGO sculptor, an island ranger or a beer taster. But these jobs are either hard to find, or they are available in limited numbers, or entail some risk. So what are the top 10 works of the world? Positions here involve a combination of high wages, job security and growth potential.

1. Statistics Specialist

If you are well versed in numbers, then this is your job. Statisticians conduct statistical research, analyze risks and assess the probabilities and economic costs of various results for companies such as, for example, insurance. They are responsible for calculating the risk that enterprises face. First of all, they use mathematics, statistics and financial market analysis tools to try to project all the potential profits and losses that the company may encounter.

Forecasting the profit and loss of the company means that such employees occupy a very important place in the company and have a very high salary. Educational requirements for extras are very high, not only because you have to be exclusively "on you" with statistics and math, but also because of the high salary - there are many people competing for a small number of places.

2. Neurosurgeon

While some people are looking for places where the best jobs are, professions that are exciting, challenging and rewarding, others are looking for the highest paid jobs in the world, and getting them is the dream of life for many. Well, because these jobs are profitable, they require skills that are hard to acquire, or many years of training to master them. Neurosurgeons are some of the best and most qualified surgeons in the world. They deal with the human brain, and the slightest mistake can lead to catastrophic damage.

A good education in this area determines everything. Due to the delicate nature of their work, they receive a high salary, in fact, they are one of the highest paid professionals. But to become a neurosurgeon, you need years of study, practice and dedication. It may take 15 years of training before you are considered a full-fledged specialist who is able to work independently.

3. Anesthetist

The highest paid doctors in the United States are anesthetists. They are responsible for administering anesthesia before, during and after surgery and other medical procedures. One of the reasons that they are paid so well is that if they make mistakes, then they have a real chance to kill the patient, so they need to be upscale, watchful and constantly monitor the patient's condition.

Anesthetists have to spend many years training to get a big salary. After they have completed their initial training, they must undergo at least 4 years of special training.

4. The epidemiologist

Epidemiologists investigate the causes of disease and manage public health programs. More than half of all specialists in this field work for federal, state or local authorities. What is an epidemiologist doing? There are many responsibilities, some of which will include the need to oversee public health programs both for statistical analysis and for improving public health.

Epidemiologists also research various diseases and parasites in order to obtain more information about them, as well as to find out factors, causes and risks to the public. Disease treatment can also be investigated by these professionals. Epidemiologists also work in the pharmaceutical industry, researching appropriate doses for patients, as well as various immunization methods.

5. Occupational Therapy Specialist

Working in private practice or in hospitals and nursing homes, occupational therapists treat patients with injuries or disabilities. They help such people return to normal.

6. The programmer

Software developers are divided into two groups: application and system software developers. Programmers analyze customer needs, and then develop and test a new software product.

7. Judge

For some, the best job in the world is a judge. This is the highest level of justice in any country, and therefore they are paid more money than lawyers. They preside over trials and make final decisions in accordance with the law, and not with their personal feelings.

To become a judge, you must have extensive experience as a lawyer, and also be a very valuable person in your work. Therefore, of course, at least you will need a bachelor's degree in law and the completion of a professional course in legal research. You will also need at least seven years of experience as a lawyer.

8. Interpreters and translators

As the number of international trade companies increases, the demand for multi-language translators and multi-language translators will increase. Having received higher education and knowing the language, interpreters and translators are quite in demand.

9. Computer Systems Analyst

Computer systems analysts identify information technology needs for their employers, research new technologies. They also set up systems and control the installation of equipment.

10. Yutuber

What is the best job in the world? How fun and easy it would be to be a “professional YouTuber” - you earn so much money for posting entertaining and not only videos on the Internet. You can get a very good salary, gain thousands (even millions) of fans, and even write books and tour around the world, as many have already done. YouTubers are paid based on subscribers - $ 100 for every 10,000 subscribers per month. If you ultimately had 1,000,000 subscribers, you would receive $ 10,000 per month and about $ 120,000 per year! To do this, you just need to post one video per week (as most does). Doesn't this still look like a dream job?

The keeper of the island is the best work

Many would like to leave the stuffy and noisy cities and find their dream job near some ocean. The best job in the world on the island was found by the caretaker of Hamilton Island on the Great Barrier Reef. In 2009, Ben Southall of Great Britain was honored. Before that, he won the contest "The best job in the world."

His job responsibilities included: living in a chic mansion, feeding exotic turtles and whales, diving, exploring nearby islands, blogging and shooting videos about the beauties of the islands. Salary for workdays amounted to $ 18,000 per month. Interestingly, after the contract expired (6 months), the lucky man himself said that he was tired and needed a good rest.