career management

Who are the investigators? What is the work of the investigator

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Who are the investigators? What is the work of the investigator

Video: Dream Jobs: Private Investigator 2024, July

Video: Dream Jobs: Private Investigator 2024, July

Investigators are employees of the Investigative Committee or the prosecutor's office. These people have a law degree and are called to investigate criminal, economic and political crimes.

The profession of an investigator appeared in the Roman Empire. Already at that time, the state needed people who would conduct covert search activities. After collecting all the necessary facts, systematizing them, they presented the obtained data at the hearing.

Only at the end of the 19th century did forensics become an independent science. Its founder is called the French Alfons Bertillon and the Austrian Hans Gross. They proposed identification methods by fingerprints and portrait of a person.

In the modern world, investigators are people who are at the head of the investigative-operational group, direct and coordinate its actions. Investigators also collaborate with other specialists and organize their work. These are auditors, experts, doctors and others. The work of the investigator is evidence of the guilt of the criminal or the decision that the suspect is not guilty.

At its core, the investigator is a lawyer who is able to understand any legal issues. For example, a legal adviser can be well versed in contractual, banking, and joint-stock law. But the investigator must know everything. Since crimes can be committed in different areas of human activity: in the field of copyright, in the technological process of production, in economics, politics, banking and so on.

The level of education

The work of the investigator requires a diploma of higher legal education. If a person has only a secondary vocational education, then it is not enough to effectively fulfill all the duties of an investigator. Much attention in the preparation of future specialists is paid to physical and combat training.

For a successful service, the investigator needs to know the code of criminal procedure, current legislation, forensic methods, logic, psychology, and the fundamentals of economics. He must be able to use video, audio and photo equipment for his own purposes.

Is this profession in demand

The profession of an investigator is quite common and in demand. There is a demand in the labor market for representatives of this specialty, although there are enough university graduates in this field. However, the work of the investigator is very difficult, for a successful career requires not only higher education, but also talent, perseverance and perseverance.

What is the activities of the investigator

The investigator begins his work by receiving a written statement about the crime. After he starts a case, organizes and conducts an investigation at the crime scene, searches for and interviews witnesses. At the next stage of the investigation, the investigator analyzes the information received and puts forward several versions of the crime. Interrogation of suspects of illegal actions in order to search for evidence. The investigator of the Investigative Committee as a result of his work writes a report and submits the case to the court.

During the investigation, the investigator needs the help of the investigation team, forensic experts, forensic experts, bailiffs and other specialists. That is why the investigator needs patience and good organizational skills.

And who is the investigator in terms of the Russian Code of Criminal Procedure? A person in this profession is the prosecutor, whose powers include preliminary investigative measures and not only. He has the right:

  • initiate criminal proceedings in the manner prescribed by law;
  • work on them;
  • take all necessary measures and resolve issues that may arise during the investigation process, except in those cases when it is required to obtain a court decision or the consent of the head;
  • engage in appeal with the consent of the head of court cases so that they are subsequently reviewed;
  • act in court as an accuser.

However, investigators are not only people who blame. In order to conduct a comprehensive and objective study of the circumstances of the case, they must find not only evidence of the suspect's guilt, but also try to justify him or mitigate the guilt of the person under investigation.

Investigators are people who are not entitled to make mistakes. Therefore, they need to approach the investigation of each case with all responsibility. Frivolous attitude to the profession can lead to the fact that innocent people will be punished, and criminals will not bear any responsibility.

Personal qualities of the investigator, which he should possess

  • analytical thinking;
  • erudition;
  • ability to defend and argue one’s point of view;
  • flexible thinking;
  • high sociability;
  • dedication;
  • mental stability;
  • initiative;
  • perseverance
  • perseverance;
  • self-confidence;
  • purposefulness;
  • responsibility for decisions made;
  • quick wits;
  • Integrity
  • unpretentiousness.

Significance for society

An investigator of the Investigative Committee protects laws and prevents crimes. This is the main value of the profession. After all, everyone understands that it is impossible to live in a state without establishing the rule of law in it. A person who has violated the law, committed any crime must be held accountable both to the law and to people. This should be a good lesson to the offender himself and to all those who are just planning illegal actions. However, all criminals hide the traces of the crime, wanting to escape from justice. The investigator is obliged to find the attacker using all possible means and making every effort.

Career investigator

Investigators serve in the investigative bodies of the Ministry of the Interior, the Investigative Committee, the Federal Security Service and the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation. With good service, the investigator can become the head of the investigative unit or the head of a ministry or department. The investigator’s work in the prosecutor’s office is prestigious.

It must be remembered that a person in such positions cannot engage in commercial activities. Allowed only teaching or creativity.

Profession specifics

As an investigator, a person assumes great responsibility for the fate of people. This is a difficult and dangerous activity. There is a chance of life threatening and attack. In the process of his service, the investigator deals with meanness, aggression, grief, death.

The profession is mainly associated with mental work, it includes the reception and processing of information received. But physical labor is not excluded.

Usually the investigator conducts several cases simultaneously. There is a possibility of irregular working hours, round-the-clock shifts, work at night and holidays. As a rule, a small salary. Most often, men work as investigators, since for women it is a rather rude and physically difficult profession.

The positive aspects of the work of the investigator

Service in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the prosecutor's office is considered respected and prestigious. It is likely that workers will be provided with temporary or permanent housing. Civil servant privileges are given.