
Industrial and office cleaner: job description

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Industrial and office cleaner: job description

The profession "cleaner of industrial premises and office space", quite rare and necessary, has a number of features and subtleties. The duties of a person in this profession include the regular cleaning of rooms of a special type using various chemicals. The main task of the employee is not only to properly clean the premises, but also to understand very well the structure of his work so as not to endanger his own health.

A bit about the profession

It is important to know that the cleaner of industrial premises and office premises is, first of all, an employee who has a high level of skills and knowledge on electrical safety. All cleaners undergo a special professional briefing: introductory (when applying for a job) and regular (every time period specified by law).

Before starting work, a potential employee must undergo a paid internship in order to show his ability to perform work in accordance with all standards and requirements. The profession is very laborious, requiring responsibility, but at the same time well paid.

Profession Features

The main feature of this work is that it is quite easy to get it if you follow all the requirements and go through the initial briefing. A potential employee may not have an education. However, do not forget about responsibility, because often work involves cleaning complex and important technical objects and premises. You need to take work seriously.

The profession does not attract many people because of its prestige, but it is very in demand in the labor market. Employers daily submit a huge number of applications for job vacancies. The future employee will be introduced to all his rights. The salary for this kind of work is quite high, because the cleaning of technical and office premises is rather harmful to health. Most companies provide health insurance to employees.

A cleaner or cleaner of production and office premises is an employee in relation to whom special requirements are put forward. Consider them below.

Staff requirements

Those wishing to take a vacancy must meet a number of the following requirements:

  1. A person should in no case be allergic to various kinds of chemicals.
  2. Do not suffer from a possible loss of consciousness due to various reasons and any kind of diseases of the central nervous system.
  3. The worker must have good eyesight.
  4. A sense of balance and the general condition of the vestibular apparatus, according to the results of a preliminary medical examination, should be satisfactory.

This kind of profession should be treated with utmost care and responsibility. In the process, the cleaner has to contact with a large number of cleaning products for various purposes, as well as various manual means. All chemicals handling instructions will be posted on site. Starting to perform official duties, the cleaner should be clearly able to analyze and distinguish all solutions and substances with which he will have to work.

Job description (office cleaner): text

Each staff unit in the organization has its own job description, which should be followed.

The job description of the cleaner of production and office premises is a labor document regulated by the norm of legislation, the purpose of which is to describe in detail the profession and all its instructions: the rights and obligations of the employee.

The instructions should be read before submitting a resume and passing an interview. Thus, you will have the most complete information about the profession and you can decide whether it suits you or not. Often people do not bother to get acquainted with the features of the profession "cleaner of industrial premises and office space", and after the first briefing they refuse a vacancy, thus wasting their time and that of their employer. All aspects of the job description are discussed further in the article.


The job description of a cleaner of industrial and office premises describes the rights of employees:

  1. Each employee has the right to demand detailed information about all aspects of work and his duties.
  2. The employee has the right to offer management ideas on how to make work more efficient and rational.
  3. Management should assist the employee. All benefits and related wages must be provided.

Cleaner of industrial premises and office space: duties

The profession instruction instructs the employee to observe the following rules:

  1. The rules of the work schedule must be strictly observed.
  2. The employee must always use special work clothing for the intended purpose, monitor fire safety.
  3. Every time when cleaning rooms in which various kinds of heavy chemicals and combustible substances are stored, observe fire safety rules.
  4. It is good to know and comply with all the studied electrical safety rules.
  5. After work, be sure to observe the rules of hygiene. (wash hands and other areas of the body that were exposed to chemicals during cleaning thoroughly).
  6. After completion of work, put all work equipment into the utility rooms specially designated for this.
  7. The instruction for the office premises cleaner indicates that the premises should be cleaned in the following order: premises intended for eating, rooms for staff to rest. Service rooms intended for heating or cooling, wardrobe, smoking rooms, hygiene rooms.
  8. The rooms should be cleaned daily.
  9. The employee is responsible for the quality and timeliness of his work, for causing material damage and non-performance or poor performance of his duties.