career management

Remote work - what is it? Categories, types with descriptions, pros and cons, tips and reviews

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Remote work - what is it? Categories, types with descriptions, pros and cons, tips and reviews

Video: Former FBI Agent Explains Criminal Profiling | Tradecraft | WIRED 2024, June

Video: Former FBI Agent Explains Criminal Profiling | Tradecraft | WIRED 2024, June

The modern world surprises with regular innovations and innovations in all fields of activity and all kinds of functionalities of developing infrastructures. A lot has changed since perestroika and after the collapse of the “scoop”. Today, people are no longer sent to prison or betrayed to corrective labor for lack of profession or for a few days of idleness. If the Soviet people had to work for the good of society, today people are left to their own devices: if you want, work, if you want, don’t work. There is no binding order, decree or law stating that the absence of an official device is punishable. That is why in modern society it is customary to independently choose their own labor according to their strength, capabilities and desire. And very often, the choice of many is remote work. What it is?

The concept of remote employment

The notion of working part-time and part-time came to us just a few decades ago. And remote work on the Internet - and not so long ago. In modern society, where all kinds of gadgets rule the world - laptops, computers, tablets, e-books, smartphones - there are a lot of opportunities to work at home. The main condition for such employment is, of course, the Internet. Thanks to him, the employer and the potential executor can communicate and exchange the information they need both of them.

This also implies the notion that remote work is the ability of the applicant to fulfill the permissible obligations set forth in an unofficial or formalized agreement between him and the employer, where the main condition for cooperation is the absence of the need for the employee to stay at the workplace in the office of the legal entity.

Often, an entrepreneur offering a vacancy is not so important the education of his ward or serious work experience, as required by the official in-house employment. This is the essence of remote work, that this is an opportunity that students, unemployed people or people looking for part-time work as an addition to their main job in their free time and able to work at home, thereby earning money.

Who is a freelancer?

A person who is willing to work on a remote basis is today called a freelancer. Literally translated from English, this concept means “free worker”. Jobs of remote work are often much less than the resumes of such free workers, since most often the freelancer himself offers his services in the employment market, and employers looking for labor resources can choose from the candidates they like.

But who, in fact, are called freelancers? People who are willing and keen to take remote work vacancies as writing journalists, copywriters, rewriters, legal consultants, computer programmers, architects, designers, advertisers, Internet providers, translators, photographers, directors (now bloggers) - all of them can be called freelancers. This is just a set of those possible profiles that are subject to the so-called home earnings.

Benefits of Freelancing

And yet, why do people choose remote work? What does this give to modern society and what are the advantages of such work? It should be noted that modern people choose this kind of employment for a reason. And this is not surprising, because such a plan, the work has a lot of positive qualities for the applicant, namely:

  • Home Office. The main and indisputable advantage of freelancers' activity is the fact that they do not need to hurry every day in a hurry to work and spend almost half a day in the subway waiting for their arrival at their destination, since their workplace is actually located at their home.
  • Comfort Agree, it’s quite convenient to carry out your job descriptions, just sitting at a laptop on your soft sofa and doing your work in the exact form and in those conditions that you can determine and choose for yourself.
  • Free schedule. You can designate for yourself such a time frame for performing a given amount of work that is convenient for the performer himself: he can calmly do his business and hobbies during the day, and work out the material accepted for execution at night.
  • Ability to select a specific task. A freelancer can safely abandon an uninteresting project and pick up the level of tasks that he likes and can do specifically for him.

Who chooses remote work?

Of course, remote job vacancies from direct employers are far from the ultimate dream of every conscious citizen. Most people who have come a long way to education at a university want to work specifically in their specialty. But there is a separate category of applicants for whom the remote home work vacancies are a bit of a life buoy in terms of the possibility of replenishing your financial budget without leaving your comfort zone. Here is who chooses the remote work:

  • Students. Many representatives of modern youth want to gain financial independence even before they realize themselves in the specialized professional field.
  • Moms on maternity leave. Probably, they make up one of the most significant shares in the share of all freelancers of the current society. Why not? In her free time from caring for a child — while the baby is sleeping or visiting with her grandmother — mother works for the benefit of the family through working with a free schedule at home.
  • People with disabilities. In order to sit at home and answer phone calls or write articles to the editorial office of a magazine, one does not have to have superpowers. Those representatives of the society who have lost legs or are forced to sit in a chair with a paralyzed part of the body can become freelancers and thus realize themselves as quite executive employees in remote work - there are many vacancies for this in the labor market.

Copywriting and rewriting

The most common type of freelance is copywriting. Along with rewriting, he is a leader among remote job vacancies from direct employers and intermediaries. Why rewriting and copywriting? Because, probably, this is one of the simplest types of freelancing: I took the task, sat for some time in front of the computer, collected all the necessary information on the Internet and summarized it in the Word document.

In addition to simplicity, this remote work vacancy is also one of the very first in the labor market of this kind of employment. Writing an author’s scientific and educational article or some movie review, or perhaps some new culinary recipe, all falls under the category of freelance, which is at the origins of the notorious “earning at home”. It is important here not to indulge in plagiarism, be literate enough and be able to express your thoughts in a letter in such a way that it is interesting and readable for the target audience.

Photo and video editing

Another original vacancy of remote work from employers of the modern world of the Internet is the position of a “home” photographer or video editor. In fact, for people who have a sufficient level of imagination and style (in terms of their vision of a particular situation or a specific subject of research in the context of the task), this freelance can even be called a hobby. Rather, such people like their business, which is why they undertake such a lesson.

Take beautiful and high-quality pictures and get paid for them - isn't that a pleasant thing? Or to engage in the most interesting editing of a self-made video clip without having a special education and just being an amateur, while offering it to the demand market - is it not exciting?

Online store

A very popular type of direct remote work on the Internet is the good old trade, only in a more modernized and improved interpretation. Now, such a plan of earnings is called the "online store." It looks like this: the representative of the fair half, who was once engaged in the sale of fashionable women’s clothing in a clothing kiosk or rented in a shopping center, is planning to “expand” her business and plans to sell her products to a wider mass.

She takes pictures of the goods in stock and publishes them on her own website or on the corresponding sales services, indicating sizes, color variations and prices. Interested young ladies pay for their chosen product according to the invoice issued in advance and thus order the model they like. Glad seller, satisfied buyer. Moreover, often such sales are not carried out by the owners and producers of the goods themselves, but by simple intermediaries - freelancers. And such a sales plan can be carried out with absolutely any subject of the proposal, from things to spare parts for bicycles - it’s quite a profitable business.

Accounting and management at a distance

Another popular option for modern money making at home is remote work as an accountant or sales, sales, and workflow manager. A businessman looking for a promising accountant places a vacancy on the labor exchange with a note on freelance work and thereby attracts the attention of many people who have the appropriate education, but who for some reason prefer a free schedule. They receive the appropriate task from the remote employer and calmly carry it out at home, while receiving all the necessary information for conducting a qualitative analysis. Often, such employees are hired by small private entrepreneurs who need a person who is involved in reporting to the appropriate authorities.

Online consultation

So many freelancers today are online consultants. Selling any ultramodern product by explaining to customers its relevance and need through telephone or online chat is the main goal of such a work plan. Experts in the field of psychology, extrasensory perception, and even jurisprudence can earn online consultations.

Social Media Jobs

The activity that is gaining momentum in the arena of the social spaces of the Internet today also tends to be paid by interested people. A huge number of people who want to promote their page, profile, and trading platform using the mega-popular VKontakte website or the hyperactive Instagram application use the services of “cheating subscribers” to acquire the popularity of a personal profile. Today, people who spend all day with their smartphones in their hands and subscribe to the accounts of hundreds and thousands of people from their employer profile, earn decent money for such a profession plan.

Web design

The vacancy of remote work as a specialist in technical improvement and aesthetic transformation of customer’s web pages has also not lost its relevance and takes place in the modern world of Internet communications. The ability to work with a computer and Internet hosting allows people who beautifully design and promote someone’s site to the masses to earn good money at home.

Mobile application and game development

But the positions of the remote developers of the modern web of the online gaming arena have the most positive reviews. Good earnings bring people even just the ability to create computer heroes. Electronic artists, sound engineers, installers, programmers have the opportunity to receive a consistently decent salary for creating together new games or expanding new levels of these games by order of the employer. What to speak of the employer himself: he has a very good income on such matters, since the modern world of virtual excitement is quite profitable today.