career management

Not taking on your own work: what you need to give up in order to become more successful in 2020

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Not taking on your own work: what you need to give up in order to become more successful in 2020

Video: 5 Habits to Give Up if You Want to Be Successful 2024, July

Video: 5 Habits to Give Up if You Want to Be Successful 2024, July

No one is free from bad habits. But it is at the end of the year that I want to review the past year and think honestly about myself. What prevented you from becoming even more successful in 2019? How can you change your behavior to become happier in 2020? You just need to once and for all exclude some things from your life.

Do not go to social networks and private messages while working

If you want to work productively, stay away from all social networks. It costs you a lot more time than you think, just to reply to a message or see your girlfriend’s latest posts on Instagram.

In addition to wasting precious time, you also influence your level of concentration. Constantly viewing messages on your personal smartphone can easily entice you to do something other than work. To be able to implement all your projects as soon as possible in 2020, just do not take a break on social networks during business hours.

Do not compare yourself with others

There will always be someone who gets more money for their work, whose car is faster, whose apartment is larger. In our culture of self-expression in social networks, it is becoming increasingly difficult not to compare ourselves with others. But people who are very similar to others are more unhappy.

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First of all, the study shows that such people do not care how well or poorly they cope with the task. What matters to them is that they are no worse than others. A little competition will never hurt. But one who constantly compares himself with others, instead of focusing on the goal, will not advance in his work and personal life in 2020.

Don't complain

Some people torment themselves and colleagues with constant nagging. Meanwhile, anyone who complains at least half an hour a day does serious harm to his brain. This follows from a study at Stanford University. When we complain, our hippocampus - the part of the brain that is responsible for solving problems - contracts. In this state, getting out of a difficult situation will not work.

Instead of solving the problem, we complain. This leads us into a dead end, further exacerbating the situation. Therefore, instead of blaming your work or your boss, think about what you can do to improve your situation in the workplace.

Prioritize correctly

The richest people on the planet agree on one thing: they at one time perfectly mastered the art of prioritizing work. Make it a lot harder than you think. Think about how many times you lost yourself in something completely unimportant in the last year and put off something important for later? But this is the key to success or failure.

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Successful people always know what problem they will solve in the next few days or weeks. Everything is clearly planned for them, and deviation from the plan is unacceptable. You must also think and decide what is priority in life and what is not.

Do not surround yourself with negative people

Analyst and writer Thomas S. Corley spent five years studying rich people's daily routines. He found that they very accurately choose with whom to spend time. First of all, they avoid pessimists. Their main principle: "You are as successful as successful people are near you."

The rich are always looking for people who are goal-oriented, optimistic, enthusiastic and generally positive. In addition, since we tend to perceive the negativity of other people, we should avoid dealing with them because of our health. Optimistic thinking can even lead to an increase in life expectancy.

People who are more optimistic should live an average of 11-15% longer. According to the study, the likelihood of celebrating their 85th birthday is also 50-70% higher. Get rid of negative people and your own negativity by 2020. Your affairs will go right away.

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Do not spend long and unnecessary meetings

Aimless meetings always take more time, do not provide useful solutions, and half of the participants do not know what they are doing there. 2020 is your time to radically raise the issue of the meaning of meetings and make them better. Tesla owner Ilon Musk was the first to realize the benefits of productive meetings.

The billionaire admitted that, having analyzed the work of the company well, he halved the number of meetings. In addition, he encouraged his staff to leave meetings as soon as their presence did not add value. In fact, if you can solve the problem without meeting, then there is no reason to gather everyone at one table.

Stop saying yes to everyone

Our colleagues (and even sometimes the bosses) praise us for our commitment. That’s why we fall into the trap of constantly agreeing to help everyone, saying yes. But only the desire to please others causes stress, you force yourself to do many things, you are being manipulated.

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First of all, you lose sight of your own priorities. Learn to say no. From this, you will not become a bad employee or a bad person. They will begin to reckon with you, you will soon realize yourself how much time you spent in vain trying to please everyone.

Stop worrying about things that cannot be changed.

Too many people spend time on things they cannot control. Do not be one of these people. Everyone wants to feel safe, that is, to keep everything under control. But this can be problematic if we think that everything is in our hands. This causes unnecessary stress, which, in turn, can negatively affect work and personal life.

Control of coercion often arises out of fear. Instead of focusing on how we can overcome it, we try to control our surroundings. This is completely unjustified: more than 85% of the events that we worry about never occur.

Don't be hard on yourself

Positive changes cannot be established quickly. Do not demand strict adherence to all the rules at once. For example, if it is difficult for you to immediately completely abandon social networks in the workplace, then start with a limit of one hour.

If you can’t accept the radical rules of meetings, following the example of Elon Musk, reduce the usual time of working meetings by ten minutes. Then you can evaluate how your performance is changing. Set realistic rules for next year. And always keep in mind that the ultimate goal will be achieved sooner or later.

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