
CV what is it in comparison with the resume.

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CV what is it in comparison with the resume.

Video: CV vs Resume: What is the Difference and Why You Need Both? 2024, July

Video: CV vs Resume: What is the Difference and Why You Need Both? 2024, July

When looking for work, very often you have seen a requirement that you need to provide a detailed CV or resume in electronic form. I wonder what a CV is and how it differs from a resume , what is the difference between them?


Consider what explanatory dictionaries tell us about these concepts. Resume or CV? So, a resume is a very capacious, brief idea of ​​something important from your life. And CV - what is it?

Curriculum vitae, as the dictionary says, is a story about work, places of study, and other life data that are important when looking for work. In other words, a resume should be written in order to talk about work, about your education, work experience, skills and abilities. But CVs are written in order to tell about each place of work, about every specialty acquired during studies at different universities.

Many do not understand at all what they demand from a test subject when they offer to send a resume or CV. First of all, education should be told about the requirement to provide a CV. Then you can go on to describe the work experience in which you can simply list all the places where you had to work, starting from graduation from school and to the present. In this section, there is a technical description of biographical data, the date of commencement of work, the date of departure or moving to a new place. But when they write a resume (not an example of a CV), then it is not necessary to talk about each place of work where you have had to work since graduation.


The resume is welcomed when they emphasize and highlight in bold text or typeface the achievements in different places of work, talk about their successes in different positions. And in CV, is this also welcome? No, neither highlighting nor marking is welcome, but the main thing when compiling a CV is to use personal pronouns of the first person when there are transfers of different duties.

When compiling a CV, one should not mention marital status, nationality, or other personal data. Both in the CV and in the preparation of the resume, the section on your hobbies and hobbies should be tied closely to the place of work for which these documents are written. Indeed, to work as a sales agent it doesn’t matter whether you play soccer or hockey. In CV, it is customary to clearly describe your professional qualities according to the chronology of your career, and in a resume you can start with a description of your best qualities, and then go on to experience working in different positions. In the resume, it is necessary to describe not just the working hours and duration, but to list your achievements, the results of your activities. And after that, you can specify data such as computer skills, knowledge of languages ​​and your education. Unlike CV, your resume will fit on 1 or 2 A4 pages. There’s no need to tell much in the resume. But CV - what is it? It can be stretched to all 3-4 pages - it all depends on the duration of your work. When reading a professional resume, you can immediately make an assessment of the subject and make a decision about accepting a job or refusing admission. But with CV it will not work.

Summary Moments

A correctly written resume will be one of the important reasons that they can be hired. When writing it, you need to take into account the task - to get the reader who wants to accept you into the service. There are no special standards when writing a resume. But there are some important points that everyone is trying to adhere to:

  1. Consider the task that you face when writing a resume.
  2. Use marketing properly when writing resumes.
  3. Make a resume not to be hired immediately, but to get an appointment with you for an interview.
  4. Understand the difference between a resume and a novel or a story; everything should be described concisely and clearly.
  5. Use clear language to describe your accomplishments and descriptions of your career; do not write about facts vaguely.
  6. Make the beginning of a resume very effective.
  7. Write a positive text.
  8. Never repeat.
  9. Share your knowledge and experience through a resume.

The purpose of the summary

A good resume is a document that describes your purpose. What you strive for, your dreams. It is necessary to directly describe your aspirations in the desired post. An important purpose of the resume should be to indicate the motives and reasons for seeking a new job. All this must be carefully prescribed, because such questions will be asked to you at the first meeting with the employer. A professional resume should reflect your best qualities, indicate how you can help the company in your current position, what benefits the company gets by hiring you.


What is CV and how to write it?

When writing a CV, you need common sense first. No standards or sample will help to write a good CV. No need to pay attention to the volume of this document. It doesn’t matter how many pages of text a CV takes, the main thing is to describe everything about yourself in terms of the position you want to receive. It is not necessary to confine oneself to the technical enumeration of where they worked, but to indicate who they worked, what they did, what successes they achieved in their position. But at the same time, you should always try to write concisely, literary opuses are not welcome. If you praise yourself, then clearly, without further ado. You should describe only those hobbies that are related to the position you want to occupy. In no case should falsehood be allowed in the text. For example, you say that you have an idea about the C1 program, and when you ask a question during an interview about the ability to work in this accounting program, you say that you hardly know how. This will jeopardize all other information about yourself that you provide in CV.

CV Writing Tips

CV - what is it, and what advice can we give? When writing, you need to remember what requirements are put forward for the position for which you are applying. Before writing, always study well everything that is required of those who want to get a job.

The written text should be clearly structured in paragraphs, important places highlighted, if necessary, there should be paragraphs and subparagraphs. No need to write in the same font. Write information about yourself as an advertising text about a product that you want to sell profitably. But at the same time, try to be accurate in describing your positive qualities. Emphasize your achievements and skills that will help you when working in the proposed position. The CV writing form should not be very literary, self-description and praise should be concise and sober. It is necessary to explain your strengths structurally, to talk about what you did before that helped your former firm achieve good results. To confirm the truth of the facts described about yourself, try to refer to specific people who can confirm them. Before submitting your CV, try to correctly check the text and design. Check how reading your biography works with loved ones. With the right CV, you will always be successful in finding a new job.