career management

Job description of a medical registrar: rights and obligations

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Job description of a medical registrar: rights and obligations

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Medical registrars are those who work in hospital registries. Despite the fact that this work seems simple and almost imperceptible, responsibilities are assigned to these employees no less than to other personnel.

They are engaged in servicing the patients of the clinic, compile a schedule of doctors, work in the archive, receive phone calls and record hospital clients for an appointment.

During the day, the receptionist does a lot of work, and this is difficult, both physically and morally. For more information, see the job description of the medical registrar.


The employee appointed to this position is a specialist and has subordinates. Only the director of an institution can accept or dismiss him, according to the norms of the country's labor legislation. The employee is directly subordinate to the senior registrar.

To get this job, you need to have a certificate of completion of a secondary professional institution. In this case, employers do not require presentation of work experience. Also, a candidate with a general education can get a place, but in this case it will be necessary to undergo special training in courses and have at least six months of experience in this area.


The job description of the medical registrar assumes that before starting to perform his job duties, the employee is obliged to have certain knowledge, including knowing how to work with primary documents, being able to use computer and organizational equipment.

The employee is obliged to study the basics of labor legislation, internal rules and the charter of the organization. In its activities, the registrar must take into account the guidance, administrative and methodological materials, the rules of the institution, decrees and instructions of superiors, as well as the job description of the medical registrar.


The employee who is hired for this position registers the data of patients of the medical organization who applied to it in order to receive services of an appropriate nature. He must ensure the safety and delivery of patient cards to the doctor’s office, take part in the design and registration of certificates confirming the disability of the clinic client.

In addition, the job description of the medical registrar dictates to such an employee that he receives calls from patients, keeps records and records of clients of the institution, draws up a schedule for appointing doctors. If necessary, the employee may be asked to do their work overtime if this does not go beyond the norms of labor legislation.


According to the job description of the medical registrar of the clinic, this employee has the right to transfer part of his duties to his subordinates and services if it is necessary for the normal functioning of the organization and corresponds to its authority. He also has the right to monitor the implementation of his instructions, to personally request the data and documents that he needs to complete the tasks assigned to him.

If necessary, he has the right to interact with other enterprises and companies, to sign and endorse documentation, without going beyond his competence. The job description of the registrar of a medical institution states that the person holding this position has the right to offer management to appoint, move or dismiss the employee, providing relevant information on the basis of which he made this decision. He may also suggest encouraging or penalizing his subordinates for the quality of the work they perform. Also, the instruction may include other rights that are provided for by the current labor code.

A responsibility

The job description of the registrar of the medical center suggests that he is responsible for the improper and untimely performance of his duties, orders of his superiors and orders of the senior management. He can be held accountable if he improperly uses his powers or uses them for his personal purposes.

He is responsible for providing false information about the tasks performed, failure to take measures to prevent threats to the company’s activities and violation of the rules of the institution. He can also be held accountable for failure to ensure labor discipline and for the disclosure of customer data, violation of trade secrets. He is responsible for the safety of data and documents held by him.

Performance Assessment

Every day, the work of the registrar is evaluated by his immediate supervisor. Once every several years, its activities are evaluated by a certification committee based on documented data on the work it has performed. As a criterion for evaluating an employee, timeliness, quality and completeness of the tasks are taken.


The job description of the medical registrar of the archive can be changed depending on the size of the organization, the direction of its activities and the requirements for the employee. Moreover, this document must fully comply with the norms and rules of labor legislation. The registrar has the right to receive all possible social guarantees. With a good job, getting an additional education, career growth in the field of healthcare and the provision of medical services is possible.