career management

Job Description of the Deputy Director for OIA: Responsibilities and Rights

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Job Description of the Deputy Director for OIA: Responsibilities and Rights

Video: An OIA Conversation with Marshall Islands Ambassador to the United States Gerald Zackios 2024, July

Video: An OIA Conversation with Marshall Islands Ambassador to the United States Gerald Zackios 2024, July

Within each educational institution there is a list of posts that, in a certain hierarchical sequence, are subordinate to the school principal. Standards, duties, rules and responsibilities are determined by the list of norms and provisions approved at the legislative level.

Deputy Training

The deputy director for this matter is the person who is responsible for the implementation of the norms and rules, and also initiates activities aimed at ensuring them. Job responsibilities for this position are established and regulated by job description. It is compiled on the basis of laws and regulations, approved at all levels of the executive branch - from the school principal to the city executive committee.

Main questions

According to the approved order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, deputy. Director for OIA is determined for the position, as removed from it, only the director. During vacation, disability, or other moments, his duties may be performed by the deputy director for educational work. Also, the functions can be performed by someone from the teaching staff. This teacher must have extensive experience and certain skills. The performance of duties during this period is carried out on the basis of a prepared order on behalf of the school principal.

When drafting an order, all the requirements of labor legislation are necessarily observed.

Job requirements

In order to work in the profession, the job description of the Deputy Director for OIA involves a number of requirements for the employee:

  • The deputy director for water management is required to have at least 5 years of work experience in the specialty in teaching and managerial positions.
  • Education is necessarily higher professional.
  • Submission - directly to the school principal (both functionally and administratively).

The job description of the deputy director for water resources management establishes that teachers, additional education teachers, and also class leaders directly report to the deputy. Interaction with them in the framework of official duties must be correct, polite. In case of failure to comply with any paragraph, a list of responsibilities that the deputy director for educational work bears before colleagues and the school management is provided.

Carrying out its direct activities, the Deputy for Water Resources Management is guided by the Charter and normative acts of the region, the Constitution of the Russian Federation and various laws, government decisions, decrees or decisions of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions and regulations of bodies at all levels responsible for education and training of students, norms and rules for Occupational health and safety, the Charter and local acts of secondary schools.

Job descriptions of the deputy director of the school for water management and other posts are stored in the school. In addition, the rights and obligations are governed by the employment contract, which is concluded with this employee, also by decrees, as well as resolutions issued by the school principal, directly by job description.

The job descriptions of the deputy director of the school for water management are drawn up directly at the school and approved by the director of the educational institution. After approval, periodic revisions of the document are carried out.

Considering the approximate descriptions of official duties and rights, one can track that the content in all is approximately the same. The job description of the deputy director for UVR, a sample of which can also be seen on the official website of the Ministry of Education, always contains a description of the main functionality, requirements for the position, rights, duties and responsibilities of the employee in question.

Main functions

It contains the job description of the Deputy Director for OIA of functions that cannot be interpreted otherwise than they are explained by the regulatory and legislative acts of the Russian Federation. It has a list of all directions.

The main areas that the deputy director knows are:

  • Organization of the educational process at school, management of this process, control of its development and implementation
  • Implementation of methodological guidance of the entire teaching staff of the educational institution.
  • Ensuring compliance with the rules and regulations of TB by students and teachers in the educational process.

These requirements are contained in the job description of the Deputy Director for OIA. The general provision, which is part of the instructions, also describes the key responsibilities of the employee who works in that position.

The main directions of work

The job description of the Deputy Director for OIA, the main areas of work in which are spelled out in great detail, contains a certain list of official functional responsibilities. According to him, the deputy director:

  • Plans the activities of a team of teachers, organizes promising areas of activity.
  • Coordinates and organizes the development of the required teaching materials and documents.
  • Coordinates the work of teachers, as well as the rest of the staff on the implementation of plans and programs for the educational process.
  • Systematically monitors the quality of the education process, and also monitors the objectivity of the results of assessing the preparation of students, circles, extracurricular activities.
  • It happens in the lessons, various training sessions that are conducted by teachers (at least 180 hours). Carries out the analysis and informs employees of the results of the checks.
  • Organizes the work of conducting exams and preparing for them.
  • It accepts parents, educates them on issues related to the learning process.
  • Helps teaching staff learn and develop innovative programs and technologies.
  • Controls the teaching load of students.
  • He is engaged in scheduling lessons, as well as other types of activities, ensures the replacement of an absent teacher in a quality and timely manner. Engaged in the journal of missed lessons and lessons replaced.
  • Delivers timely reporting documentation, exercising control over its correct preparation.
  • It controls the correctness of teachers conducting class journals and other necessary documentation.
  • Participates in the process of school acquisition, and also takes the necessary measures to maintain the quality and number of students in the educational institution.
  • It monitors students' compliance with the established rules for students.
  • He takes an active part in the placement of staff and the selection of deputies for job openings, organizes advanced training for them, and develops the professional skill of employees.
  • He supervises the work of methodological associations, raising his own qualifications including.
  • He makes his suggestions on improving the educational process, takes part in the work of the school council.
  • Carries out certification and takes part in their preparation for an assessment of school workers.
  • He is engaged in a time sheet for teachers who are directly subordinate to him (keeps a time sheet, signs it and presents it to the school principal).
  • He carries out activities to equip classrooms with educational literature, modern and high-tech equipment, training aids, and replenishes libraries with literature necessary for conducting a high-quality educational process.
  • Organizes compliance with the rules and regulations on OT.
  • It provides the necessary control over the correctness and safety of the use of instruments, equipment, and technical equipment.
  • Together with the deputy head of the secondary educational institution for AChE, he organizes high-quality and timely certification of all classrooms (classrooms, workshops, utility rooms).

In addition, the job description and duties of the Deputy Director for OIA suggest:

  • Making lists of people who are subject to repeated medical examinations. Moreover, the lists are compiled according to materials received from medical organizations authorized to do so. Mandatory to indicate the factor according to which a medical examination will be carried out.
  • The organization of revisions and development of materials, instructions for health and safety, railways, materials relating to the safety of laboratory and practical work.
  • Monitoring the timely conduct of briefings for students and registering it in the journal.
  • Determining the rules of instruction for traffic rules, behavior on the street and in water, fire safety. The methodology is determined together with the deputy director. Knowledge testing is also joint.
  • Conducting together with the trade union committees public control of safe use, as well as the storage of instruments and equipment, chemical laboratory reagents, manuals, furniture. Instruments and devices that are not provided for by standard classical lists of equipment needed in schools (installed in production workshops and other premises without appropriate permission) fall under special control. If dangerous conditions are created for the health and safety of students and staff, the educational process is suspended.
  • Identification of the circumstances as a result of which an incident occurred with an employee, a student.
  • Compliance with the ethical standards of conduct in a school institution, in everyday life, in a public place in accordance with the social position of the teacher.


Not only responsibilities are listed by the job description of the Deputy Director for OIA. Rights are spelled out in it clearly and in detail.

The deputy for OIA within the competence has the right:

  • To give school employees who are in direct obedience binding orders and instructions.
  • Hold students accountable for actions that disrupt the learning process. This is carried out in the manner established by the Charter of the school, as well as the Rules on penalties and incentives.
  • To be in any lesson that is taught by school students. At the same time, he does not have the right to enter the office after the lesson has begun without any urgent need for this, and also to correct the teacher during the lesson.
  • Make changes to the lesson schedule, if necessary, also cancel the lessons or temporarily connect classes and groups for classes at the same time.


Responsibility also contains the job description of the Deputy Director for OIA. The employee is responsible for:

  • Failure to comply or improper implementation of the School Rules without the Charter, without valid reasons.
  • Failure to comply with school regulations, any legal instructions or orders issued by the school principal, direct official obligations, for not yet applying the rights that are granted. Responsibility is imposed in the manner established by the labor law of the Russian Federation. For gross violations, dismissal may be applied as a punishment.
  • For the use of physical or psychological measures as ways to educate students, the commission of any immoral misconduct, the deputy shall be relieved of his post in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and in accordance with labor legislation. Moreover, the dismissal is not considered in this case as a sufficient measure.
  • Violation of the rules of health, hygiene, fire safety, the rules of organization of the educational process.

The job description of the Deputy Director for OIA is established by the operating procedure, in case of violation of which there will also be liability. For causing damage to the school, as well as to participants in the process of education, related to non-performance (performance) of official duties, liability is assumed. The procedure and limits are established by the Labor or Civil Codes.

Communication with other levels of government

The job descriptions of the deputy director of the school for water resources management suggest that for the performance of his direct duties, the employee will communicate with various levels of authority and responsibility.

According to this, the Deputy Director for OIA:

  • Constantly working in a mode involving an irregular day. The mode is introduced according to the schedule, based on the 40-hour week established by law. The schedule is approved by the director of the college or school.
  • Calculates its activities on its own. Plans are drawn up for each year and every quarter. The approval of the plans is carried out by the school principal for at least five days from the beginning of the period.
  • Prepares reports for the director at the end of the quarter, semester.
  • Acts as the head of the school in case of his absence. Obligations are performed according to labor legislation, on the basis of orders of the director or an order of the leadership of the municipal authority responsible for education.

What is GEF?

The content of the job descriptions is controlled by special standards, including the job description of the deputy director for the OIA. GEF regulates the requirements for this position.

GEF (F - Federal, G - State, O - Educational, C - Standard) is a set of mandatory requirements. Requirements are presented for education at a particular level or for a profession, a field of training or specialty. These requirements are approved by the state executive body. It implements the functions of developing curricula, as well as legal regulation in the field of education.

The job description of the deputy director for water management, as well as any other job descriptions must be compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Revision of documents

The job description of the deputy director for the OIA of a college or school is reviewed at least once every 2 years. Changes to the instructions may be made by the director of the school or college, if necessary, apply changes or clarify educational or educational goals, tasks of the educational institution, as well as introduce directions of activity of an innovative nature, change or optimize the functional structure managing the institution.

The director approves all the changes with the advice of the school or college. The job description of the deputy director for the OIA of the college, the school implies familiarization with all the points in writing.