
How to get an interview? Secrets of Success

How to get an interview? Secrets of Success

Video: 5 BEST Interview Tips - The Ultimate Formula to Interview Success 2024, July

Video: 5 BEST Interview Tips - The Ultimate Formula to Interview Success 2024, July

Job interview - a meeting of the employer and the applicant, the results of which decide on the admission of a new employee. How to get an interview when applying for a job? It is important to follow some simple rules.

The first “meeting” with the employer takes place over the phone when the question of appointing an interview is being decided. The first opinion about the applicant is formed at that moment. By phone, you must clarify the full title of the post, ask basic questions about future work. Immediately find out whether this work is suitable for you, and discuss the nuances that can suppress your interest in the work. This will help save both your time and that of your employer. Hopeless meetings are rarely beneficial.

Write down the full name of the company, contact phone number, name of the interlocutor. Also specify who will be interviewing. It is very good if in a personal meeting you turn to him by name and patronymic. Do not forget to specify the address of the office or other meeting place.

Immediately after a telephone conversation, begin a thorough preparation for the meeting. Prepare clothes, think over questions to the employer, read information on how to pass an interview correctly.

So, you have resolved all your initial questions over the phone. Start preparing the necessary documents: write a resume and an autobiography. Even if the employer did not require it, it is better that all this be on hand. In addition, prepare a passport, diploma (or diplomas) of education, certificates, certificates and other similar things. If any of the certificates is not related to the position that you seek to occupy in this company, leave it at home.

Well study the activities of the company where you go for an interview. When thinking about how to get an interview, remember that you must show the employer an interest in the job. Explore the site of the enterprise, learn all about the direction of its activities and history. Even if this knowledge cannot be applied, they will certainly be useful to you in the future.

Those who come to him in time know how to get an interview. If you are late, most likely you will have to say goodbye to work. Think in advance of the trip route for the interview. It is better to come in advance and wait in the corridor, removing the excitement there and wiping the exciting sweat from the face. On the way, think again that you will answer frequently asked questions, and also prepare your own questions. The main thing is that the answers are true. It is undesirable to embellish the facts and invent something in order to put yourself in a more favorable light. Again, talk with the interlocutor so that he understands that you are really interested in his company and work in it. Very carefully, you need to answer questions about previous works, about your shortcomings and advantages, failures and achievements.

How to pass an interview if you are poorly prepared and not ready to ask questions about the company, since you do not know anything about it? First of all, you need to behave calmly. All that you forgot or could not find out, you can check with the employer. Most likely, he will like it. When answering a question, be concise and calm. Avoid parasitic words and dry answers. Feel confident and courageous, because now you know how to pass an interview for a job, and you will succeed!