career management

How to become a policeman in Russia?

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How to become a policeman in Russia?

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Today, representatives of both the male half of humanity and the female can work as a policeman in Russia. The first requirement is an age range from 18 to 35 years. If you meet him and want to learn how to become a policeman, then you need to carefully study all the criteria by which future defenders of the country are selected. In addition to meeting the required qualities, you should be prepared for the fact that you need to prepare certain materials and undergo a serious medical, psychological and professional commission.

Where are future cops trained

The profession of a policeman, like any other, requires special education. If a decision on future work is made even before graduation, there is an opportunity to choose the right educational institution. In our country, there are three universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which have branches in all regions of Russia and 5 academies. In addition, there are many institutes, schools and Suvorov schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In each of them you can get the appropriate education.

However, if you have not graduated from an educational institution under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but you have a diploma of higher legal education at any university in the country, this will greatly help you in how to become a policeman. Even if you have a different education, if you want to get this profession. You will be sent to crash courses, after which you can apply. At the same time, it is desirable that your education is not lower than secondary specialized.

Documents required for applying for a job

If the first two requirements (age and education) are suitable for you, then you should determine the documents that are necessary for applying for a job. So, the third step of the question of how to become a policeman in Russia requires the following actions:

  • preparation of copies of documents: personal passport of Russian and foreign, diploma of education, TIN, certified work book;
  • writing a job application;
  • filling out a candidate's application form for a workplace;
  • writing an autobiography.

You also need to provide recommendations from at least two law enforcement officers working in the structure for at least 3 years, and documents confirming your income. This can be a certificate from the accounting department of the previous job or from the tax authorities.

Requirements for candidates for service

The next step is to confirm that you meet the requirements. How can I become a policeman? First of all, we need excellent physical fitness. To check compliance with this item, you have to go through a serious medical commission, which consists of doctors of almost all specialties. Usually this check takes at least 3 days. The list of doctors you need to go through is different, it depends on the specific position you are applying for. The standard medical board includes a consultation of the following specialists:

  • oculist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • neuropathologist;
  • surgeon;
  • therapist.

This list may vary depending on the gender of the candidate. For example, women need to additionally undergo examination by a gynecologist and mammologist.

In addition, it is necessary to take blood and urine tests, as well as take a drug test. Then you need to do fluorography and ECG. It is also necessary to obtain certificates from dispensaries about the absence of mental disorders, tuberculosis and sexually transmitted diseases.

Psychological testing and sports training

It is impossible to answer the question of how to become a policeman without diagnosing the psychological health of the candidate. To pass this check, you need to fill out various questionnaires and answer in writing many questions, among which there are those that reveal the degree of truthfulness of the answers. This commission may in some cases include a lie detector test. After the written part, you need to go through an oral interview with a psychologist and answer a number of his questions.

After passing the commissions, you should confirm your physical fitness. It is usually checked by exercises such as push-ups from the floor, pulling up on the horizontal bar and running for a long distance. In the matter of passing these checks, military service will be your advantage.

In addition to health, the biography will also be carefully checked, both yours and the next of kin. Having a criminal record with you or any of them is a guaranteed denial of employment.


If all of the above steps are successfully completed, you will be invited for an interview. The questions that will be asked in this case can be absolutely any. They may relate to your childhood, hobbies, personal life, and future plans. Do not forget that your goal at the moment is the answer to the question of how to become a policeman.

An interview is a very important part of a job decision, so you need to carefully prepare for it. First of all, you need to have a neat appearance. Jeans, sneakers and other attributes of a sporty style are inappropriate in this case. It is enough for men to put on a suit or at least classic trousers and a shirt, shave and cut their hair. Women can be advised in a business suit with a skirt no higher than the knee, comfortable shoes, preferably with a heel, a modest hairstyle, a minimum of jewelry and cosmetics.

During the interview, you need to remember the basic rules of communication psychology:

  • look into the interlocutor’s eyes;
  • Do not cross your arms or hide them under the table;
  • Do not cross legs;
  • behave naturally and benevolently.

The more nervousness you show, the more questions the interlocutor will have.

Beginning of work

If you have successfully completed an interview, then you may soon be invited to work. However, it is a mistake to think that this is the last stage of the question of how to become a policeman. After successfully completing all of the above steps, you will have an internship that can last from one to three months. At this time, the police officer attached to you will be responsible for you. If the internship is successful, you will be asked to start working for a trial period. And only after it is over, it will be possible to talk about the fact that you have started a policeman career.

Women on guard

Recently, more and more women have expressed a desire to work in law enforcement agencies. That is why the question of how to become a police girl is quite relevant. It should be noted that when applying both to educational institutions and directly to work, they do not make special relief for the female sex. Passing commissions and confirming physical fitness for them are mandatory points.

According to statistics, in recent years, the number of girls entering educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has increased significantly. However, after graduation and the start of a career, the fair sex is faced with a choice: family or work. More than 70% solve the issue in favor of the husband and children, and that is why girls are so reluctant to take both to study and to work.

How to become a policeman after grade 9

Many students who firmly decide to be a policeman in the future begin specialized training after grade 9. To do this, you can go to a police school, which is accepted already from this age, or the cadet corps. You can also go to college for a law degree.

If a decision has been made to study at a police school or cadet corps, then it is necessary to confirm its compliance with the requirements of the educational institution. This is the passage of psychological testing, medical examination and verification of physical fitness. You also need to take an exam in history orally and in Russian in the form of a dictation, essay or presentation. After graduation, further admission to a higher education institution is required to obtain a rank above a junior lieutenant.

Our service is both dangerous and difficult …

Thus, the requirements for a candidate for law enforcement are quite high. However, if you want to be not just an employee, but you are interested in how to become a good cop, then first of all you should love your profession and present all future difficulties.

This is the daily exposure of one’s own life to risk, the minimum amount of free time, daily shifts, urgent calls to work and many other difficulties. And only dedication can help you become a really good professional and reach the heights of your career ladder.