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How to become a lawyer: tips

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How to become a lawyer: tips

Video: 10 Signs You Should Become A Lawyer 2024, July

Video: 10 Signs You Should Become A Lawyer 2024, July

It is not enough just to repeat to oneself “I want to become a lawyer” in order to conquer this peak. In fact, it will be necessary to go a long and thorny path in order to master this difficult profession. But even more effort will be spent on then getting a well-paid position.

So let's talk about how to become a lawyer? What is better to do? What subjects are needed to become a lawyer? And where then to look for work? After all, only by understanding these issues, you can correctly plan your future.

Stage number 1: why I want to become a lawyer

Let's start with the philosophical side of the issue. In particular, why a person seeks to become a lawyer. After all, some want to protect the rights of people, others want to fight crime, and still others are based on an ambitious thirst for money. And only having decided on the motives, you should choose a future specialty. For instance:

  • A lawyer is a shield that stands guard over the law. Having chosen this profession for himself, a person becomes a defender of the rights and freedoms of the people, which requires high morality and spirituality.
  • The prosecutor is a sword punishing all troublemakers in the country. For this specialty, completely different qualities are needed. In particular, the prosecutor must be unwavering, fair and a little ruthless.
  • A notary is a multifunctional specialist who is able to work in many areas of jurisprudence. At the same time, you can be both an altruist and a careerist who wants to earn more.

In addition, there are many more ways a person with a legal education can go. For example, you can get a consultant in a large company and prepare profitable contracts. Or go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs as an investigator, thereby choosing a career as a policeman.

Stage number 2: planning the future

After a person decides on a future profession, he needs to correctly plan his path. After all, the essence of the problem is not how to become a lawyer, but how to get the most promising education. That is, if any university with a legal department will do for a notary, then for an investigator it is necessary to find an educational institution with in-depth physical training or a military department.

In general, there are more than 300 universities in the territory of the Russian Federation that are capable of teaching jurisprudence. Therefore, applicants should not have special problems with the choice of an educational institution. The only advice is that you need to be guided not by the cost of training, but by the reputation of the university, as it will be able to become the decisive trump card when entering work.

Stage number 3: preparation for admission. What subjects you need to know to become a lawyer

Preparing for the future profession is necessary even from school. After all, students are required to have excellent knowledge in the field of history and social science. At the same time, the second subject is key when entering a law school. For example, if there is a choice between two applicants with the same number of points in the USE, then preference will be given to someone who has a higher rating in social studies.

In addition, a mandatory requirement is knowledge of the Russian language. After all, how to become a lawyer if you do not know the spelling standards? Therefore, you should prepare yourself for the fact that you will have to give everything up to one hundred percent when passing this exam. Another important point is that upon admission to a military university it will be necessary to pass the standards for physical training.

Stage number 4: the development of personal qualities

If a person thinks about how to become a lawyer, then he needs to be prepared for the fact that he will have to work on his inner qualities. In particular, you should develop features such as:

  • Responsibility, because it is the basis of the entire legal case.
  • Precision and pedantry. Any mistake in the document can lead to irreparable consequences.
  • Strength of character, since most legal processes require decisive measures and the presence of unshakable will.
  • Punctuality and sociability, because they are the key to successful communication with people, which is absolutely necessary at this work.
  • Scrupulousness and observation. Since without these qualities it will be difficult to find a gap in the protection of opponents or the strings of salvation that can change a seemingly losing business.

Stage number 5: do not waste student years

If a person wants to become a sought-after lawyer, then he must use his student years wisely. Indeed, on the one hand, you can have fun while having fun with friends, and on the other hand, pull yourself together and begin to build a solid foundation for a successful career. However, it is not worth explaining which of the options is more correct.

In addition, during training, it is necessary not only to storm generally accepted objects, but also to develop in other directions. For example, consider judicial practices of lawyers who have already realized themselves, study new norms and laws, and also learn to build their own defense strategies and beat them together with their like-minded people.

Perhaps someone will think that such an approach is too complex and only suits the inveterate "nerds." But ponder over what you want to become after graduation: a second-rate specialist or a sought-after professional? At the same time, soberly evaluate how big the difference in their wages is. After such reflections, the fact becomes clear that several years of “cramming” is not such a high price for a stable and secure future.

Stage 6: looking for a place to practice

After the third year, law students can take the position of assistant lawyer. Similar vacancies exist in many organizations and often exist on a voluntary basis. Simply put, a person receives practically nothing for his labors, but at the same time he works like a madman (there are, of course, exceptions). But in this case, it is much more important that the student will be able to acquire useful skills and establish himself as an excellent specialist, which will give him hope for the future.

Stage number 7: make new connections

Student years are the best time to look for new acquaintances. It should be understood that the majority of people from your environment are future lawyers. Consequently, friendship with them will sooner or later help in career advancement. Moreover, having organized a good team, lawyers can open their own business, and then successfully develop in the chosen direction.

End of the path: how to find a promising job

How to become a lawyer in our time? Often the right answer is: to have an education and work experience. So, if everything is clear with the first, then what about the second? Well, in truth, this problem can be solved only by settling in a small legal organization or having good connections. And only after working 2-3 years at such a beginning, you can count on the fact that your resume will be considered by prestigious firms or law firms.

You can also go the other way, that is, get a job in a government agency. The only trouble is that in small towns there are not always vacancies for lawyers. Therefore, you will either have to agree to work in another region, or look for affordable alternatives.